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Agharta, Hollow Earth, and the Subterranian cities

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Shawn McCaffrey

P.S. It's strange that the only proof for a solid earth is the P and S wave tests, when this could be easily proven wrong (it is).  And so mcuh evidence piles on top of it.  But, why do people think it's wrong, popular beleif, ego, and "I don't want people to think i'm crazy."


Perfect example of how a person takes an important concept like dont believe everything  you've been taught and turns it upside down making it bad for everyone.

What makes you believe a theory such as this?  The desire to go against everything learned, ego as well(wanting to show everyone you're right and popular belief is wrong), and to prove you're open minded.

This is ridiculous but seems only the ones patting you on the back and eager to prove they're open minded free thinkers by giving credibility to such a bovine excrement theory are the only ones posting on here.  So have your moment of glory.  Just dont confuse it with being equal with great thinkers like einstein.  

What do all those quotes basically say?  Dont believe things just becuase they're out there.. be skeptical.  You're blindly believing a theory by using those peoples words about think for yourself.. and you're not thinking for yourself.  If you did and really applied skepticism instead of being so excited about being one of the people who proves a theory to be right (we'll show them) you'd realize this theory has no merit.

But you're on your quest to be right, to be a free thinker.. a person without ego and who doesn't care if anyone thinks their crazy.  
When you're more guilty than anyone else of believing what you read.  It is a lot easier to be critical of ideas everyone has accepted than a theory a few quacks put out there.  Afterall it has that rebellious im thinkiing on my own type of feel.  unfortunately you're buying into a theory a few people put out there for the personal glory of selling books to easily pursuaded people such as yourself.

gets ready for quotes about anything is possible and how you all are actually following great thinkers who as we all know accepted any theory as long as it wasn't mainstream right?  

THOSE QUOTES are about questioning.. those quotes you all are so fond of quoting in order to show how you shouldnt be questioned.  You only interpret them to mean questioning that which has been believed for 40 years by the scientific community.  Not crackpot theories.. just stop and think about it for a minute.

I think ill do like peaceful warrior though and just stop reading this crap its gotten way more attention than it should have gotten.  And apparently only people who agree with it or who want to prove they're openminded free thinkers devoid of ego are posting.. about the many ways it makes sense.


"You're blindly believing a theory by using those peoples words about think for yourself.. "

I'm sorry are you talking to me? Lets try and keep this out of the personal-bashing OK?
No, not trying to prove open mindedness, just trying to make other people see their own closed minded-ness. I see it everywhere, and if it was not for closed mindedness trying to hammer everyone else, we would be an inter-stellar species by now. I don't hate many things, but this pseudo-skeptical attitude is really vile. So I find it rather peculiar that you accuse me of knocking other people who dissagree with me, when the only people who are laughing at the other camp are the "this is rediculous I can't believe you are even considering this, there is no evidence for it" or even your harsher "bulls**t theory". As such you are blatently guilty of the very crime you accuse me of. Of course, as we have already discussed, none of these accusations are valid. So can we move on yet?

If someone uses one piece of evidence to try and prove the infallibility of the solid-earth theory, don't expect me not to provide opposing evidence. And if their evidence is flawed or incomplete, don't expect me not to point this out. Speaking of evidence, which is really what this comes down to, have you got anything you can add?

But honestly I do wonder whether you are listening to anything I am saying. I said, the quotes were to clarify. I find it odd that you are picking on the fact that I used quotes, rather than trying to understand what I was trying to say (in, and outside of, quotes). You could discuss our points, but instead you are falling back on personal accusations and emotionally charged sentences.
The same tactics are used against those who oppose evolution theory. They are instantly labelled "closed creationists", "quacks" etc....pah!

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


thats cute.. and what is everyone else doing?  saying theres no such thing as a person speeding or going to slow.. for we're all just here.. who are we to judge..

yeah that will get you far in life.. but its cute on a message board.

Anyway to inguma and even Shawn the reason I really started posting on this was the way both of you reacted to people who didnt believe in your theory.  You accused peaceful warrior of not believing in it or for being against it because of all those quotes.  Or ego.. or accepting what he's learned.

As if a natural progression of not accepting everything you've learned.  And living by einsteins theories which were quoted you'd obviously see a theory such as the hollow earth one was right.  

Theories like this are different than personal experience.  You're the one trying to supply evidence. Even if you said "i feel as if the earth is hollow" there's not much to dispute.  Thats your perception but you're trying to give proof as to why a physical entity actually exists in a different way we imagine.  Then when people dont agree you both reverted to statments about not being open minded enough.  or blind belief in our knowledge.  Sorry but this theory again is something you tried to supply proof of...dont be surprised if people squash that proof with other proof.

It did bother me every retort i read was suggesting the people who would dare call it flakey were just close minded skeptics.  While we're supposed to forget all the proof we know that suggests earth is solid and be open minded to shawns interpretations of the same facts supporting his theory.

I dont question things people have experienced.  Unless they try to offer proof.  Then people have every right to get skeptical and pull it apart.. just like "ill show you on video tape".  This is probably lost on people who see any kind of questioning as close mindedness.  But in reality its a theory which has to be argued.  Its not a belief or personal experience.  

