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Messages - DOA

I have been trying to do what you said roy but I really havnt felt anyghing.  I am not sure what a rush of endorphyines is suppose to feel like?

HI steve

Sorry to butt in also but I have been trying for seven years to master AP.  Id have some success but then never be able to recreate it.  I feel I am starting to make progress now tho becouse after 7 years I finally learned something.  I believe it is not necessarily the tech you use but that you dont expect anything and that you give the tech time to work.  I would give it at least 6 months.  By doing this you take all the pressure off yourself and can just relax into it.....  Which really what is necessary to project.  

to keep out stray thoughts is the goal.  If you can do your projection tech and just concentrate on that or one thing like a mantra.  When you concentrate on one thing it actually brings you closer to the sleep awake boarder line.  So I belive its more difficult to just lay there and wait for something to happen.  But just like everything esle there are people who can do that too.  But they keep there mind quiet and just listen.  Try differant things but have tried alot of them and the best thing that works for me is concentrating on one thing or one set of thoughts.

There is another thread that says Delta is the state you go obe from?  Which is correct theta or delta?

Me personally?

I started a long time ago.  I am not a totally bad person but the church teaches you that even if you think it it is a sin.  I was worried about what happens to you when you die.  I saw a movie about NDE.  I went to book store and got a couple of books on NDE.  Well in one of the books the lady mentioned having out of body experiences as a result of her NDE.  So I went out and bought a few books on obe.  So my first reason was to learn out of body so I could meet god.  

Roy ive looked all over that web sight but It doesnt really say how you stimulate the amygdala.  Can you go over exactly how you do that?

HI I am no expert or anything but I have experienced astral travel a few times.  

Fist  Where in this body is our soul/astral body/higher self located?
Well there are alot of differant views on this but if you take there are differant planes or dimensions we being on the physical there are several nonphysical dimensions.  Some say the soul is same as higher self which resides on a much higher frequency plane.  The astral body is a duplicate of your own body which surrounds your physcial body it is just at a slightly higher frequency.

Is our personality part of the soul or the body?

I believe our personality is part of the soul not the body but your personality is influenced by your physical lifetime.

How does evolution fit into the picture? Do you believe in it?

Evolution of the body?  or soul?  I belive that is why we come here to incarnate into a physcial body to spiritually grow.  Going through many lifetimes gives you more experience and you learn what is truly important.

Maybe we all evolved from animals first or plants?  Our souls are those before we graduate to being human.  Not sure about that one havnt thought much about it.  I believe they have a consciousness tho.

) What do still-born babies and miscarriages look like in the astral(assuming that they had souls)? Siamese twins(perhaps two souls in one body)?

If you belive in reincarnation then maybe the lesson learned was not for the baby but for the parents or loved ones.  When someone dies according to Robert Bruce the eventually lose there etheric energy which sustains the nonphysical body.  Once that happens the soul or consciousness goes to where its was suppose to go.

What is the purpose of dreams for those of us who do not have OBEs?  

Dreams are the subconsciouss way of helping the conscious mind through its problems.  As far a Deja Vu the out of body state is a no time state which means you are out side of time.  Deja Vus are probably just your partial conscious memory of experienceing that again.

Does being able to astral project in the present life give you any sort of advantage?  

I belive it does.  You can evolve faster by exploring nonphysical reality.  When you reincarnate you go back to school so to speak.  You lose all memory of your previous lives.  Through out of body you can learn about those past lives and any number of things.  Which helps your soul evolve faster.  When you die you go to a place.  You dont really have a choice you just go where like minded peaple go.  It could be one of the belief system territories or where ever.  You die a relative comes to get you and you go.  When you explore out of body while still alive you understand where differant people go.  Yuo then will have a choice.  You wont be locked into one belief system..  

