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Messages - EpicAstral

Quote from: darksidessj25 on November 12, 2014, 16:00:35
Huh, I have never ran into a demon before. I would advise you to stay away from them.

Well you are right, i maybe should stay away from them indeed. However, if they are trying to engage me then i would face them. Or any other bad entity (if they are not too creepy tho). But if they are creepy, i try to get over my fear. It's about letting go.
Keep it up!  :-D

I get your feeling. I once had an dream about an weird animal, it was an cross over between a spider and thousand legs bug. It was slimy and moved pretty slow and was kind of big. It produced an high frequency that hurt my ears. I was scared of the sound, since the sound came out of this cross animal into my ear, lol.

My plan is to face demons and stuff, i just want to troll them.  :-D

Good log. The body play tests on itself to see if its asleep, it is annoying at times lol. But instead of focusing that your body needs to be asleep i would suggest that you should focus on getting the mind right and just let the body do his thing (falling asleep). But hey, you are at least getting out of your body so you are doing something right. And maybe you shouldn't try it too hard (like you said yourself) just let it go. But it is understandable to kind of force it, since you really want it bad.
I am moving to an: "I don't care, i am not even trying.'', will see if that brings results.

I feel your sleep problem, i also can't take a nap that easily. I must be REALLY tired. I want to take a power nap to feel fresh but i can't do that. I also schedule my sleep.

keep it up.
Quote from: Xanth on November 04, 2014, 16:02:31
I'm always amazed at the number of people who use that line... yet either have no idea what they're talking about or don't apply this knowledge to their own lives (not saying that's you, btw hehe).  :)

Never used the line but here is a guess: You are an soul who is temporally in an human body and experiences
Quote from: Szaxx on November 11, 2014, 01:56:56
If you go on holiday and have a great time, you will remember it clearly.
A good experience is stronger, you can recall the words ofmany conversations even after 30 years.
Its real, very real to your perception of all your normal senses and a few more when you experienced  :wink:

It seems real, sometimes certain things happen and it feels like they are really happening.

What about vision, is the vision the same as on the physical plane or is it blurry (dream like).
Don't get me wrong, i really want to Astral Project but i also want to have quality sleep. Is it smart to reprogram the brain to be lucid in my dreams or should i stick to AP while not sleeping?
I felt my brain a bit active when i reminded myself to become lucid. should i stop doing it?
Quote from: Xanth on November 11, 2014, 14:12:08
I can "hear" a song playing in my right now as clearly as I would play it through speakers. 
The experience of it is the same whether my physical ears are hearing it or not.

You can create symphonies while projecting.  :)

looool, so you can go to people and say: "let do an orchestra''? :-D
Quote from: Xanth on November 11, 2014, 13:36:33
Well yeah, that's always a fun thing to do.
While projecting, you should be able to reproduce any music and "hear" it while there.  :)

You can actually do this while physically awake too.  Just visualize your favourite music and you should be able to "hear" it.

haha, yes. It is actually an amazing ability when i think off it. But it is not so strong as actually hearing it with an audio device. But you say that you can hear the music better in your head when you are there?
Quote from: Xanth on November 11, 2014, 11:56:55
That's how Adrian (the owner of the site) originally set up the site.
We keep it mostly for historical purposes.  I consider them the same forum... feel free to use them as such.  :)

I see, thanks man.

Quote from: Stillwater on November 11, 2014, 12:24:28
Yeah, that is poorly worded, now that I look at it.

The "Out of body experiences" section is for general discussion about the subject itself. The "Astral projection experiences" section is actually about recounting specific experiences. You can get this clarification if you compare the topic descriptions attached to each. The confusing thing is that the word "experience" is used in two different senses in each heading: in the first case, it is used as part of a common three-word construction to describe the entire field. It is unfortunately the same word used in the section heading just below, where the construction is merely two words ("Astral projection"), that are used as an adjective phrase to modify "experiences", where the section is specifically about experiences themselves.

