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Yoda Wisdom is a good one, Yoda is too cool!  :-D


Quote from: Ignazio on December 20, 2009, 01:05:27
Thank you Dragohad,
  Everyone take this in regard, A human brain only uses 5-12% of it brain use. Imagine if we master our conscious and subconscious, Imagine a life using 100% of it powerfulness, Imagine how smart and powerful our mind can me?

normal is 7%, the egyptians found the key to unlock the mind, using 100%.
There is said that egyptians obtained knowledge from a black box.
Great knowledge can only be obtained by outcoming forces.
The egyptians obtained knowledge from a star called sirius, also called "the great provider".
They obtained the knowledge from sirius by traveling there, spiritualy.
They might have traveled during Astral Projection.

Btw, i was thinking of the iluminati and theire way to enlightenment when i came up with this;
I think that true enlightenment is reached by love, the way of understanding and feeling the "everything".
A person that does not feel love cannot find true enlightenment since the enlightenment is beeing in harmony and love with everything.
They have a goal that is totaly meaningless with their intensions.
Hmmm i messed this up, i have no clue on how to explain what i mean

If annyone have information regarding Sirius, symbolism using sirius or info about Atlantis please send me a pm :)


I get quite annoyed with the whole bunny's and rainbows idea

50% of the universe is negative giving us light waves sound waves yin yang etc. all this screw everyone else and run off to the land of the light bulbs is exactly why it takes thousands of years to get anywhere.

if you look at a child there love is love and there hate is REAL hate totally honest and not corrupted by dogma.

and people seem to think the brain and the mind are the same. you use 100% of your mind always and as much of your brain as is needed for motor functions and storing information. you are a giant sphere that covers all of life made in the image of god so how can you afford to abandon vast parts of life in favor of what seems pretty to you now.



Quote from: TheGreatProvider on January 23, 2010, 22:04:45
normal is 7%, the egyptians found the key to unlock the mind, using 100%.
There is said that egyptians obtained knowledge from a black box.
Great knowledge can only be obtained by outcoming forces.
The egyptians obtained knowledge from a star called sirius, also called "the great provider".
They obtained the knowledge from sirius by traveling there, spiritualy.
They might have traveled during Astral Projection.

do you think that was why they built the pyramids? cuz they align up perfectly with sirius, alpha draconis, and 1 other star......
i'd like to think they were soul chambers that were like teleportation areas or something that they transported themselves to where they needed to sirius and alpha draconis.
who knows for sure right? i mean its not like we can ask them or anything....they all died out and a new breed of egyptians took

we may never truely know....~shrugs~

<edit> oh and btw here's a link for more info on Sirius.
"Hear me ,ye peoples of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet."
<Liber AL vel Legis 2.17>


Quote from: Dragohad on January 26, 2010, 09:02:59
do you think that was why they built the pyramids? cuz they align up perfectly with sirius, alpha draconis, and 1 other star......
i'd like to think they were soul chambers that were like teleportation areas or something that they transported themselves to where they needed to sirius and alpha draconis.
who knows for sure right? i mean its not like we can ask them or anything....they all died out and a new breed of egyptians took

we may never truely know....~shrugs~

<edit> oh and btw here's a link for more info on Sirius.

Well i have done some analyzes considering advanced architecture and such.
I am a Music Producer, one day at my friends place i had an idea.
He listens to alot of drum and base.
The Futher back in time you go the more complicated and more details you find... for an example, architecture.
When it comes to music, i noticed a tempo change over time. look at mozart for an example.
Hes music was slow and every note was carfully composed. Now we listen to House music and trance wich is ALOT faster and more simple.
Look at the new houses beeing built. there is no details.
Our mind has shaped for doing things fast and therefore experience things fast.

I got a bit of topic hehe.
About the pyramids. The architecture reflects theire great developed minds, since they allways combine theire inner intellegence with the physical. I do not belive that the pyramids was grave chambers.
Theire secrets is still in work in todays society.

It is possible to communicate with the ancient egyptians.
Some people feel like they belong in egypt, perhaps reincarnation. Those people need to unlock theire minds and communicate with theire higher selfs to relearn theire esoteric ways.

If you pm me i can teach you some of the ancient egyptian esoteric ways... if you really have a desire to learn of cource.
Thanks for the link!


