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2012 is too soon!

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QuoteYou don't actually... BELIEVE... in that... do you?

Believing has nothing to do with it. Closing your eyes doesn't stop the genocide going on in Darfur.


Quote from: sk8chik on September 16, 2007, 19:14:46
Believing has nothing to do with it. Closing your eyes doesn't stop the genocide going on in Darfur.
It is true that we human beings tend to close our eyes to the unpleasentness of life, and the world in general.  I think thart is some of what people hope for in regards to the 2012 prophacy.  It is certainly my hope that not only will humanities eyes be opened in ways they have never been before, but also that there will no longer be anything we need to close out eyes to at all.


Hopefully one day time as we know it does end...but we persevere.
I can promise you, all life won't come to an end in 2012.


I read some prediction somewhere i think it was nostradamus. that spirituality will transcend science. I think something will happen, but not that everybody will die or anything, maybe some shift in consciousness and awareness. And a massive breakthrough in spiritual awareness.
and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


Yes well I think truth does not succeed by slaying it's opponents, instead it waits until they die out. I've always seen it as a matter of time.

Jimi Hendrix said "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace". The knowledge from science is so often used for power.

Love to everyone :-)

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


According to some studies done, time is rapidly speeding up.  You can actually realize this just by the inventions of the times.  Everything is getting smaller and faster.  You don't have to sit down and plan your meal and cook and clean, you can fast food it.  The cars are smaller and faster.  Appliances are quicker and easier.  I think we are scaring ourselves by bringing the future to us so quickly.  We see that what is happening is happening but we can't stop it.  Is 2012 a good place to stop?  The Mayan civilization stopped way before then.  Who is supposed to stop in 2012?  Did the Mayan people write on their calendars in the time they had that the earth would experience a cataclysmic upheaval that would cover all of the on-land pyramids in 2012?  Which one of the pyramids on this earth is under water yet?  How come the writings found with these pyramids are said to be from times long long ago?  Has there ever been an axis shift?  I believe the earth is being sqashed and in 2012, we will be psychically transported to Jupiter.


Jupiter is apparently supposed to become another sun in the galaxy according to the 2012 website. This theory I don't adhere to at all but I thought you might like to know. There has been many pole shifts and axis tilts.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.