It seems like an arcane distinction now that I look closely at it, I agree. Eventually everyone seems to get it, but you are right in that it could be better phrased. Maybe Adrian can change it, but he might not consider it high priority  :roll:

Ah, got it. Thanks! For now i don't see anything strange. But i will post here if i see something: "off''.
Quote from: Xanth on November 11, 2014, 12:50:43
It's never as cut and dried like that. 
There are many more factors than just "think of your body and you're back". 

You can project just fine and still have a little focus towards your physical body.
You'll mostly get an overlay type experience... where what your physical body is "hearing" will manifest within the experience.

I am glad that you won't get that quickly back in the body. And it is pretty cool that you can sometimes hear something. I might blast some hits when i am there, lol.
Quote from: Xanth on November 11, 2014, 11:58:34
Have you ever been dreaming and hear a dog barking or something? 
It depends upon how much focus you have towards your physical body.
You'll hear whatever you hear.

It has nothing to do with how "far" you are from your physical body.  You're not actually moving *away* from anything...

I've fallen asleep listening to music or something with earbuds in my ears, and sometimes I can hear it, sometimes I can't.

I see. But if there is focus towards the physical body then you are actually going to exit from the AP? I read many times that when you even think about your physical body you will go to it.

Or maybe you mean in a subconscious form? Something you can't control?
Are there some who met other conscious persons while projecting?

An author of some book AP'd for years but came across only 2 persons who he think were aware of the fact that they are not on the physical plane. He thought that because the 2 persons said some stuff that only conscious people would say and they answered his questions in a fairly quick way.

The author met the first person while the person was with a few people around him. The author said something and then then some people reacted. But one guy said: "No you idiots, we are dreaming!'''. The author exchanged some words with him and the guy even made a few jokes. He was close to having the guy's personal information but then lost his awareness.

Second person was a woman from the 1800's or something. The woman answered his questions fairly quick.  :-D
Quote from: Stillwater on November 09, 2014, 15:19:11

The forum subsections themselves do have descriptions attached to them which describe concisely what each is for. There are also stickies in each which contain information people have felt is useful enough to stick around (primarily tutorials).

Do you have specific questions (for instance, I would like to post a question about astral couches, or I want to tell people my cat is an alien, etc)?

Suggestions are of course welcome, but I would just like a better idea of your problem, if that is alright!

Thanks for being open mind!

Well, the problem are the descriptions. After i entered the sections i saw that there were random topics in sections that probably don't belong there and it made it more confusing.
But maybe i need some better understanding about the sections, either this or some topics need to get moved to their proper place so it won't cause confusion for new members.

1. What is the difference the sections: "Out of Body Experiences!'' and: "Astral Projection Experiences!"?  Since it seems that there are both focused on experiences while you are not in your physical body.
Let's say you put on a headphone and listen to something. Do you still hear it when you are shifted away from your physical body?

Quote from: Kzaal on November 10, 2014, 16:43:06
Most of the time when I started trying to have an AP, right before it happens I would try to move my astral body and end up just like you moving my physical body.

This is exaclty what i do too. I try to float or to roll with my astral body but i then accidentally make my physical body move. It is frustrating. I feel the muscles tighten up when i think about moving the astral body.
Quote from: Xanth on November 10, 2014, 12:35:49
Yeah!  Exactly.  But I mean, he'll probably give you a different reason as to why that would work... but essentially it's what I talk about in this article:

It's about bringing your awareness more into the reality you're experiencing.  In fact, this works (and was inspired directly by) in the physical as well!  I did this not 10 minutes ago in fact... I have allergies and sometimes the allergy pills I take leave me a bit disoriented... so what I do when I feel that way and I simply have no choice but to focus is I bring my entire awareness back to myself.  I take a deep breath... and just take in everything that is me and everything around me.  It brings all of my senses back to where I am and what I'm doing and this pushes away the disoriented feelings.  Essentially, the basis behind the disoriented feeling are that the physical is getting pushed away slightly... so doing what I do brings myself back to the physical.