I have had a few experience with tubes but here is my most memeorable one.  I was trying to have lucid dreams but everytime I became lucid in a dream ID wake up.  Very frustrating.  I had a black and white dream where I was walking down a city street.  I realized I was dreaming and instead of getting all excited like I usually do I just put my head down and said whats the use ill just wake up right away anyway.  Well after like 5 more steps I realized I didnt wake up.  I had remained calm that is why I didnt wake up.  Well at that point I stated I wanted to go and see so and so.  A big wind picked me up and blew me in the air.  I was flying at a fast rate of speed heading straight for a building.  Just before I was to hit the building a tube opened up and I was in it.  It was a dark brown color with patterns on the walls.  I then saw a light at the end of tunnel and I went through it.  I then landed on the person I requested to visit.  You know how you get that jerk awake thing or you see someone sleeping and they jerk, well that happened.  The person I visited didnt wake up as it was at night.  I crawled off of them and I said oh great there asleep what am I going to do now?  I then noticed a light behind me and movment.  I know not what it was but I started to get frightened.  I looked down and said out to who ever was there you cant hurt me.  Then I woke up.  I went from a black and white dream to much more vivid color and substance.  I believe I really did go to RTZ and visit that person...    

I would like to order some OBE's to go.  Have them delivered tonight and everynight right before bed time.  Oh and I'd like a side order of Lucid dreams as well.  And if the Delivery boy isnt late I'll give him a big tip....[8D]

Face it.  To spiritual realm your life is a open book.  They can look at you and tell if your anger or sad or scared or if you are enlightened or whatever.  It is said your guides are with you all the time.  They know everything about you.  If you are skilled enough projector you can go into almost anyones house.  Sure there are people skilled enough to keep you out as well.  When out of body you cant hide what you truly are to those who are looking.  Now usually the ones that are skilled enough they have no intrest in real time zone.  When there is limitless places to go and learn why stick around my bedroom or house.  SO just think that you live in a glass house with glass walls.  

There are several CD's out there is this the same as the Holo-Sync cd called the Immersion?  This also has heavy rain fall.  I also founs some by Dane Scott called ultra meditation.  They have Ultra meditations like 1 thru 5.  I know number three is suppose to be delta which is suposidly where you obe.  
I was listening to the Delta cd and I fell asleep and woke from a dream and I could  tell the vibrations had just passed I had that feeling.  But I also had the feeling that the vibrations were in my tounge.  It literally felt like my tounge was missing.  I swallowed and felt my tounge and watched it and then it felt like it disappeared again.  
Last night I was listening to the CD again and it was the first time that night listening and I could tell the vibrations were close but I just couldnt get them.   One thing I am starting to learn is it takes more time to preview these things.  I use to try for a week or 2 at most and if I had no response then Id try something else.  But I am realizeing that it can take several months on one thing to get results...

Thanks Celestial but I have to admit that after those 2 days of intense practice I took almost a week off.  I just had trouble mustering the energy.  I think that has been a problem for me in the past.  I would practice on one technique for like a week or 2 and then I would try another tech.  I need to stick with one technique for like 6 months just practice that one.  I cant stay up every night for hours on end either.  I was getting a headache hehe.  I also noticed that several nights I wouldnt even feel a thing.  So I didnt even bother with trying anymore.

Last night I did have a experience tho. I started the Holo-Sync tape called awakenings becouse I read on another thread that obe was delta state and this cd suppose to be all delta.  When I used the F10 tape it was a tape that didnt have automatic rewind so when tape shut off it made a noise enough to rouse me from my light sleep.  I think that helped me wake up enough to realize I was asleep.  The CD player I bought there is no loud shut off.  I noticed I fell asleep during the tape and woke up naturally with the cd not playing.  Well anyway I am having a dream that I am on a ship and it is sailing in night.  There is a storm and I feel the waves.  I look out the cabin window and all i see is dark ocean in front of me.  I ask my wife where we are going she says i set the course I said no I didnt.  I then look out side and the ship is by land and like going down a river.  I am kinda confused where I am and I feel a little fear becouse the waves are high.  I get the feeling of something dark watching me. I wake up at this point and I have alot of fear.  I lay in bed and I have the feeling that I just got over the vibrations.  I realized they had just happened and I realize I was partically out of my body and that was the wave feeling I felt.  I also felt the fear.  I then realized I couldnt feel my tounge.  I felt like my tounge was still in the vibrational state by that I mean I could feel the tip but couldnt feel anything else till the throat.  It really felt like the tounge was just gone.  I swallowed and I felt it and then in a sec or 2 it felt like it was missing again.  Then my wife must have been having a dream as I heard her start to mumble like she is struggling.  I cant help but think the fear I felt and her having a scary dream are related.  I tried my best to reamin calm and to relax and do mental falling to reach vibrational state.  I will not let the fear overtake me and if I let the fear keep mainifesting then it will be harder to project next time.  

