UFO Investigators are being murdered

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Good video with a list of UFO reserchers who got killed.
To bad william miller and richard clay wasn't on the list.


incase anyone is intrested, I added another video that has that Phil Schneider Talk in the first link I sent.

Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


"To(sic) bad william miller and richard clay wasn't(sic) on the list."


Rick clay was on to something in his reserch and he "killed" himselve cause something was in his head that shouldn't of been there. That's what his friends said. No idea what it was that triggerd him to commit death. But he was doing alot of UFO reserch and thanks to him alot of people know that something may happen in the olimpics. Fake UFO invasion.

Lol I ment willam cooper not miller! I Got confused with someone else.

Willam Cooper was on the same path and pretty much said the same thing as Phil Schneider said. Plus the fake invasion agenda.   
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


I think getting too deep into UFO research is a bad idea all around


Why do you think its a bad idea fresco?


Quote from: Jochi on January 09, 2012, 12:23:48
Why do you think its a bad idea fresco?
I find it creepy.  Plus if you want to believe conspircacy theories, the US govt has been in contact with aliens since the 1940's, and supposedly they dont like it when civilians get too nosy


It shouldn't be kept as a secret though. I do understand one of there reasons for not telling which is to do with religion and how this info can crush all faiths, Then a panic and then chaos. But thanks to theses  Investigators we have more info on the agenda and another reason to hide it from the masses. I'm very intrested in the olimpics conspiracy (since it's very close to that time) hopfully well see some epic war of the worlds type event that involves ufo's =D!

Also think of all the alien shows/movies we had last year and some more are comming this year. Now that's some heavy propaganda to me.
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


Quote from: Karas on January 09, 2012, 16:16:05
Also think of all the alien shows/movies we had last year and some more are comming this year. Now that's some heavy propaganda to me.

How are movie studios involved in the propaganda with Sci-Fi films? Take JJ Abrams and his movie "Super 8". He wrote it and directed it and had the majority say it what got put into it. It was heavily inspired by both 50's Sci-Fi and 80's Sci-Fi/Action films. A lot of movies are like this, where there is a script written by some regular joe not involved in politics... he just loves making movies.

So if this were propaganda, wouldn't JJ Abrams have to have high government clearance to know about top secret aliens? And what exactly is the propaganda supposed to influence? That aliens are real? Or that they're evil enemies? Or to get us used to it so we don't panic? Or try to make us panic? It's not clear what the agenda and propaganda even is.

I would say a movie with propaganda is one that is made by a someone who leans one way or another politically/philosophically and centers the plot around characters who share their personal philosophy with the hopes of it influencing the audience. This type of propaganda was heavily used during WWII, and some modern George Clooney films.


I think there's alittle diffidence between making an alien film once in awhile and spamming alien movies in a year in each month. And tv shows plus that  ancient aliens show which the new agers love and it open minds to others. Aliens are topped searched on google if one just type "are there".

The people in ancient aliens even went to the 2012 date thing and said that maby the aliens will come back. With all the evidence they showed on there will totally convince someone that something will happen on 21dec and it's alien related. Look at the majority of new agers and what they belive in. I fell into this trap too cause all research leads to one thing... Aliens. So Many new agers are light workers and star seeds blah blah blah, all cause of what they are being fed and spreading it as evidence. 

Someone has to be the starter of this propaganda and it's working like a virus. Last year was the "awakeing" and many are still going through there truth seeking mode and again, this will lead them to that huge box where aliens are involved.
 Plus killing the UFO  Investigators will just make the seeker belive more into this illusion that we are heading to.  

Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


 If you want to find conspiracy in Sci-Fi/Alien movies, don't look at the plot, look for where the funding is coming from.
In response to the post that it should remain secret, maybe it should have in the past, but not now. Now is the time of change and change begins with truth. If we wish to see positive change in this world ourselves than we have to start thinking differently than we have in the past and that most are doing today. We have to show that we are ready, that we can handle it and that it is our right. Until we decide as a collective to do that no changes will occur.


Quote from: Karas on January 09, 2012, 16:16:05
It shouldn't be kept as a secret though. I do understand one of there reasons for not telling which is to do with religion and how this info can crush all faiths, Then a panic and then chaos

Religion has nothing to do with it because nowhere in the Bible or Koran does it say aliens exist or not.

The main reason why its being kept secret is because coming eye to eye with an alien is supposed to be a very terrifying experience for someone who's never seen one before.  

Now picture the whole world freaking out, and you'd have chaos everywhere.
Its probably best for now to keep it a secret


The Quran does speak of aliens. I remmber Reading an artical by a Muslim and he was giving out scriptures to support it. Plus there's 7 heavens according to the Quran so there will be other dimentional beings in each "heaven".

