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Messages - Athensis

How beautiful. This is one of the most inspirational experiences I've read for a long time Lightbeam.
I was thinking it was just about impossible to experience something as magical just now. My connection just seems to have had the plug pulled out. Can I ask, what frame of mind you were in when you went to sleep and did you send any thoughts out before falling asleep?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Sshhhhhhhh
November 06, 2020, 18:24:04
Astral Dynamics under my real name Susan. Ive been there for over 10 years now. I've bumped into you before I think  omcasey on a site that closed down. Was it exploration in consciousness? Cannot remember the exact name but we were talking about experiences in non physical that have involved non human contact (ET) and the reluctance of most to talk about this topic.
I may not say much on the site but I need these communities so I don't think I'm the only one out there with these experiences therefore must be going mad.
Cause I'm not.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Sshhhhhhhh
November 06, 2020, 09:07:48
Lurker No.2 here. Every morning with big cup of coffee sitting in conservatory iPad on lap checking in.I don't like repeating myself too much so because I post my journal on another site  I don't have much to say but rarely miss a morning. I'm working through Frank Kepple's link here and his understanding of the non physical and find it excellent.
Once I found what worked for me I stuck to it and although over time the 'Exiting Body' has now turned more to 'Inwards Travel' the point is each time I feel as if I've stayed consciously aware  throughout the whole process and excursion ( which can be a bit alarming but exciting when it happens  earlier than expected.)
So this is what works for me if its any help for you.

1) A clear intention .   Determination

2) A clear mind.          Solve your problems first and know that you won't create your own  fear images. Be at peace with yourself.

3) Timing.        Find a time that you wont be disturbed and your body will be most relaxed but your mind will not just drop of to sleep. For me from 3 am onwards is my best time . For this I drink loads of water in the evening so I find myself waking up then needing  to empty the bladder around that time.
Back to bed knowing I don't have to get up for a few hours and my body is still very relaxed. Avoiding a heavy meal the night before helps .

4) Energy work.  Energising the body works for me . Some people watch their breath but for me the Robert Bruce New Energy Ways works . Full body circuit will take time that allows me to settle mind as I do it. My favourite is to end With imagining  circling the soles of the feet. Circling....Circling... feet tingle....circling....circling....I can feel my whole foot tingling....circling ...circling...the whole of my legs are alive.....circling continuing and the energy is everywhere. My whole body is alive but my mind is weary but aware.

5) Focus.   Sometimes I will continue with the feet until my legs are first out. Being aware that they are rotating by the knee caps in a way that is impossible, then I just float up. Or rocking backwards and forwards like a baby in a cradle works . Then shoot upwards. Or just stare into the blackness of the brow , no thoughts and see where you end up .

Sometimes I will doze off but because the determination/intention was strong my mind must be programmed that I must wake up and I do and just stare and wait or feet again.

As I say we all have our own way that works for us but this is the best for me.

HOWEVER. A few weeks ago I was in the same setting and tried pore breathing for the very first time and it worked for two nights in a row.! Just felt myself expanding getting bigger and bigger and the feeling of floating upwards, then the show began.
Where was I before I was conceived, before my cells started to divide? Did I just quietly slip in without anyone knowing?     Can I slip out again?
If someone believes in reincarnation they may have a different  answer to those who don't.

By logging all experiences over the years if these were just all illusions created by my mind then what is the greater intelligence that is teaching me, encouraging me, showing me? Often to the side of or behind me. Speaks to me , whispers in the ear, makes  me think deeper, shows me when I am getting off track?
Gives me riddles to work out.

So you asked ' What makes you believe in AP/OBEs?'

When experiencing tunnel vision I know I'm in my bed viewing with my eyes closed. I know my husband is asleep beside me. I know in advance something is coming because the vision screen goes black then I feel I'm going somewhere BUT I know I'm still in my bed but I'm somewhere else AS WELL but no sense of body.

When viewing clairvoyantly I know I'm still in bed and husband is asleep next to me  but visions start coming. The way they present themselves can vary from watching a movie like scene to spectacular silver sparkling visions to pictures disappearIng in a flash, but I don't have a sense of having left my body.

When having what I believe to be an out of body, I've been working the energy body and sometimes its the legs that separate first. They float and bend in ways my physical legs couldn't do . I know I'm separating and still in bed and I know when I'm completely out and know when I'm going somewhere.
The difference from the first two is that this time I have the step by step awareness of leaving my physical body.

This is too big a subject to try to convince anyone else but this is how I categorise what kind of experience I have .

My reasons changed over time as experiences developed.
First it was curiosity. It was a " what the heck just happened". So discovering what our capabilities were that I had spent years not knowing about.
Then it was " who is behind the scenes here? There's an intelligence here that isn't showing itself. Who or what is it?
Then it was compulsive.
I think that if I was truly honest then for the last few years every time I have  a conscious OBE it has been to teach me and to put thought into it, and it has always been relevant to my physical life, so it makes me wonder when I think back to the beginning when I was just experiencing without relating this to current physical life , just how many of these were set up for me? A simulation. I don't know, but one thing I do know is that by taking note of the experiences it  is more precious to me than some may think of the teachings of the Bible.
Hi Grumpy, This experience had me go back in my journal 9 years to when I tried the card trick.
I agree with everything that Lumaza  has just said. ( a very wise and experienced person)
If I was to compare experiences then I used the roll out method and found myself in what I understood to be my bedroom. ( A lot of my work at the beginning was what is talked of as Real Time Zone ( RTZ)  in my house , mostly the bedroom. ) I remember floating downstairs but deciding to hold onto the stair rail just in case I was really sleep walking and ended up with a broken neck . At the same time I floated downstairs so knew that I was really out but just being cautious.