So btw mj12 or whatever your handle is that to me is why i accept many things ive experienced.. but not peoples interpretations of them especially when they come to great conclusions about what it all means.  Lets say if coming in contact with an entity actually would lead a person to believe the world is comprised of entity's named tzar and we must follow and they get at theory about how the world is comprised of a race of tzars relatives.. Did they see an entity?  If I have no reason to doubt their credibility then why not(some people for reasons of continuously trying to get fame or known to lie) maybe i'd question their truthfulness.  Does that mean i have to believe what their conclusions are based on that experience.  No way and not believing it doesn't make me close minded. And it doesn't contradict the fact i believe they probably did see an entity.  There is a difference. its not what i believe vs what others do.  Its when people explain something outside their perception as fact and try to give evidence for it.
The hollow earth theory is a theory based on facts and conclusions.. if you dont expect opposition on this type of thing that argues against scientific facts then what are you doing? recruiting followers?.. i have no doubt many here would join up.  They think its all part of being on this forum and openminded.  However, i see the conclusions as ridiculus and not supported by facts.  That has nothing to do with me being close minded.  Its a natural progression of being a person who has to filter out all im told is possible and what i believe.  It has nothing to do with being a victim or just another person accepting all i've learned and therefore not seeing the truth in this.

Tom actually said it best when he mentioned its fine to play the game as long as you realize its a game.  But if you continue to say the reason no one has accepted it isn't due to the faulty logic of the theory but "peoples ego which doesn't want them to believe what they've learned is wrong" you're fooling yourself.. and insulting everyone who thinks its BS by assuming its because we're not open minded enough or willing enough to learn new things that may contradict things we've already learned.  

Maybe its just the faulty logic of the theory?  


DO YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK?!?!?! (do you even care? oh well, I'm going to tell you anyway, so HA!)

I don't think there's any BS going on in here, and if there is, who cares? To each their own. There are far too many idiots in the world for any one person to "take care" of (as much as I'd like to). Besides, it's like they say- when you make something idiot-proof, they just make a better idiot. I definitely understand and agree that we shouldn't try so hard to be open-minded that it becomes a superficial "in" thing that everybody's doing because it's the "new fad," but I don't think that's an issue here. On what evidence do you base your accusations? i.e. What exactly makes you think that people in here are just saying what they're saying because they want to look cool or boost their ego with saying something to receive good complements? Hey, if I don't believe something, I have no problem telling you I think it's a crock of you-know-what. And if I don't like someone, I've got no problem telling them where to go. Hey, I know kung fu, if they want to mess, I'll let them mess themselves up. But I'm not going to tell someone to stop believing something just because I don't believe it myself. I can't explain anything to anyone who doesn't believe the possibility of what I believe to be true.

I don't think anyone here is disregarding everything they learned in school. I think there are things here that are being blown out of proportion. It's like me spilling a glass of water on the kitchen floor and someone accusing me of letting a firehose loose in the kitchen. It's just ridiculous and unnecessary. I think we're starting to split hairs here. We're getting to the point where we're analyzing every word in each others' sentences, and I think that's just a waste of time and thought energy. Wherever one goes, it is imperative that they create positive energy and not negative energy. I think the last 11 or so posts are a waste of cyberspace. There's no need for that conversation. When I see idiots, I avoid them, rather than confront them. It's like they say- When you argue with a fool, make sure they're not doing the same thing (and no, I'm not calling anyone here a fool, nor am I trying to imply it).

Anyway, just my contribution.


I would also like to add that my statement about egos in a previous post was not to be taken literally. I was not tryint to say that people base their beliefs entirely on their egos. I just meant that when a new idea/theory comes out, it is often ridiculed by people until facts are presented to prove the theory to be true (in which case it then becomes a fact). Hundreds of years ago, a person could be imprisoned for saying the world was round (which it is, and has been PROVEN by astronauts who have seen it from space and also the captains of the sea who have sailed all the way around it and circumnavigated it). Math plays a gigantic part in proving these things. What are the mathematical properties of a big rock slamming into a gigantic, solid ball of dirt? How is the crater made? What impact (no pun intended) does it have on the surface? What about if the earth is hollow? Let's say we are hit with one. What happens to anything on the other side of the crust?

Now, about those idiots... [has clocktower fantasy]


Goingslow, I think you have misconceptions about this forum. First of all, I would like to say that one of the things I admire most about this forum is the way people are not so judgemental about what is said, but if they disagree then they can voice their opinion without pointing their finger at the other person and calling them an idiot or a fake. Constructive criticism is a big part of higher learning. Insulting others only creates negative energy which just angers people and may cause them to say nasty things about you. The more you analyze them, the more they're going to analyze you. Also, in every single fight I've ever witnessed or been in, the one who "wins" is always the one who is calmest, whether they're right or wrong.

