Earth changes and 2012

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Unless humanity blow up planet Earth, you can rest assured that the human race will ALWAYS survive.
In some way, shape or form... it will continue on.

~Ryan :)


The swirling shift in consciousness across the globe is certainly getting more interesting through each passing moment.  Given there are infinite potentials combined with free will, it's impossible to say what we will actually experience in some perceived "future", but watching events unfold as we collectively form our experience during this transitional period is becoming quite a show with increasing anticipation of greater and more interesting changes yet to form into our experiential reality.

Quote from: mon9999 on June 16, 2010, 10:11:36
OMG! its half-over in 2010 and everything is getting worst!

Here's an interesting video by Terence McKenna on Timewave Zero 2010 I enjoy following along throughout 2010 to see how close the chart corresponds to ongoing events.  But again, just as it is impossible to predict what potential we will actually experience within a sea of infinite potentials, it is also impossible for a chart based on the I Ching to predict what will specifically occur.  For myself personally I don't recognize the ongoing events as getting better or worse, good or bad, but really nothing more than just experience that is necessary for development.  I rather enjoy maintaining my focus on the present moment without fear while expressing peace, happiness, and Unconditional Love for all life.

Quote from: Xanth on June 16, 2010, 11:54:25
Unless humanity blow up planet Earth, you can rest assured that the human race will ALWAYS survive.
In some way, shape or form... it will continue on.

~Ryan :)

Definitely!  And even in the unlikely even we did blow up planet Earth the human race will still continue to survive on countless other planets where humans already exist or where planets are suitable for humans to live and experience.


We are the cockroaches of the galaxy, aren't we?  :)





QuoteUnless humanity blow up planet Earth, you can rest assured that the human race will ALWAYS survive.
In some way, shape or form... it will continue on.

I disagree. There are millions of species that arose for a few hundred thousand years, and then passed out of existence. There is no reason to think that humanity would be different, despite our superior ingenuity. There are many other ways which humanity coult put itself out of existence.

We could alter the climate and atmosphere of the earth in a very slow fashion, such that we don't realize the need to address the effect; nevertheless, the change might trigger an irreversible chain of events that changes the composition of gases in the air, putting breathable oxygen below the levels necesserary to sustain humans. This is not far fetched- there is evidence that the composition of the atmosphere has been quite different at various points in the earth's history. You could say that we could create systems and enclosures to create livable areas for humans, but I think you would be underestimating our vast realiance on what the earth provides for us without any effort on our part. If we were forced to create and control our own living conditions, and bet our lives on the systems never failing, I don't think we would get very far very soon.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Stillwater on June 17, 2010, 05:27:52
I disagree. There are millions of species that arose for a few hundred thousand years, and then passed out of existence. There is no reason to think that humanity would be different, despite our superior ingenuity. There are many other ways which humanity coult put itself out of existence.
Actually, I don't believe there has been a species alive on this planet with the kind of conscious awareness that we possess.
It's this along with a few other factors that lead me to believe that Humanity will always be around.

QuoteWe could alter the climate and atmosphere of the earth in a very slow fashion, such that we don't realize the need to address the effect; nevertheless, the change might trigger an irreversible chain of events that changes the composition of gases in the air, putting breathable oxygen below the levels necesserary to sustain humans. This is not far fetched- there is evidence that the composition of the atmosphere has been quite different at various points in the earth's history. You could say that we could create systems and enclosures to create livable areas for humans, but I think you would be underestimating our vast realiance on what the earth provides for us without any effort on our part. If we were forced to create and control our own living conditions, and bet our lives on the systems never failing, I don't think we would get very far very soon.
Well yes, I do agree... but I put that in the same category as 'blowing the planet up'. :)



Quote from: mon9999 on June 17, 2010, 04:44:19

How do you know it's a cult?
be awesome.


I dislike the idea of 2012 being a change of state of consciousness, it reeks of geocentric beliefs. Unless we are to say that every planet and every physical universe that harbors life has a major event of conscious evolution based upon conditions set that are unknown that are supposed to occur in an unknown time range which will leap an entire civilization into a higher state for no reason other than the fact it has been a certain number of years? Even though the consciousness we take with us to the nonphysical that is focused in the physical is and will always be the exact same, for consciousness is consciousness, nothing more, nothing less.


