One Thing I AM worried about..

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Killa Rican

December 21st comes.

Nothing Happens.(maybe)

Sets the final straw for the majority to not take the New Age/Metaphysical community seriously anymore..

Think about it, with all the hype, decades of writings, and books on the subject this seems like the most anticipated moment within our lifetime/century, that is expected to be anything of substance in carrying weight on a grander scale of collective intuition.

People just dont want to let this die. So it worries me, that some of our works as the metaphysical minority may be perceived to be affiliated with the 2012 phenomona in some way, while being further ridiculed by outsiders that lack knowledge.

Let's see what next step this year will take us. It is what it is, be prepared for anything.
For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger


Quote from: Killa Rican on June 16, 2012, 07:22:32
December 21st comes. Nothing Happens.(maybe) Sets the final straw for the majority to not take the New Age/Metaphysical community seriously anymore..

No, I don't think they (skeptics, agnostics or even the sleeping mainstream) will take it less seriously than before, becasue they don't do it now anyway in the first place, in a way they never did and would do. And in this regard they could be even right. The problem is that 2012 is taken too literally (with the literal focal point on Dec 21st when nothing will happen for sure) by both sides evenly.

Actually, it's the same problem that religions and their critics have. The critics are (on purpose or for lack of open-mindedness, often both!) as fundamentalist as their counterparts. They take the bible literally and thus there are these pseudo-discussions all over the place, e.g. "Creation story with Adam + Eve" vs. "Evolution". *yawn*. The reason is that you can attack the other's position better if you have more clear-cut and 'divisive' viewpoints.

All of these quarrels in a certain part of "society" (by illusion seen as a mainstream discussion) are pseudo-discussions of hateful people that 'want' to hate the other side. Both sides are wrong as they do not see the more deep esoteric truths in scriptures, because official dogma of established religion bases itself on literalism, more or less. The same appies to 2012 if you ask me. I would try to explain to any scoffers that '2012' is and always was a more allegoric, symbolic, metaphorical concept for a (expected or at least hoped for) spiritual or concsiousness shift of mankind. They will not understand it because the will not be willing to, just as they are not willing to discover esoteric allegory in scripture texts. You cannot change these people, they don't want to change, not before or after 2012.


 I personally think it is going to be the 'death blow". These authors, speakers, seers will never be trusted again. This is too big, too many people have put all their marbles in this one basket. This isn't a concept that was just built on today's insight, this dates far into our past. Religions and cultural beliefs from all walks of life are included in this scenario. I listened to a show the other day that showed that a huge percentage of people "outside" of the USA believe that something is going to occur based on their cultural teachings and upbringing. The USA is not in this equation as much due to the fact that a lot of people here can't fathom anything ever happening to "their" own little world. Too much Ego.


The winter solstice is going to happen. Go look at a sidereal calendar.

It's just a clock. A clock that used the stars as gears, a really accurate clock that used the stars as gears and tracks the large intangible progression of existence. Yes, hard to believe, but that's the long and short of it simply put. We're as much of gears as the stars are. There is no end or beginning if all you are doing is hitting the next octave.

Break out the vodka because we're just hitting another tonic.


oh yeah, and get some limes too


I think something is already happening.  I am wondering if more people are awakening.  I mean the fact that there is such a term indicates that it is happening.  I suspect from what I have read that there may be more people going through kundelini than ever before.  I suspect that an increase in kundelini would be accompanied by an increase in reported mental illness.  I do not know what the statistics are on mental illness and whether it has increased or not.  I also would not be sure as to whether any increase is from kundelini or just changes in diagnostic, reporting, and increased willingness to report such to a doctor.

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And yet "Business As Usual" could itself be an excellent learning opportunity for those who have allowed themselves to become incredibly attached to the concept of great change associated with December 21st, 2012.  So many are always waiting for something.  Stop waiting!


In conversation on this subject I was asked if Im part of this new age thing.
I laughed and replied " The movement is a losers cult. So many magic dates and nothing but excuses. Im investigating the reality of conciousness..."
The subject was dropped on the movement and continued with the latter.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Volgerle on June 16, 2012, 08:04:44
No, I don't think they (skeptics, agnostics or even the sleeping mainstream) will take it less seriously than before, becasue they don't do it now anyway in the first place, in a way they never did and would do.

I agree. In my opinion, atheists will always be atheists until they have a direct experience. That usually changes everything. (Look at William Burlman- he was an athiest to begin with.)

I also believe that the, 'ego' won't believe/be ready until the soul is ready to, 'wake up', then it is only a matter of time, before some mystical experience happens to that individual to make them start questioning their own reality without the need of other people.

I also believe in the, 'your bubble of reality'  theory, where if you really believe something is going to happen, it will happen in your universe, and the universe will, 'split' in two.
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i agree the universe where you tell the truth is a totally different reality to the one where you lie


majour ka

Hi Killa Rican,

I apologies in advance if I sound cynical, but good! I hope nothing happens, if there is a date on a calendar that has caused people to try and predict something thats actually noticeable on a global scale in the hope that the worlds will wake and say ok from now on we will be more spiritual then really most are lining the selves up to look silly! If the wars and all the other problems and suffering are not enough to cause a rethink and shift in peoples consciences I doubt a date on a calendar will.