I love you all :-D
P.S: we are all one.
In the darkest place the littlest light is the brightest.~vladjackguy


There can be only one.  :-D


"Hear me ,ye peoples of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet."
<Liber AL vel Legis 2.17>


You by being the one, we are all one too lol as confusing as it can be it's true :)
In the darkest place the littlest light is the brightest.~vladjackguy


oh so true. but i was pulling a jet li thing on the movie the one. lol anyone see that movie?
"Hear me ,ye peoples of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet."
<Liber AL vel Legis 2.17>


Sure, that's the one where he goes around the multiverse and kills himself in all them, in order to become the most powerful guy in the multiverse.


exactly! hahaha....are you my copy in this multiverse?...hahaha j/k
"Hear me ,ye peoples of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet."
<Liber AL vel Legis 2.17>


I was always curious how they came about such a strange, finite number of universes in their multi-verse.  Hmm


Easy: hollywood has a budget


One question.. If You live a life with stress, you'll start to manifest a bad life... But than what's the use of going to school, work when all it does is bring you stress to your life?


I enjoy learning and it doesn't seem to give me stress to study / take exams. I have taken a few pretty tough mathematics and engineering courses and enjoyed taking every one of them.

Work on the other hand... If you have a crummy job that you hate, then it might bring you quite a bit of stress. But they say that you should pick a job that you would do even if you weren't paid to do it.


Quote from: Ignazio on February 03, 2010, 18:42:55
One question.. If You live a life with stress, you'll start to manifest a bad life... But than what's the use of going to school, work when all it does is bring you stress to your life?
I loved school (at least college.)  I loved it so much I kept changing majors when they tried to graduate me.  If I won the lottery I'd probably go back to college and learn all the stuff I didn't get the first three times. 


Quote from: Ignazio on February 03, 2010, 18:42:55
One question.. If You live a life with stress, you'll start to manifest a bad life... But than what's the use of going to school, work when all it does is bring you stress to your life?
Who says that you'll manifest a bad life due to stress?
Stress isn't inherently bad.  It's how you manage that stress which will dictate your life.

If you're the type of person who can't handle stress, then yes, you're going to dread every drop of it you get.
Likewise, the opposite holds true... and come to think of it, every bit in between as well.  LoL


IMO mental stress is caused from your perception of things. Change your perception, you'll change the outcome. I know this because that's how I got out of my horrible depressive slump years ago. Life became much more enjoyable, even during mundane moments. I still get stressed & depressed, it'll always come and go, but not in the debilitating way it did then.


Quote from: GANAMOHA on December 20, 2009, 04:44:00
Not to burst anyone's bubble, but the whole claim about us only using 10% of out brain is a huge myth. Maybe, if you were only counting the parts of the brain that were used for cognitive processes while sitting down and just thinking would give you a percentage around that, but nearly if not all of our brain is used whether it be for motor skills, memory, subconscious/conscious thought. Besides, if we really only used so little of out brains I don't think it would be nearly as easy to cause the detrimental harm to it many have experienced. If you really wanted to though, you could go out on a limb and say we only use 10% of our brain's potential but even then that's a weighty claim.

Not entirely relevant to the conversation, but important nonetheless.

I'm no brain expert, but i think that one theory is that brain is conformed by differnet layers of evolution. The inner parts of the brain are those realted to the instincts, feelings, basic needs, and the outer parts of the brain carry out the more complex functions (memory, logic, etc...).

With time, some parts of the brain started to be obsolete, as their functions were replaced by more efficient ones.
It may be true that we use only 10% or so of the brain, but whati believe is that the rest of the brain is simply not needed, just as we dont need other parts of our body (yet, they still are there like the apendix)

BTW, google Phineas Gage, its a case of a guy that lost alot of his brain, yet he still lived a complete life.


Quote from: Uraotoko on February 04, 2010, 13:03:17
I'm no brain expert, but i think that one theory is that brain is conformed by differnet layers of evolution. The inner parts of the brain are those realted to the instincts, feelings, basic needs, and the outer parts of the brain carry out the more complex functions (memory, logic, etc...).

With time, some parts of the brain started to be obsolete, as their functions were replaced by more efficient ones.

I think the theory is called the Triune brain, IIRC.
Neocortex and
Prefrontal cortex.
As to usability, the brain has a high plasticity ability (that is, the ability to form new connections if they are necessary and it can).


QuoteBTW, google Phineas Gage, its a case of a guy that lost alot of his brain, yet he still lived a complete life.

Well, Gage is a good example of mental plasticity, as he regained most of his faculties, but one should also note that people considered him to be much different after his accident.... he was supposedly quite mild mannered before, and after, he was given to bouts of angry rage.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


I agree about the power of the human mind, but I did not quite understand what you meant by Illuminati. I also don't believe that there will be any major changes in 2012. Life will go on as usual.


Quote from: thirdeye26 on February 09, 2010, 11:35:08
I agree about the power of the human mind, but I did not quite understand what you meant by Illuminati. I also don't believe that there will be any major changes in 2012. Life will go on as usual.
If you choose to remain limited to the 3D reality that's your choice.That's why God has given you free will.
In the darkest place the littlest light is the brightest.~vladjackguy