The idea from the perspective of the earth is that every 26000 years or whatever, we pass through something that alters energy here.  Whether its a photon belt, alignment with the galactic core, a cloud of exotics matter, perhaps a cycle for our star.  Many of those do present this geocentric idea though.

NOTE: I'm not supporting or giving my seal of approval to any of these.  Just sharing stuff I've read over the years.

To me this stuff does seem to assume that us and the earth are pretty special.......who knows right?

(I do)
be awesome.


that is under the notion that we are physical based. What will happen in that case if such is true is it will evolve us physically to be able to perceive consciousness on a deeper level, however conscious itself will not change, only our ability to interact with it. Regardless the idea that such an energy somehow has the ability to alter what has taken million of years of evolution to accomplish in a short period of time seems rather "magical".


Quote from: solarity on June 17, 2010, 18:52:02
that is under the notion that we are physical based. What will happen in that case if such is true is it will evolve us physically to be able to perceive consciousness on a deeper level, however conscious itself will not change, only our ability to interact with it. Regardless the idea that such an energy somehow has the ability to alter what has taken million of years of evolution to accomplish in a short period of time seems rather "magical".
That's really my entire point against any sort of belief of "ascension".
We're NOT physical beings... this idea of ascension makes no sense when I hold it up against my belief system.

The next step to this which we call life IS the astral... there's no skipping it, there's no jumping around it.
It is what it is.

How exactly do you take physical matter into a non-physical environment?
Because that's what we're talking here when we say 'ascension'.
You're going "There" without your physical body dying "Here".

I might just be rambling... so ignore me.  hehe

~Ryan :)



Quote from: Xanth on June 17, 2010, 19:56:18
That's really my entire point against any sort of belief of "ascension".
We're NOT physical beings... this idea of ascension makes no sense when I hold it up against my belief system.

The next step to this which we call life IS the astral... there's no skipping it, there's no jumping around it.
It is what it is.

How exactly do you take physical matter into a non-physical environment?
Because that's what we're talking here when we say 'ascension'.
You're going "There" without your physical body dying "Here".

I might just be rambling... so ignore me.  hehe

~Ryan :)

no, it's very true. We take the same consciousness to the astral that we have with the physical, that is why sometimes in the lower belief territories babies will be found unconscious and the like. Surely these murderers that are to be found have not ascended to a greater level of murderous intent as their "evolution". The only real definition of ascension would be a gaining of a greater scope of awareness really.


Quote from: Xanth on June 17, 2010, 19:56:18
That's really my entire point against any sort of belief of "ascension".
We're NOT physical beings... this idea of ascension makes no sense when I hold it up against my belief system.

The next step to this which we call life IS the astral... there's no skipping it, there's no jumping around it.
It is what it is.

How exactly do you take physical matter into a non-physical environment?
Because that's what we're talking here when we say 'ascension'.
You're going "There" without your physical body dying "Here".

I might just be rambling... so ignore me.  hehe

~Ryan :)

the idea behind ascension is and always will be the same. in christianity, Enoch ascended to heaven. in buddhist beliefs, buddha ascended to nirvana...etc and etc...
its just the fact that we as humans, cant comprehend such a thing occurring here on earth. we tend to think of it as impossible. when infact it happens all the time. astral projection is ascension on a minor scale. OBE's are ascension on a minor scale. full ascension is where you live, breath and roam with the ability to satisfy your hunger and thirst in a perfected body that will not age or die. this is the same concept behind christianity's body of well as a few other religions for they too have a ''new body'' and one to live a new life with once you pass on.
to me, i dont think anything will happen in 2012, but just in case i'm wrong, the only thing that will logically happen is contact with another form of life outside the earth. alien contact, whether good or bad will logically happen. for reasons i cant fathom or comprehend. <we're on the edge of the universe basically, so why would any being come to see us...?>

just my thoughts anyways.
"Hear me ,ye peoples of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet."
<Liber AL vel Legis 2.17>


Quote from: Dragohad on June 18, 2010, 09:38:39
full ascension is where you live, breath and roam with the ability to satisfy your hunger and thirst in a perfected body that will not age or die.
See, now... I'd call that "dying".
Because when you permanently make that shift to the Astral, that's exactly what happens to you.
There's no "chance" of this ascension, it's a guarantee.  It's just how it happens according to my beliefs.

~Ryan :)


All that ascension means is mastery over your focus.  that's it.

