Indigo Children & Reincarnation

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I imagine that most people here are familiar with the concept of 'Indigo Children', so I won't elaborate at all there. I would just like to share my personal experiences regarding my own enlightenment process.

My enlightenment was quite a trial.. I pushed my mind very hard for a period of 3 years, to be honest I was so close to breaking point by the end it was lucky I got pulled out of the loop I was in by some close friends. I am entirely thankful for the process over all. Every day since I have had this clicking nosie in my head, not only to remind me of the things I have learnt but also how very close I came to losing my mind.

My belief regarding Indigo Children is that they are the first light bodies to reincarnate into our physical Earth. The Indigo's are known for their 'system busting' abilities (which would hold true ffrom both sides of life), and it is this system of reincarnation which I believe to have busted. Normally I would imagine the Indigo baby to crawl into the physical vessel at the time of conception, but I witnessed an indigo coloured light baby crawl into the blackness of my mind (eyes closed), along with other 'hallucinations' which were all focused around the one central idea.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


My impression is that only "Big Fish" (see Moen's third book) can become Indigo children, actively remembering parts of previous lives when they grow up.
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),




People that are going to be born, some completely new, some are incarnations, look like shrimps when they leave Focus 27 to go to Earth to be born. But some of these shrimps look much bigger than the others to incarnate, those big ones are called Big Fish. I think they look bigger because it can somehow be seen that they have extraordinary psychic abilities.
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


big shrimp become indigo children....

i know that's just a way of explaining something that we don't really know anything about, but seriously?  big shrimp?


I was told by an old boss that i was indigo.  I suppose it makes sense in a way, I certainly am different from most people I grew up around and most people I interact with today.  I never really bought into it though.

However, I was reading a book last night (Astral Travel by Gavin & Yvonne Frost) and they were talking about complexity increasing in the mundane and astral.  It could make sense that you call them "system busters" in this paradigm of increasing complexity.  The system evolved and necessary individuals (these indigos) were brought in to help take the next step.  Interesting.

meh, still don't know how I feel about the whole thing.
be awesome.


Indigo children and reincarnation surely is an interesting connection, and it makes sense to me. By the way, I believe that Moen's so-called "Big Fishes" have had a lot of incarnations already behind them, which helped them to become these big fishes in the first place.



I've read a bit about Indigo children on the web, and seen the videps on youtube by people who claim to be one. It seems a bit silly to me. If there is some cosmic 'deployment' happening then it would be a bit more serious then 'indigo children'; there would be 'teachers' doing very credible and realistic work.


maybe they're just kids who develop early and have always been on earth, but they took on a metaphysical/new age meaning when the need for such a thing arose.  perhaps the "connected" child, the prodigy, is an archetype of sorts that emerges in society to fulfill a psychic (of the psyche) need of the collective.  who knows, maybe they're freaky children from the stars. 
be awesome.


If you've ever read the description of how you define your child as an "indigo"... it's basically all ADD type stuff.
They're unruly... they're undisciplined...

Basically, I just get the feeling that it's just an excuse parents put out there so that they can escape being a parent.


Quote from: Xanth on December 01, 2010, 22:37:45
If you've ever read the description of how you define your child as an "indigo"... it's basically all ADD type stuff.
They're unruly... they're undisciplined...

Basically, I just get the feeling that it's just an excuse parents put out there so that they can escape being a parent.
Well, I would not over-generalise here. Yes, some are describes to be "problem" children. However, some other children are rather what we would call 'prodigal' children with special gifts or insights, some call them "old souls". So not all of them are problematic children, some are quite the contrary of that.


Quote from: Volgerle on December 05, 2010, 10:10:49
Well, I would not over-generalise here. Yes, some are describes to be "problem" children. However, some other children are rather what we would call 'prodigal' children with special gifts or insights, some call them "old souls". So not all of them are problematic children, some are quite the contrary of that.
But then, that could LITERALLY be applied to just about anyone... considered "indigo" or not.