my take on service to self vs service to others.

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service to self is service to The Universe. becoming one we naturally tap into universal laws and a flow within the universe. We are a rare bread because most things evolve within this universal principle taking time to create. However we were put here by Gods from other places where lands are plentiful and beings evolve quickly. Our souls are not from here. We should listen to the God within our hearts and stop believing lies. Akasha principles, opinions from the masses. We do not need to be in disharmony with this universe and the key is love and compassion. All things are good and even those that are service to self are only misunderstood. For this is merely an opinion. and not all are bad, so many and I do say many are good. There are Universal intelligences that are within the all that are negative forces. Demons-Hatred (lack of love)
We must remember the God that is within us, this universal I and cannot allow our ego's to inflate. We were put here for a reason. Discover yourself. The higher self or Holy Guardian angel. And use extreme caution and wisdom so as not to disturb the balance of the inner and outer you. You must have control of your mind and I would suggest. Though I do not have this experience the structured form within occultism.
Fear not that which you do not know but tread carefully. So difficult within today's world. God is not evil, True God is not evil. Nothing has to be seen as evil.  So many who get a hex from gods have created this god in there own image and are misunderstanding and cursing themselves.


Do not experiment and random this was my downfall. Hypersensitivity, Lack of control, misunderstanding. Not a Good Combo


Energy travels in all directions for all time as a frequency
This means that your mind made in the image of god is a giant sphere that covers all of life

Energy travels from my mind to yours creating an imprint of me in you
Energy travels from everybody Else's mind and creates an imprint in you

This makes your mind a blueprint of the universe however
the energy that imprints on your mind is from many universes making you a multiverse
however the energy that imprints on your mind is from many multiverses
Making your mind an uber verse multiple multiple universes.

If you are king of your own mind you serve an uberverse
And if you give your sovereignty to somebody else you give them the collective wealth of an uberverse
If you are STO service to others being king a minus a servant of all the people in life you should also serve yourself
If you are STS service to self you will also serve all of life
So wether you give or take serve or get served life will benefit
the only real difference is wether or not you are king of your own mind or somebody else is



That's enlightening Enix. I am working on service to others at the moment too.


This sounds like new age or is it wicca, "Nothing has to be seen as evil"...straight from the new age bible. gods this gods that blablabla,  Utter crap.
Priests of hippocratic love talk of peace and Christ, Power is their only goal. Now they all shall die.


Quote from: Everlasting on May 24, 2010, 22:05:26
This sounds like new age or is it wicca, "Nothing has to be seen as evil"...straight from the new age bible. gods this gods that blablabla,  Utter crap.

sounds more taoist/crowleyish. the whole thing of good and compliments the other, for without 1 there is not the other. everything happens for a reason. there is no evil, only misunderstanding. etc etc etc...

sounds kinda fruity to me. i mean if we had no knowledge of good or evil <in a biblical sense> and only realized it after we ate. that would mean god or the gods <if you believe in more than one like me...> must have been evil by design. who in thier right mind would allow anyone to feel pain if given the choice?..yet the gods made us feel pain, and heartache, and remorse. if there was no such thing as evil, then why would we feel such things? shouldnt it be happyness and joy and love and when i love goes away you let go of them and are happy about it. wouldnt that be more like how it should be? a world without evil. bleh all a shamble if you ask me.
i prefer to feel heartache. to feel anger. to feel remorse. makes me feel alive.
cuz then i wouldnt know what true love is, or wat calmness and serenity are, or to know what the things i regret and miss are.
i love such an evil bout you? haha
"Hear me ,ye peoples of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet."
<Liber AL vel Legis 2.17>


Conciousness is God.

You are God, as much as I am God. There is no external God. God is what is inside of us already, its the feeling of "I-ness" and is found in the answer to who we are.

Doctrine is utter BS, all of it. You will never find the answers and will just die unhappy because you are searching for something outside yourself while it is already in you.

Service to others is the most important thing, everything is build on it. To succeed in this world, purely as a way to gain power or material if you choose to, you first have to serve others so that they will feel obliged to give you favors. Nothing changes till you do the first step.

Another more important way of service is helping others see what consciousness is, what they are and what their true potential is and how they can realize it. In truth we can become anything we want to be in this world, the only thing stopping us is ourselves and the things we promised to ourselves when we were traumatized (ex. I was ignored and laughed at when I was a small child --> I am worthless. I can not make it). Realizing these promises will make a person free.... hence we have to help them see this.
In somnis veritas


be awesome.


Quote from: Mydral on June 05, 2010, 13:50:28
Conciousness is God.

You are God, as much as I am God. There is no external God. God is what is inside of us already, its the feeling of "I-ness" and is found in the answer to who we are.

Doctrine is utter BS, all of it. You will never find the answers and will just die unhappy because you are searching for something outside yourself while it is already in you.

Service to others is the most important thing, everything is build on it. To succeed in this world, purely as a way to gain power or material if you choose to, you first have to serve others so that they will feel obliged to give you favors. Nothing changes till you do the first step.

Another more important way of service is helping others see what consciousness is, what they are and what their true potential is and how they can realize it. In truth we can become anything we want to be in this world, the only thing stopping us is ourselves and the things we promised to ourselves when we were traumatized (ex. I was ignored and laughed at when I was a small child --> I am worthless. I can not make it). Realizing these promises will make a person free.... hence we have to help them see this.

Do you live by this Mydral? Does service to you include ridiculing others?  Is that how you spread your love and service to others?  I would think with someone with such knowledge would have more compassion, empathy and love for others.... learn something new everyday.


be awesome.


Quote from: Naykid on June 05, 2010, 15:12:50
Do you live by this Mydral? Does service to you include ridiculing others?  Is that how you spread your love and service to others?  I would think with someone with such knowledge would have more compassion, empathy and love for others.... learn something new everyday.
Ridicule?  I don't think I see where you're seeing ridicule.
I don't suppose you could explain a bit?

~Ryan :)


Quote from: Xanth on June 05, 2010, 17:04:02
Ridicule?  I don't think I see where you're seeing ridicule.
I don't suppose you could explain a bit?

~Ryan :)

Am I required to do so?  :-P 

I was referring to his ridicule of Mustard Seed, in the Channeling thread.  Hypocrisy makes me go ewwwww..  :-D


Quote from: Naykid on June 05, 2010, 17:40:42
Am I required to do so?  :-P 
YES!!  You are!!  :)
hehe kidding.
Definitely not, but it makes it easier to understand your viewpoint. ;)

QuoteI was referring to his ridicule of Mustard Seed, in the Channeling thread.  Hypocrisy makes me go ewwwww..  :-D
Gotcha, that puts it more in perspective for me.
Thank you Nay.

~Ryan :)


Quote from: Xanth on June 05, 2010, 17:51:28
YES!!  You are!!  :)
hehe kidding.
Definitely not, but it makes it easier to understand your viewpoint. ;)
Gotcha, that puts it more in perspective for me.
Thank you Nay.

~Ryan :)

LOL I should have realized that not everyone would read that thread first. And you are welcome.  :-)


Inter-thread conversations are indeed confusing.
be awesome.