Control of your ability to direct your focus of awareness wherever you choose by will alone.  None of this, "getting into the right state of mind" for projection.  It would be as simple as scratching your head.
be awesome.


interesting how much we assume.

happy ending.

is ther a race that will replace us? are we mutating on a different level than physical this time and the changes are not obvious to us yet?

wouldnt that be a grump if we all die and find out theres nothing beyond our physical existence.


Assuming is all we can do.  :)


There is only 773 days left til the end of the world =D

I think like Ryan. Only I cant vouch for any of the astral stuff because I've never been. But just looking around at how we have grown as a species, and how much we still need to grow to eliminate needless suffering and hate... I say something really amazing will happen in 2012. Really if you look around amazing things are already everyday occurences. Cell phones give you telepathy, Internet gives you the ability to learn knowledge of all things, equal rights was a concept made real just a century ago.

Everything is in the pot brewing, and in my opinion, the way I feel about it is that in 2012 everything will boil over. Each and every person will have to ask themselves super important questions about how they want to continue living life.

I personally would be happy with seeing World Peace, Perfect Communism, an Encounter with the Third Kind... or maybe just people as a whole living life to help one another. Because everything would be easier if everyone Paid it Forward.

It would be sweet if instead my super powers activate and I can fight Demons once Hell crashes into the Earth. But so I don't get my hopes up I'm just gonna go with the former stuff =P

Anywho, as for 2012. I believe the Mayans were onto something. Anyone who hasn't done the research should its really interesting. These people pretty much invented algebra and could tell which comets are passing over our skies RIGHT NOW without using scientific equipment. There science and spirituality was weaved into one, and instead of living life for god(ick). Their "religon" was all about transcending as a person, being one with your spirit. Great stuff I can totally dig more than "there's one god and he's a jealous god" Needless to say they were kind of unique from the other cultures of the world, and they believed that this was the 5th time the world would end.

I believe that too. The end.


Well, technically, the Mayans are only showing us that their calendar is resetting... it's cycle is coming to an end.
People today are the ones adding this "doomsday" scenario into the mix.

The only fact we know is that the Mayan calendar cycle is coming to an end, that's all.  It doesn't mean anything more than that.


Yeah, the mayan calendar is goind to an end.. like any other calendar.. it starts again, other than that.. we know that the super volcano in yellonstone(sp) is active... and it can go KA BOOM at any time..  if that thing where to blow up.. you can say bye bye to more than half of the united states.. plus.. nuclear winter to other parts of the world.. plus.. that big ka boom at yellownstone would occacionate some serios tsunamis around the world, or well i think it would.. no? :P


Quote from: rem on November 07, 2010, 22:10:58
Yeah, the mayan calendar is goind to an end.. like any other calendar.. it starts again, other than that.. we know that the super volcano in yellonstone(sp) is active... and it can go KA BOOM at any time..  if that thing where to blow up.. you can say bye bye to more than half of the united states.. plus.. nuclear winter to other parts of the world.. plus.. that big ka boom at yellownstone would occacionate some serios tsunamis around the world, or well i think it would.. no? :P
Which has nothing to do with 2012.
*You* just made that connection.

See how this works?  :)

This is the problem... if ANYTHING happens, natural or man-made... everyone is going to start pointing fingers and go "OoOOOoOooOoo 2012!! TOLD YA!"  >_<

We create our own reality.  We are creating the reality of 2012 as we speak.



I think there needs to bee a full blown apocalypse, a cleansing of the lands. This may take thousands of years. Then when the planet have stabilized in a higher dimension the Earth will be populated again with higher dimensional people. I don't think even 1% of  earth humanity will actually make it. We're too screwd up.
Priests of hippocratic love talk of peace and Christ, Power is their only goal. Now they all shall die.

Capt. Picard

It would seem like a waste to just wipe us all out, and this whole higher dimension junk I keep hearing, seems to delegitimize physical evolution as pointless, and to be honest, where is there evidence that a physical object like the earth is going to move into a higher "dimension", the earth already exists in the other dimension, I can go to an astral-earth plane any time during a projection. So if the earth turns into the astral, what will be the difference between the real earth and the astral versions of earth that already exist? If you think about, there is only one reality, and your perception of that reality is what changes, so by this logic the earth is already in the physical, ethereal, astral, mental etc etc etc.