Also bibleufo.com has tons of evidence to support aliens and ufo's too. But this is cause they are reserching theses text page by page. In reailty the followers of theses religions don't know anything about other beings.
All they know is that Theres a sky god who wants to destroy everyone accept it's followers.

This will destroy all religious faiths
(the abrahamics faith mostly)
cause the people only know the world that the preachers teach. Once that is destroyed everyone would be confused and chaos will break out. It would be a hole diffrnt world to them and stuff.

And we all know that religion plays a huge part for controling the masses, I mean look how the Abrahamics are taking over the world. Once the aliens and ufo's are in the picture the govt will lose that control.

So if this is one of the reasons why the govt isn't saying anything it will because of religion and power.
No religion, no control.

Quotewhat they want to do is destroy the beliefs of all Christians and Muslims on the planet
This is a fun read, you might love what this guy has to say.


for all we know, all this could be just an illusion someone spreaded and we are all in on the ride. But it's sure is entertaining and fun to look at.
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


Quote from: Karas on January 10, 2012, 11:50:19
I think there's alittle diffidence between making an alien film once in awhile and spamming alien movies in a year in each month. And tv shows plus that  ancient aliens show which the new agers love and it open minds to others. Aliens are topped searched on google if one just type "are there".

The people in ancient aliens even went to the 2012 date thing and said that maby the aliens will come back. With all the evidence they showed on there will totally convince someone that something will happen on 21dec and it's alien related. Look at the majority of new agers and what they belive in. I fell into this trap too cause all research leads to one thing... Aliens. So Many new agers are light workers and star seeds blah blah blah, all cause of what they are being fed and spreading it as evidence.

Someone has to be the starter of this propaganda and it's working like a virus. Last year was the "awakeing" and many are still going through there truth seeking mode and again, this will lead them to that huge box where aliens are involved.
Plus killing the UFO  Investigators will just make the seeker belive more into this illusion that we are heading to. 
Quote from: Lionheart on January 10, 2012, 16:19:09
If you want to find conspiracy in Sci-Fi/Alien movies, don't look at the plot, look for where the funding is coming from.
In response to the post that it should remain secret, maybe it should have in the past, but not now. Now is the time of change and change begins with truth. If we wish to see positive change in this world ourselves than we have to start thinking differently than we have in the past and that most are doing today. We have to show that we are ready, that we can handle it and that it is our right. Until we decide as a collective to do that no changes will occur.

Alien movies have been around forever. There aren't any more now than in the 50's & 60's. Less probably. They were HUGE back then. Just ask Roger Corman.

But what is the supposed propaganda about? What is the intention of it? If they want to keep aliens a secret, what do making movies about aliens have to do with it. I don't see the logic. And getting funding for movies comes from a multitude of sources... the studios, independent funders, advertisers, producers, the directors themselves. There's no one line of funding, especially from a government source, and they aren't all working together. That's why hollywood movies tend to be a jumbled mess quite often. The idea that this is going on is way too big with too many people in the industry to all be in on it.

And I like Alien/Sci-Fi movies. Maybe they keep making them because people like me enjoy them and pay to see them in the theater. That makes sense... giving people what they want and all. This doesn't keep me off my spiritual path or keep anyone else from attaining one. We are responsible for ourselves.


Maby all this is part of a new age religion. No idea what plans they have but by looking at all the research you can guess that the new age religion is spirituality mixed with a godly type person. So it's groups like lightworkers and starseeds etc. Of cause theses groups were around for years but so many new converts are comming in fast. If one was part of the awakeing ones and did there truth seeking movement, they will end up in theses new age groups.   

QuoteWe must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible

but also remmber, I'm not saying it's all true or false. I just find it intresting and it's a possabilty that this is what's going on.
Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


But there is no evidence pointing to any propaganda going on in the movie industry. Just having a feeling that they are is pretty heavy speculation. I would say romantic comedies are much more detrimental to society, but no one is claiming that's a conspiracy. Again, they're just giving the masses what they will pay for. It's about making money, not feeding a new age religion. There are too many people involved to hold such a big secret, there would be evidence pointing to it.

I'm not arguing that society isn't being dumbed-down by a lot of media, but I think it's as much our fault for buying it as the people who are making it. It may reflect who we are as a society, but I don't think it's the cause of. Lack of personal responsibility is the cause. If we stopped buying their stuff, they'd go away. Kids grow up being influenced by ads and crappy television and no one is teaching them to think for themselves.

Maybe "awakening" is simply growing up. Maybe it's not even a spiritual thing, it's just people suddenly realizing they've never been thinking for themselves and it makes them sad which inspires them to do better.





 Disclosure is not going to happen out in the public. Disclosure is now happening from within.