Yes reality fluctuations are spoken of and are quite common. I got to my living room and saw that the fireplace was missing. This was something that I had been thinking of doing in the future but in physical it was and IS still here now.
Also the wooden flooring was down that I had been thinking of doing at that time as but at that time  it still had a carpet down. The noticeable thing here was that it was in a rose colour which I would never choose. But these anomalies were noted at the time.
Floating through to the dining room at a height I remember approaching the tall clock in the corner where the previous day I had placed a card face upwards for this very experiment whenever I was lucky enough to get out again.
I couldn't make out the card, it was as if a piece of paper was over it but in physical there wasn't. I put my hand forward to try to lift off what ever was blocking the view and remember seeing my long thin fingers and arm , holographic, just appear to go through the card. No luck so ended the experience.

The next day I pondered over this and was very disappointed at the result. This was the one time I could have proven to myself that Everything that was happening to me  wasn't all my  imagination.
I remember thinking.... " If I had seen It...JACK OF SPADES .. I wonder what it would have been ? Jack Of Spades".
Twice this Jack of Spades came before I had even put my mind to what it could have been.
Needless to say when I decided to check the card it was Jack Of Spades.

So here goes as to my way of thinking, I didn't just guess. Part of me knew. How? When I was heavily into Robert Bruces New Energy Ways (NEW ) I once met ME. She materialised next to me on The pillow to my right and was so happy to connect. I was looking at her amazed and exited thinking " I can see her! She is prettier". I then became the thoughts of the other me. I was so so happy that she could see me . I was having the thoughts of both these me's, ending with my full attention being in my physical body watching other me signal for me to now go to sleep in a humorous way.

So I don't know why I didnt see the card clearly but the other me probably did, letting me know the next day.
As time goes on and experiences develop there is definitely a part of me that is in more control of the show.

So well done and don't give up. The words that kept repeating over and over in my mind the next day

Lurker's Alert :l :wink:

So far I have never seen any elementals such as Nature Spirits but came upon this topic a while ago that I had a problem with. I didn't believe. I came to the conclusion that without the belief I may never experience because I wouldn't have the passion to follow this line. So my first task was to explore the internet and find serious verification from someone I could believe.
I found an old talk for the Theosophy Society on 'Eyes Of The Soul', by Kurt Leland.I have a great deal of respect for Kurt and have read all of his books over the years.
He talks of walking through a park in Boston and coming across a large old Beech Tree with large roots like a waterfall and was in deep contemplation about this tree and the parts of it when he suddenly saw a 'Great green gold flame extending from the bottom of the tree to the top that had a feminine presence of a head at the very top. 'A tree spirit.'
Then he talks of 15 years later reading a book by Geoffrey Hodgson 'Kingdom of the Gods',in which he had illustrated exactly the same as he saw.
Been on Amazon but book is 1952 and not kindle and minimum price £50.00.
At the time this gave me the confirmation that I was looking for and decided that if I was to really put my attention in this direction I may see something.
The more I read the more I understood that it wasn't enough to just hope and learn but I must truly take in the beauty around me. To appreciate the beauty of the plant, to know all about it and how it operates, and as one reviewer wrote on the book ,'...have to truly emerse our minds in the beauty of nature, a flower, a tree, you may see the wonderful beings of who tend and nurture the kingdom of the Gods, which is nature or the garment of God.
( dont know who said this but beautifully phrased)
Whilst on holiday sunbathing ,around that time , I was in deep thought about nature and the incredible magnificence of a tiny seed growing to whatever it ends up being I picked up an encouraging voice so quickly saying " Investment In The Evolution Of Consciousness". At a later date I saw a vision of planet Earth seen from space and it was all pink. I translated this as meaning to see the world through rose tinted glasses.
Now it could be said that these were just translations of what I was focusing on anyway but when I get these I've always found they have deep meaning and are an encouragement to persue. It's like confirmation that it would be good to follow.
So even though I must have also read this in one of kurt's  books a while ago it went over the top of my head. Clairaudience had not set in then  and I think I wasn't ready. Problem now is my time in nature has almost halted now due to circumstances but I hope one day  the opportunity comes back.
I would love to hear of anyone's experience with nature spirits or any elementals.
Thank you all for your welcome.
Lumaza, I tried a few times over the years to join but never had any success. I tried recently whilst abroad but all my emails requesting membership  'Failed to Send.'  Eventually  I understood I needed to download another 'Mail app'. One I had deleted previously and replaced with a different one. After returning to England I downloaded the App , sent an e -mail and here I am.
You've probably already guessed that I'm a whiz kid on the computer. I can laugh at my capabilities. On the metaphysical side I've practised and practiced and succeeded . On computers ? Well ! Lol.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hi everyone,
January 11, 2020, 16:12:54
Just want to say Hi to everyone here.
I've followed the forum for about 8 years now but always posted my experiences elsewhere . I need to keep learning and to spread my wings so look forward to participating with you all. Cheers . Susan.