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Topics - astraluminated

Hello everybody,

I had a very nice kundalini experience a couple of days ago. It happened like this; I sat on my bed and started the sahaja yoga meditation, a style of kundalini yoga. and i did several hand movement to bring the kundalini to my sahasrara chakra. the kundalini energy was being blocked at the agnya or the third-eye chakra, and then i said a mantra i learned from sahaja yoga two times and it was like someone opened a door at my third-eye to led the kundalini flow through and the cool energy rushed to the top of my head which initiated a annoying ant-crawling sensation all over my head and then i could feel the kundalini flow like a fountain out of my head and the super-cold energy landed on my legs in a circle around me, the cold energy even went through my legs, it was really special, and of course i felt very peacefull and stuff.
sahaja yoga is really recommendable for those who really wants to work with kundalini energy, and it has not those bad side-effects like going mental and kill yourself, this is the feminin way of awakening and chicks rocks so it can't be wrong right!!!.
I have a question, every time i make an attempt to have a OBE and i lie down and relax and try to clear my thoughts i usually get into this state of enhanced attention and then i also feel no tiredness within my physical body and no tiredness within my mind. The point is, i can't get further than that, i don't seem to be able to go to a higher focus level, does anyone has experienced this and does anyone as a method for getting past this state?
Hello everybody.

Yesterday when i laid on my bed i started stopping my thinking process and getting into F10 mode a bit and then usually my hands would get numb after a while, like sleep paralysis, butt this time it did not really happened. But then by some flew i did something with energy within my body and the sleep paralysis in my hands kicked in instantly, and then i realized that there is a way that i could potentially control the sympathetic nerve-system. So then i tried to wake up my hand again by moving it and rubbing it over the bed, but it would not wake up. So i thought; if i can bring my hand instantly into this state that i should be able to revert the process, so i putted my attention to it and tried to reactivate my nerve in the hand, and within 5 seconds it was awake again.
Now of course i realize that some experienced projectors out there knows how to control and shut down the whole physical nerve system by the act of will so that they could project, I got just a little grip on this awesome technique but have anyone else on this forum mastered this technique?
Because i would really like to know.
some really awesome Qi Qong stuff, found it on occultforums.
Thought perhaps some of you would appriciate this dragon ball z stuff
Hello everybody,

As everybody knows, in a lot of books and literature about philosophy they urge us to find the self within us. And my mother bought a book for me called Yoga teaching. And in that book they say that you have to ask yourself the question; Who am i?
Off course i had done that many times before but i thought; what the heck, lets give it another go. so i did.
So i asked myself 'who am i'a couple of times and began to eliminate what i am not, such as my body, my thoughts and my emotions because what one can perceive, one can not be, because if there is something of which you can separate, then that something can not define your self.
After that process i just remained with I I I I like me me me me. So many wise man say that the I is the ego and the self is also not the ego, so i was thinking where that self is, so i started looking in the spaces of my mind behind the concept of I, past the ego. And i felt myself digging deeper into that kind of void that lies past the I and ego.
And very oddly but true my attention got redirected to the area around my hart-chakra and that chakra started to get very active and a lot of pressure was building up there. And that experience explained allot.
According to the Hinduism the self or the spirit, our true essence recite in the hart-chakra where the goddess Shiva also recites.
The objectives in certain yoga teachings is to bring the spirit, the self in the sahasrara or the seventh-chakra by means of awakening the kundalini shakti.

So i was wandering if some of you could also try to find the location of our true self, to get past the ego and shared your findings. Ofcourse whe all know that the spirit or the self is in the hart but it would really be funny if whe could all physically confirm that.

well, hope to hear from anyone :lol:
Hello everybody,

my brother found this movie on the net that is really interesting it goes about ufo's and alliens and some other interesting stuff especially the end makes it all worth while.

Perhaps whe can discuse this video when some of you have watched it.

Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / finaly
February 24, 2006, 10:49:00
Hello everybody, i finnaly had my first obe about 2 weeks ago, could not wright urlier because computer was down.
well it went like this;
Well at the evening i listened to boxed nirvana 2 and went to sleep, and had a dream that i was in a large mall, It happened to be that i was lucid and my basic instinct took the best of me and i started bothering ladies because i was off course in control. well after herrassing some girls i got tired of doing this and because i was bored i took some piece of stone and started wrighting OBE on the concreet floor of the mall. and well i started getting back at my body but i firmly continuet to wright that until i was pulled back to my body, but i was actually pulled back to my astral body and whit my consciousness in my astralbody i started swinging in my physical body and after some effort i got out and flouted in my room could not see anything so i decided not to try because that would problably pull me back. so i continiut on touch alone, when i felt the floor i putted my astral hand through it, pretty funny that was. then i pushed my whole astral body through the floor which felt kind of cold, but the funny thing was that when i wanted to push myself from the floor with my hands my hands did not went through the floor. so intent is everything on this level of excistence.
after about 30 to 45 seconds i got pulled to a astral plane from the real time zone. I got in some kind of coastal small town. everything was solid unchangable by my imagination. It was morning so people where getting ready for the new day. and i flew around somewhat and tried to fly to space but my awareness level wasn't high enough for that, so i gave that up after a few tries and went on flying through the city and went visting a house where people where getting up from bed, but they did not see me, only theire jack-russel dog, he was barking to me, and the owners where looking strangely in my direction but did not saw me, i found that very amusing but decided to leave them alone and flew out off there house and saw the ocean in a distance, and i decide to try to fly right in it to see if it would take me back or if the projection would continiu.
After flying to it i dove in and saw a bright yellow lightflash before my eyes and i was back in my physical body, and remembered everything perfectly.

A few days later i again got back from a dream and started rocking in my physical body but did not managed to get out of it, but i did got my astral right arm separated from my physical arm but everything else was still in place. and i also saw my astral arm flouting above my physical arm, however this did not really excited me nor got i scared, again i found the situation rather amusing and i started pushing my astral hand through my phisical body, which felt pretty funny but my astral hand felt kind of cold in my physical body, but pushing through my bones was much more difficult. after about 50 seconds i lost control over my astral arm and my consciousness moved back to my physical body.

Well thats about it for no, but whenever something new happens i will post it on this thread.

Hello, i had a question conserning yogic flying.
Does anyone know the technique as taught by Maharishi yogi.
I have been searching the web for some time but i got only vage explanation, because the ones who knows try to desparately keep it for them selfs. most say you need to learn transcendental meditation, in order to accomplish yogic flying, but perhaps someone on this forum know something about this particular technique.

Hello everybody off astral pulse,

I have already known this forum for some time but decided since recently to join.
I must say that this is one of the greatest resource on the web on the given subjects. So i am happy to be here.

A little something about myself now:
I am a 22 years old boy and i live in Belgium, i have been studiing parapsychology and other related things like OBE's and yoga and kundalini.
And about three months ago i started sahaja yoga, wich is a form of kundalini yoga and i am going to do a atma yoga training in the ardennes at the Hara krisna conscious movement at radhadesh which is for 40 day long and six days a week, so pretty intense. And i hope it will aid me on my spiritual path.

Well see you on the forums,

