War on words Love on ideas

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"Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler" —Einstein

Love on Einstein. War on Newton because his ideas were less accurate. Love on accuracy.

Love on people experimenting with talking this way. Its fun. Love on you trying it. War on your fear to try it in random social situations.

War on cursewords. Love on saying "war on x" instead.

War on all authority not chosen by the people. Love on democracy.

War on violence. Love on peace. War on you thinking "war on all authority" means violence because it doesn't. "War" means to have less of something, like "War On Drugs" means to have less drugs and "War On Piracy" means to have less piracy.

There was a War On Iraq. People died. In this way of communicating, if you wanted to vote against the War On Iraq, you would say to many people: Love On Iraq.

"War on war on Iraq" just makes people angrier. "War on War" doesn't work. It leads to more war. "War On X" means to have less X, to be separated from X. "Love On X" means to have more X, to flow more as 1 system, to be in sync.

Love and War are like operators in a math language. You could build a fractal with combinations of them, for example. Love on you experimenting with it and telling me what you come up with.

Love on spreading the idea that this kind of communication networks people together like a big neural network of ideas between our minds and we wouldn't need middlemen like governments, money, or voting. War on middlemen. Love on educating middlemen to be peers.

Love on peer to peer because it scales up to unlimited size without slowing down. War on bottlenecks like government departments, banks, jobs, and traffic lights. Love on figuring out how things fit together at the time. Love on social networking. Love on Wikipedia. Love on Bitcoin. Love on open source. Love on Anonymous. War on the wall street protesters blocking the streets because they made war on wall street. Love on peace. Love on solving the worlds problems without war. War on the stronger uses of war.

Love on hearing your thoughts about this new way to communicate and how it is the logical extension of how governments make law against x by broadcasting "war on x". Governments regulate with war, violent or just "thou shalt not x", but where's the love?
Love on your well thought out response using this style of communication to respond about it.

Love on hearing your theories how it could be possible that world peace, obsoleting of money, obsoleting of governments, and solving other global problems, could possibly not result from everyone communicating in this style.

Love on having a balanced state of mind. War on having a balanced state of mind.

Love on thinking of this way of communicating as a math language instead of "love" and "war" being related to ethics. War on ethics because it has many paradoxes. Love on paradoxes as puzzles but war on paradoxes as a way of life. Love on you figuring it out.

Love on Commit Radical Acts Of Honesty.


How about 'ultimate love on telepathy'?
Problems solved...
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Telepathy would happen between people who very much get in sync with eachother's thoughts this way, depending on how much they think alike. The technical definition of Love is to flow as 1 system, to be in sync.

Religious people often take this too far in how there is a math proof (Halting Problem) that there are an infinite number of logical statements which are true but can never be proven true, therefore we can never know which statements they are because then we would know they are true, so the universe is not 1 life form called "god" and doesn't have a mind overall. There's lots of parts that are and are not alive and infinite combinations. Technically nonexistence (as in "nonexistence is isomorphic to the set of all self-consistent possibilities") is infinite love, but technically it doesn't exist either and has no mind to think with since its infinitely symmetric and zero.

The world's problems will be solved when people change how they think, actually talk that way to eachother often (which I should be doing now, but its hard to get started). You're too deep into abstraction. People ignore things like what you said for the same reason they ignore whats in math books. Math is useful at various times, but do most people think about math for practical things? Its mostly intuition.

Lets save "problems solved" for when we look at the world and see thats true.


Post is really good. Gives lot of good information. Can you give me some nice quotations on "War on words Love"?


@ Barrongton. Hi and welcome to the pulse, you'll find a multitude of personalities here each   with their own beliefs and values. The main constituent is to a deeper understanding of spirituality and all it encompasses, of course being able to project into alternate realities and learn about possible ways to improve oneself from within for the better is top of the list.
@ Beavis, the ideal was that everyone had this ability. A concept in itself....
Agreed on the maths, I dont think a purely logical society could exist for millennia. This planets indigenous lifeforms are not ready to listen to eachothers needs at present. The wakeup call may arrive too late. Theres always hope.
At least 50000 have joined the Pulse so theres a start.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


You're right they're not ready to be honest, so I'm going back to what I've been doing for years, building a software which will network our subconscious thoughts together through the Internet using  statistical software and a user interface of mouse movements that interact with artificial intelligence creating music in realtime, to boot up a global telepathy network. Since the conscious mind insists on being dishonest, the subconscious mind is where I offer the interface.


Do you ever find yourselves stepping into reality like BAM Deja BOO! DAMMIT I'VE DONE THIS BEFORE! Why Do I keep repeating? I ask myself, Then I reply to myself because I'm in eternity where everything that has happened has already happened and infinite amount of times but somewhere along the line I completely forgot. O yeah Duh. 


There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.