So tonight I will go back to the I will lay there till I get some results even if it takes all night.....

Determinded DOA
all i was doing was laying down relaxing and doing the mental falling technique the robert bruce used to get into trance state. I would just do that till I felt the vibrations.  I let go enough where I would almost fall asleep or fall asleep for a second that is when I would feel the vibrations is just after I realized I had fallen asleep for a sec then I started mental falling again.  

No leaf where did you get your info about the year 350 ad for when they changed there teachings regarding reincarnation.  Any sources would be helpful

First I am catholic as well. I was not raised as catholic but converted when I got married.  Sometimes my wife is kinda prudish about sex but I understand what she means and how the church influenced her.  I dont think sex is bad.  If you are having fun in what ever way you do it it is ok especially if both agree.  Now where it becomes a problem is when it is obessive or abusive or if you start lusting after every women you see then its a problem.  

Monks abstain from sex becouse there is energy release when you have sex.  They try to keep all that energy inside so they can do there monkly things whatever that is.  Again I think that is taken to extreme as well. I think you need to be balanced in all things.  

Try having sex before you plan on having a obe.  That might make the desire not so big and you wont have all these things trying to get you.  When I overcame it I knew it was me I knew I created everything.  It sounds like it might not be all you that other things are coming to you.  For me I realized it was stopping my spiritual growth and I had to stop it if I wanted to progress so I did.  If its exteranl sources coming to you that is differant.  Try protection techniques and things like that...  Key there is finding something you believe in to remove them like maybe a cross or something.

Oh man have i been there.  I couldnt project didnt have the skill and when I had the oppertunity I was scared.  I then started having lucid dreams and as soon as I would get lucid Id wake up.  Then when I did get more control I started having sexual urges.  Id go looking for them  as soon as id realize I was dreaming Id get that feeling and then I would look for someone to have sex with.  Then Id wake up. Finally I got mad and when I became lucid I yelled at myself and it pretty much stopped.  But that was my trigger i mean i would realize i was dreaming when id have sex with beautiful women that never happens that is how I knew I was dreaming hehe.  Well have you read William Buhlman's book adventures beyond the body?  In there he says as soon as he leaves his body there will be a ton of entities there.  What he does is use white light to make them leave.  He said he made a grenade of light and throws it in the room and he said they scatter hehe.  Id look at his book maybe you can find something usefull there.

Well if you download the cd of kazaa does it reduce the effectiveness of the cd?  Like downloanding any one of the hemi sync tapes?

Even before you get to the rope tech my advice to you is to master the relaxation and trance state material.  That is the real key to obe not rope.  

As far as pulling on rope you are trying to pull your astral body out not pull a rope into you, but try everything and everyway.  When you pull look for how your body feels.  Do you feel anything like tingly or does it feel like your pulling your astral out of body?  When you feel like it is making sometype of energy movment with your pulling then concentrate on that.  Forget the body at that point and try not to refocus on it.  You will end up looking for sensations or anything differant with the body and that will keep you in.

I have had same problem with tensing muscles that means you are too into it.  Try to make it all mental.

I also read somewhere on these forums that you cant pull on rope forever most people dont have the concentration for that.  Use a mixture of techinuques like do rope for 5 min then put hands out like your praying feel them in that position then when concentrations waivers on that one go back to rope.  That gives it a good mix.

Evey time I do my projection tech I get the clicking or popping in my nasal cavity.  I thought it was some kinda of physical thing like some part of my tounge or nose or air moving but have ruled tht out.  Ill relax and lay down and do mental falling and then always on the exhale ill hear and click or pop.  Ive experimented with this alot and its not physical.  I have heard it is either the energy centers opening I have also heard that it is a projections symptom maybe im going slightly in and out.  

I have also heard voices and in several documents I have read it says that your energy body expands during a projection.  Your conscioius mind tryies to put things into catagories.  So when you project and there is something that it doesnt understand it tries to catoragize it into something familiar.  The energy movemnt in body might kinda sound like voices becouse that is what your conscious mind is hearing but its just energy body movement noises..