Actually some interstellar criminal groups plan to have a 'disclosure' by 2015, although by a gradual process. You'll already see their shills in the media talking about how aliens are responsible for all of humanity's achievements, all aliens 'would be' morally and technologically superior to humans, all of the wars and massacres that have been caused by the Anunnaki and Reptilian groups are the fault of humans, and above all we should leave all alien contact to their shills in our governments, and never try to contact the outside ourselves because nobody cares and nobody will help.

I have an inside source telling me there are millions of non-human crafts in Earth's outer orbit, and there's public evidence backing this. There's a quarantine on Earth, but it's not being enforced by the good guys, and they're shooting down crafts so nobody gets in and finds out what's going on.


Quote from: Lionheart on January 11, 2012, 18:12:04
Disclosure is not going to happen out in the public. Disclosure is now happening from within.

Could you elaborate?

QuoteActually some interstellar criminal groups plan to have a 'disclosure' by 2015, although by a gradual process.

I've been hearing this since the 90's. It was supposed to happen by 1996, then 1998, then 1999, then 2000, then 2003, then 2009, then 2012, and now 2015. You can keep putting the date further and further back to keep hopes (or fears) going, but the evidence is never there and with each prediction it gets weaker and weaker. The main proponents of these ideas have their careers based on pushing it with books and videos and websites where they can sell it to people desperate to believe it. David Wilcock & Richard Hoagland immediately come to mind.

I have an inside source telling me there are millions of non-human crafts in Earth's outer orbit, and there's public evidence backing this.

I would like to see this evidence. If you want the masses to know the truth, you have to give them some good evidence that it's real. Speculation will do the exact opposite.


This may not mean anything but here's 2 links that relates to some kind of  Disclosure  

Pope Acknowledges ET's

Xmas UFO card not a hoax: 2012 UFO disclosure begins

disclosure is comming but it won't be like "hey guys aliens are real and there cool =D" the disclosure is through movies,news,shows and public sightings.
The only way to open minds is to inspire them with the idea that aliens are out there.

A kid drank the oil cause he wanted to be like the transformers and have there powers. 
Harry potter has open more minds to magic and occult. the vampire movies and shows has open minds to thinking they are vampire! (creepy stuff the vampire wanabies)

We are pretty much being exsposed to alot of things which affects the mind. 
Now looking at the things I listed I can see how weak our minds are lol... We are so delusonal. I wana be with a yogi >_> they don't get into this worldy stuff.


Firmly understand that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. If you believe worldly objects are a source of happiness, in their absence you will feel sorrow. Accept the fact that there is no true happiness in the world.


Quote from: Stookie_ on January 12, 2012, 11:30:24I've been hearing this since the 90's. It was supposed to happen by 1996, then 1998, then 1999, then 2000, then 2003, then 2009, then 2012, and now 2015. You can keep putting the date further and further back to keep hopes (or fears) going, but the evidence is never there and with each prediction it gets weaker and weaker. The main proponents of these ideas have their careers based on pushing it with books and videos and websites where they can sell it to people desperate to believe it. David Wilcock & Richard Hoagland immediately come to mind.

I would like to see this evidence. If you want the masses to know the truth, you have to give them some good evidence that it's real. Speculation will do the exact opposite.
There was never going to be a disclosure in the 90's or early 2000's. You just made all of that up and used the story you made up as evidence against an event that's about to take place.

I'm not concerned with whether the masses know the truth. If you don't know the difference between a planned event and speculation then evolution will weed you out and the remaining masses will be on the average smarter. I personally prefer to raise cultural intelligence through exclusion.

[edit] oh, that was Stookie, still being Stookie. What happened to the karma thing? What's Xanth going to do without it?


 Stookie, have you successfully had a OBE yet? If so, you should already have the answer to the truth coming from within statement. When people are ready to see the truth it will show itself to them. The only way the Gov't or anyone can stop you from finding out what is within you, is by confusing and controlling you. By distractions, but you can only keep people distracted for so long. An "awakening" is such a powerful experience that it does truly change you from within. When you start to go through periods of vibrations for days on end or start seeing energy patterns and having your physical eyesight reduced by 50%, things like this happening then you, you can't ignore that anymore. You immediately start to question why, no matter what else is occurring in your life, this will take precedence.
On the crafts surrounding the planet statement, go to this thread if you wish to see it for yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As-wYmFYb3I


Quote from: zareste on January 12, 2012, 15:19:38
There was never going to be a disclosure in the 90's or early 2000's. You just made all of that up and used the story you made up as evidence against an event that's about to take place.

He gave you the evidence, and it's not made up.  A quick google search will show you the sites that proposed this- some are gone (because the dates have passed) but some are still up.