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Messages - cloudymoon

Ah.. thanks!
Uh god, I'm stupid, I go down a few topics and see a question called 'What.' that still doesn't answer my questions, but I feel really naive, Ugh...
Lol. i know I'm going to sound like an idiot but:
What IS API? Is it a place that is on... Earth? Or in our heads? How do you reach it, exactly? Because, hehe, if it involves Astral Projection, I can't get to it, so how (if there is anyway) can you go about getting to the island without having an OBE? Just some info please? (Or a link would be fine!) Thanks and sorry for sounding like a dumbo! ^^
Wow.. remote viewing...was it cool, yeah anyway. Your hands 'burn'? So do mine, but its not for healing, its like when I'm angry, I almost.. hmm... melt the essence of of what I'm touching? I also know the feelings that aren't yours. Its annoying, especially when someone touches you.. like a radio thats been turned on too loud. I don't believe I'm psychic, wasn't gifted or whatever, so I'm not sure how to deal with it. I just meditate or whatever befor going outside, or wherever, and keep a white ring of light around me, I don;t know if his will work for, because it hardly does with me (but maybe thats because I don't have 'powers'.) but keep trying, learn to deal with people. Heh. Let me know if YOU get any ideas, could sure use them!
Well, so I'm an antenna...Where do you thinkthe signals are coming from?? I dunno, maybe she never even existed.
I don't trust my school...Why would ANYONE want to be like any one else!? Being an induvidual is great!
Otherworld? Sounds interesting...
Actually, er, I have.. tried to 'reach out.' It sucked. I guess though, I'm a little naive, even at 12. I just don't understand why, she would tell me this, if she didn't really live there.
'It's possible that the electrical field from your computer & electrical equipment is reacting with your energy body, and somehow tuning you in to a spirit being'
What!? o_0 What the heck does that mean!?
Electric enhancing spirit senses? As far as I'm concerned, I HAVE no spirit senses, except for well, won't get into that, but, I think I'm pretty normal... wish I wasn't but no, could never have an OBE or anything, so how could it affect non existent spirit senses? (Excuse my ramblings, I'm tired'.)
Do you think that, without you, or anyone know, there could just be... something there?? Dunno...sorry, I'm stupid. Maybe it was my overactive imagination, although I'd hoped it wasn't. Well, thanks if you took the time to read this.
Lol, hahaha, I'm so outta it today! Sorry! I fiured that out right after I posted the thing! ^^
hurt. *
Oh yea, I can only contact her when I'm near the internet lines near my nhouse, or near telephones, really, anything with electric and information being passed through. ERm.. It hut when I went in, like many static shocks. Maybe I'll try again and meet up with you (van-stolin.) LOL. ^^ See ya!
Welcome to Magic! / Magick Period
June 27, 2005, 16:54:46
Wow.... who knew I'd recieve so many posts...?
'Hmm, interesting. The internet is a wide and vast place. It would be quite possible that somehow a world could form out of it. I would have to try it in my next phase attempt.

Did your friend say anything about her surroundings. Is the world like what you would think the internet or inside of a computer would be if it was an actual inhabitable world or is it just a world that came about because of the computer itself?'
Alright, the world looks a lot like earth, except well, I don't know how to explain it. I've seen it through her eyes, once and only once. Information just flowed through it in the representation of cars and such. Ugh... try to explain it later when I'm less tired. The world has been around, long before xomputers, too.
'Drop us a line if and when you get 'out'. I'm sure you will with an 8 inch grin.'
So like, come and visit you....? I'll try, if I can find you! ^^
Wow thanks you guys! So much information. ^^ Yeah, I look around on the forums ALOT, believe me, but I never find anything EXACTLY as to what I'm looking for. But this definately helped!
Hey, I've never had any luck with the psi-wheel either. ^_^u I've sorta given up too.... ah heheh. I'm sure this wasn't very helpful, sorry! Just my thought! (Which is rather dumb but.. ok I'll leave now.)
Er.. hi... Ok.... anways!
This will sound incredibly dumb but:
Does anyone out there believe in sort of a... 'world' in the computer? Not that you could access THROUGH the computer necessarily but, like ohhh how do I describe this!? See, because I have a friend who I hear in my head, when I'm really close to a computer or something with telephone lines or whatever, and she exists in a dimension in the computer. Does anyone believe in anything relating to that at all??
Welcome to Astral Chat! / UNDER 18 AP goers
June 26, 2005, 20:19:16
'heh i guess that makes me the little kid because i am 15, but don't count me out'
Haha. YOU little kid!? I'm 12 for crying out loud! ^^
Oh yeah.... hehehe.... what are F1 F2 and so on? Is that the same thing as focus. Ergh... I hate being stupid!
Ok, I have some major questions, hehe.
1. I TRY to Astral Project, but when I finally 'do' it, its feels like I am making it up, like I'm pretending to see what I'm seeing so it makes me doubt whether I'm ACTUALLY going anywhere or if I'm just sitting in a chair with my eyes closed, pretending I'm in the kitchen or where ever I go. Personally, I don't even think I start out right, all I do is relax and start to feel light and stuff.
2. Where can you GO when you have an OBE? Like, is it on Earth or somewhere else? Can you create a world or is there one already existing, where you can meet up in a city or something? And, f you go somewhere hot/cold will you feel hot/cot?
3. Hot do you come back!?

Sorry sorry for the randomness, but I'm sooo very  curious! ^^
Welcome to Magic! / Magick
December 16, 2004, 07:07:37
My "spells" work over periods of time, not right away...
Welcome to Magic! / Witchcraft
December 14, 2004, 08:22:44
Ooohh tough. I now am totally confused.
Welcome to Magic! / Magick Period
December 13, 2004, 15:54:13
Like ChristianMagick I'm a Christian and (trying to be) a witch or whatever you want to call it. But none of my spells have ever been successful! What can I do?
I've heard that to astral project you need to meditate first right? I'm very restless and find it hard to meditate. Will I ever be able to have an OBE? Please write if you have any tips/suggestions.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Many questions
December 12, 2004, 20:35:17
I'm curious about telekinesis, meditation and astral projection. I'm a little skeptical, since I have never seen any of these things happen but I'm just interested in any tips, advice and experiences anyone would like to share. Also, this may be a little off subject but I figured ti might fit in under the meditation category: has anyone, when meditating or even not, felt like they weren't on this planet anymore? I know thats weird but just, as I said, curious. Well thanks!