I am just personally glad that there are people like you who are pioneering to help people and the world awaken to a greater understanding and hope the world can as a result be a better place but I think you me and all of us just need to keep plodding on doing our best and not put our hopes or on December of this year.

Dont hate me  :| peace x


Quote from: majour ka on June 29, 2012, 21:27:52
If the wars and all the other problems and suffering are not enough to cause a rethink and shift in peoples consciences I doubt a date on a calendar will.
It's not the date on the calendar that counts. It's the event! If there was a event large enough to get everyone to notice it, then and and only then would they be forced to question our existence and purpose. If there was no way to ignore it, then they have to confront and learn from it. Just like we do here with our practice. When we hit a fear scenario or hurdle, we confront it head on and handle it. 911 was enough to make people notice and they changed for awhile. But unfortunately that change wore off and they changed back into the greedy egotists they were before the event. I have quite a few friends that live in New York, so I can say that. I also travel doing shows in public places and have seen a huge difference before and after that event.


Btw, the publishing "New Agers" already had a failure last year. In November, comet Elenin was supposed to cause havoc on Earth. An entire film was produced around this. Nothing really decisive happened though. Some astronomers say this comet now even disintegrated somehow. They will always find excuses of why it did not happen or 'was postponed' for some reason.

The same is true of some of the more apocalyptic conspiracy theories. We won't have to wait so long for the next 'prediction' to assess. Many expect a 'huge' terror attack on the London olympics. The internet (YT, etc.) is filled with "Illuminati hints" regarding this. Some say it will be a false flag to start a war with Iran. Some even say it's the Illuminati's initiated "endgame" to install the NWO / one world government and to decimate Earth's population.

And then if nothing happens in London (although I don't say that this is the case because we cannot know for sure) they will have another excuse again. And again. And again. And again. And again.


4 more weeks till the olimpics =p I'm looking farward to the conspiracy behind it. Even if nothing happens I'll look farward in Reading all the forums and YouTube videos and see what the trolls will say on the subject.
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


Whatever happens, happens.

My favourite saying lately has been "It is what it is".


Quote from: Volgerle on June 30, 2012, 06:41:54
Btw, the publishing "New Agers" already had a failure last year. In November, comet Elenin was supposed to cause havoc on Earth. An entire film was produced around this. Nothing really decisive happened though. Some astronomers say this comet now even disintegrated somehow. They will always find excuses of why it did not happen or 'was postponed' for some reason.
Yep this Comet Elenin travelled through our entire Solar System possibly even the Galaxy unscathed, which would be billions of miles, just to all of a sudden "disappear" when It was going to be a problem for Earth. That kind of tells you that possibly someone "has our back" to say!  :-)

majour ka

Quote from: Lionheart on June 30, 2012, 01:42:22
It's not the date on the calendar that counts. It's the event!

That is what I meant really sorry. But either ay it stems from a date, not a statement, all statements and theories are mear speculation...I just cant see there being an event, Ive got to say and I dont believe anyway that in the field of seership that either the seer or the spirit folk that work with said person would ever see or predict the end of the world etc, why would they?

But I believe that they may for see a time when the world makes a transition into a more spiritual age, but I cant see it happening over night, I maybe wrong of course but I expect we will notice nothing and if anything happens it will manifest on a very subtle level.

What are the predictions t :-)hen I havent taken any notice so far to be honest?



 I just watched the movie "Hancock" tonight. A nice "feel good" story. I think if the closing scene of the movie would occur that this would be enough to get people to notice. Seeing a giant "heart" on the moon would be the ultimate sign of love. That would be something that people couldn't ignore, especially if it didn't go away for awhile. I'm sure after awhile people would start to question it as some form of "conspiracy theory", but at the immediate time, it would definitely make a difference.  :-)


Well the New Age thing is a cult, simply. It's good that people hate it.
A long time ago we were having a good time discovering empowering abilities and new information about reality. This didn't set well with the cultural predators of our society, so they twisted this movement and created their own little sub-culture of people saying "We must worship the goddess and Christ Consciousness and obey spirits who call themselves guides. Be one with love and light. Love bad things and love the people who do bad things, and help them do more. Namaste en Hitler." And what was once an empowering movement became a pile of crap.


Quote from: Xanth on June 30, 2012, 11:20:50
Whatever happens, happens.

My favourite saying lately has been "It is what it is".

It is what it is; you are what you are. Now, what do you do to improve your self?  :wink:


Quote from: Anonymouse on July 08, 2012, 07:56:06

It is what it is; you are what you are. Now, what do you do to improve your self?  :wink:
You be as you be.  :)


If something big was going to happen I assume it would be one of these two:

1. A third world war starting in the middle east.
2. The scientists at CERN might make discoveries that would uncover the mysteries of the spiritual world.

Anyway, as long as something happens the new agers can claim it as their own great prediction! So don't worry!


To me... there seems to be quite the run up to a complete economic collapse.  Kinda seems like it'll be timed perfectly for December too.  LOL


The sad thing is, before we get into a total economical collapse there will be war, that's what sadly happened in the great recession, War gave people jobs, car industries went up again to manufacture tanks...etc...etc.

Quote from: Xanth on July 08, 2012, 10:58:10
You be as you be.  :)

And how did you get to be what you are??, by being, or by learning?  :-)



haha, all right all right ;), I'll let you go with that one for now  :-D.

Sorry to the poster, for the off topic