Another thing I would strongly suggest you try is, when you get to the vibrational state, simply remain neutral and allow the experience to unfold.

Yes I have lost the vibrations on almost all of my attmept becouse of lack of control.  I am so excited that I did it I cant wait to get out or ill have some fear for a second   then they stop.

Ideally (while I fully respect the fact it is your experience and all that) your goal should be (IMO) to move directly away from the real-time zone around your body and travel directly to the Astral.

well once I have more control over the vibrational stage then I will see where to go.  I know me and if I think too far ahead I lose the moment.  I think that was one of my problems before is fear and lack of concentration.  I had too many things in my mind to do so I am slowing down and doing one thing at at time.  My plan is to get to vibrational stage on a regular basis.  If I project from there that is a bonus.  

Last night I went to bed but my son wanted to sleep with me so it made the experiment a little more difficult.  I will not say impossible becouse I've still had things happen even with wife or kids next to me.  In fact on one occasion I was laying down with one of my sons and we were drifting off to sleep and I was thinking lift up lift and my son had the jerk awake thing.  I experimented with that on several occasions with differant sons and everytime they would have the jerk awake thing.  So I know my thoughts affected them as well and I could lift there astarl body out of there body.  

Well last night I went to bed with the intention of staying awake till I felt the vibrations.  I went and laid down with the F10 tape and played it and played it and played it.  i also tried mental falling and looking at darkness.  I did this for like 3 hours and finally said ok ill roll over and go to sleep.  Well I wasnt asleep long where i was barley aware of myself lying in bed.  I didnt feel the vibrations but I felt a little differant.  I slowly rolled over and as I rolled over I knew I was leaving my body.  My awarness was kinda dim.  I did the tech where you grab your finger and pull and if you are out of body it should stretch well it didnt hehe I did feel my finger and I felt my knuckle as well.  I then mentally commanded myself to go to front door.  Now I was expecting to go out of bed room and down stairs to the door but I Proceded to go over the bed and my body and out the window.  I got stuck in the window but wiggled my way out and then I went down to the ground.  At this point I still had no sight and as I left the window I got a clear image of it but not sight.  My awarness was around my body no further.  I then was going to move furthur away from the body to get sight and then I woke up.  
What all the occurances had in common from the vibrations to the actual exit in my last successful 4 attempts by successful I mean reaching the vibrations has been I have fallen asleep for the shortest of times.  Could be only seconds but my constant practices have at least allowed some vibrations.  Compared to my previous years I am making great headway.  [:)]
So I must learn to master the awake sleep line.  I must learn to get my body asleep and mind awake.  Again tongiht I will go to bed and not sleep unitl i have another vibarational state.  

It's just that it seems so far a few in between entering the vibrational state.  Took me for ever to finally get there.  I played the f10 state tape 3 or 4 times.  I did notice that I fell asleep for a few sec before this.  That happened last time too I fell asleep for a few sec first.  

Well as far as meditation it is mainly the full body circuit that
Robert describes in his NEW energy ways.  But when it cleared my sinus I was doing the mental falling which is a technique to put you in trance state.  It only makes sence that When you sleep your energy body expands and I am sure that is what I have been doing but how far it expands I dont know.  I have only gotten the Vibrations 2 times out of maybe 15.  The vibrations were not strong enough to let me out of body though once they may have been but I got to excited.  Now the trick is to be able to bring back the vibrations as i it was in the first 3 or 4 attempts that I had the succuss.  They are elusive and I want them to come back...[:D]
Im sure it was a aspect of him that was aware of the astral state.  As in the monroe books I remember reading where he ended up in a bedroom and a little girl was on the floor and the parents were sleeping well there bodies were but they were afraid with covers over most of there face.  The little girl said I know what you are you are a traveler.  Remember that?  Well the trick usually is gettings someones subconscious to wake up to that reality.  

Frank can you explain the exchange territories for me?  I think I understand the belief systems territories.  The belief systems are not bad they are just locked into a certain way of thinking they dont see the big picture.  Is that correct.  The exchange territories is what where someone see the big picture?