Likewise, you can do this exact thing while non-physical as well.  When you feel your awareness (or as that author calls it, "lockmold") slipping away... you do what I suggest above and it'll bring your awareness back into whatever reality you're experiencing.  :)

Now also, I wanted to discuss something quickly too...


The question of "how real do AP's feel?" always has to conclude with a discussion of the question "What is REAL?".

It's actually very simple... REAL is whatever you can experience.  Also, to say something is "REAL" is to say that it's 100% genuine.  Correct?
So what do you think that means then when someone says that their Projection was "MORE THAN real"?  Obviously that isn't possible as nothing can be more than 100% genuine. 
It either is... or it isn't.  It can't be partially.  LoL

It's a poor way to describe something such as realism. 

Anyway, I just thought I'd toss that out there... just another example as to how "language" sucks for this kind of thing.  :)

Nice! Definitely going to try it.

Well, what is meant with real is that you are aware of the place where you are, just like on the physical plane. You are full aware of your surrounding and can sense everything as on the physical plane. Basically, your awareness, vision, senses and etc have the same quality as the physical plane's. That is what real is for me lol.

Probably best way to explain it, your senses have the same quality as on the physical plane.
Nice replies guys, i am hoping to experience AP's with full awareness! That is going to be too epic!

Quote from: Xanth on November 10, 2014, 08:15:30
Exactly!  :)

And then they begin to feel "different", like a completely different kind of experience.   hehe

An book author by the name of: "Don''. Used the word: "lockmold''. He says that he could regain his lockmold by doing certain things. He said that he was walking with a boy and felt that he was losing his lockmold and then he grabbed the boy so he could regain it, lol. There are apparently different ways to regain your lockmold so the fun can continue. is that known?
How real do Astral Projections feel? Does it feel blurry (like in dreams) or does it feel like you are still in this dimension (Is that the right word?) but just on another planet?
Although i am new. I am a bit confused by the layout (organization) of the forum. Don't know exactly where to post and stuff.
I can give suggestions if that is ok, i done this in the past and worked pretty well. Forums got better.


Quote from: soarin12 on November 02, 2014, 17:23:22
Ha-Ha!  I did the same thing a couple of times when I was experimenting with my senses.  I wanted to taste something but there was no food around so I tasted a blanket.  It tasted exactly like you'd expect.  :-P

lol, me too. I actually felt guilty eating junk food while dreaming since it feels that it tastes like the real thing. The taste and feeling feels so natural that i wonder if you can get fat by doing it? Loooooool
Nice journey, it's seems that you are giving it your all. 30 Minutes is also the time that i usually stop trying. It is not that i watch the clock but it feels as my energy is low at that time.
As you say, hours may cause a burn out. I really want to astral project but i rather not do it hours for every day. May cause a burn out.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hello!
November 09, 2014, 02:53:39
Quote from: Bluefirephoenix on November 08, 2014, 16:08:33
Actually I'm going to add you are projecting. You don't remember the experiences and are probably not lucid. What you need to learn is how to be lucid and to control the experience so you can go into a direction that is constructive.

I think that i almost came lucid a couple of times since i knew of AP (Since September this year). I was kind of aware that i was dreaming. I tried to read something (a poster) as described in one of the books. It was kind of blurry but i did took some words.

But i rather project while in trance, i rather sleep without thinking about projection. I don't want to keep the mind that busy. Need to have thoughtless sleeps :D
Congrats man!!!!!!!!!!! Is this your first Astral Projection? Nice man.

I haven't AP yet, but read a few books about it, this is what i think. You are not carrying your 100% self into the Astral projection so that's why you are not reacting how you should have. But i think you need to work on your Astral Projection form then. Learn to not be weak and helpless, so yes i would say that you need to grow yourself spirituality.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hello!
November 08, 2014, 13:31:59
Hello guys,

I came her to discuss and ask questions about Astral Projection. Didn't Astral Project yet, but it will change! Read a few books and had some signs that i am probably on the right path.
I am trying to Astral Project for about 1 or 2 weeks. But i listened to Astral Binaural beats since September i would say. So hopefully a change is coming soon.

See you guys  :-D