Today the wave of the Red Serpent has started

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Hannah b

As of today, throughout the next 13 days the Red Serpent will bring out the issues of: health, vitality, sexuality and instincts. It will encourage us to transform the limitations in these areas as well as remind us how important it is to listen to your body.
Observe what the first 4 days of the wave have brought up. By the end of the wave you should see solutions and answers.
This is the year of the Red Moon. The Red Moon is quite rough in showing us issues that have been hidden or ignored. It "get's rid of the dust" that covers up the essence of certain issues, and puts a spotlight on them. The combination of Red Serpent and Red Moon might be quite visible.

KIN 105 - Red Magnetic Serpent

The power of life is the foundation of a healthy existence. Today I adapt my actions to match the level of my vital energy. Instinct and wisdom help me find a place for myself in this world, Today I pay attention to the signs given to me by my body. All symptoms convey valuable information on the level of my consciousness. Today I control my cravings and analyze my attitude to the opposite sex and to sex in general.

Good luck!!!! :-D
The only constant in the Universe is change