Second,  I don't see any reason for labeling anyone a fake or being open-minded just to say they are to get praise from others. The people on this forum wouldn't be here if they didn't really have an open-mind. I assure you, there are very few here who are superficial, and from what I've seen most of those who I try to stay away from are in the energy development section, and I think that I stay away from them because I do not understand them. But you don't see me getting in their faces about what I think of them. I think many of them are very enthusiastic Dragonball Z fans. But even they bring up good points about energy. Why don't you go read their posts, come back here, and tell me what you think. When I see a topic or subject that I don't like or agree with, then I simply save myself the trouble and don't get involved. If I feel that I can make a valid point, I will do so, but without insulting anyone. Hey, maybe they can prove me wrong. Maybe Inguma and Shawn feel strongly about what they believe in and maybe what they said and how they said it was for that reason. I detected no hostility in their posts when I told them I prefer to think the earth is solid. Like I said, I don't think their belief that the earth may be hollow is sideways or the thoughts of madmen who let their imaginations run away with them. There is still a very strong possibility that it exists, just based on quantum physics alone. Did you know it's impossible to state the exact location, speed, and direction of an electron? Did you know that two electrons with opposite spin can occupy the same coordinates? Don't you think that might be possible with universes (if more than one exists)? Two earths may be occupying the same space for all we know (hollow and solid), and maybe there are gateways/connections to the other earth through certain corresponding points in the gravitational field. Who are you or any of us to say what another's motives are for posting what they post? Are you a psychologist? You don't know what's going on inside their heads. None of us do. Sometimes I can't even explain what's going on in my own head. Now, can we PLEASE stop with the insults and continue this discussion? We don't mind if you tell us what you think about hollow earth, but we don't care for or about your opinions of us. If you want to post your own topic about how much everyone here sucks, then be my guest (people here would probably be angry at first but then try to understand why you would post something like that and try to enlighten you), but this topic is about hollow earth, so why don't we just talk about hollow earth and other related things, rather than saying what peoples' motives are for posting what they think? It sounds to me like you want to be a psychiatrist. You seem to like to analyze others. Why don't you take a course or two in the field of psychology? It's a very interesting field and it is very versatile.


What I find amusing is how you miss each time the posters here psychoanalyzed why others dont believe in it.  Thats the only time I wrote down why they do.

"herd mentality" Inguma
"they dont believe because of ego" you
"close minded" "believing everything you're taught"
"weak minded"

Its okay to do that because we're talking about everyone who disagrees right?  No one in particular.  But if i take what that infers.. and make inferences right back using what it must mean logically what they think they are doing by entertaining the ideas (based on your comments why people dont believe) Im being judgemental.

I do have a question though.. aren't the advanced races in there all aryan?  Blonde haired blue eyed according to the theories?  hmm reminds me of something. Yeah i already know the hitler connection but hey sounds nice doesn't it.  I wonder if the advanced people were arab or dark this theory would be as popular as it is.  

Shawn McCaffrey

Not to sound mean.  Honestly.  But Timeless is right, let's get ON TOPIC, you are arguing like children, if you want to show evidence and stuff LIKE I ASKED FOR in the beginning feel free, but if you want to talk about people on an ego trip and being mean, let he who has no sins cast the first stone.  We were just chatting, no egos, no judging, and then goingitslow cam ein and was on auto defence, like we would automatically judge his beleifs, and we wouldn't at all, I was interested in it and wanted to research.  But no.  I went away for one day, then came back and there's a HUGE argument going on.  Can't we all just get along and discuss the earths structure without contempt or scon.  Being the creator of this thread, I feel I need to stop all these bad vibes, please.  [:P]  HUZZAH!


P.S. [;)]


Wow, Timeless, that's interesting. I have interest in UFOs. I believe they exist and that other races exist. I think some of them are probably from Area 51 and other secret government facilities but for the most part I think they are either from outer space or from hollow earth (if it does indeed exist). I find this hollow earth theory is growing on me. I believe there is a fairly strong possibility it exists. I once had a dream that for some reason I was digging a hole in the ground and about 2 feet down I broke through the earth's crust and was able to see outer space, as if the earth was flat. It was weird staring into a hole in the ground and seeing something you're only supposed to see when you look up.

So what about other unexplained things, i.e. the Lockness monster, mermaids, Atlantis, etc. Do you think they exist? I think there's a possibility. There was a website I went to which has supposedy real documentations of sightings of mermaids by English sailors. Now, whether or not scurvy (or magic mushrooms or peote cactus) was a factor here, I do not know. I don't remember how I got to the website but I'm sure you could dig up a lot of stuff if you did a websearch.

As for the races of Hollow Earth, well, I'm certain that if it is habitable "down" there, some form of life MUST exist, just based on bacteria alone.


wow you're rolling on the floor.  get out more..


your enthusiasm and many smilies are very effective.  However im not the only person who has commented before on the aryan angle.  In fact think hitler really saw this race and that gave him his ideas. Kids like you wouldnt know about those things though.  Live live more.. dont stay on these messageboards trying to be cute so much.. it will do you wonders.

Theres more to life than 16 year olds with conspiracy theories.. though im sure you think you're onto something.


lay off the crack pipes all of you.. no wonder this forum is turning to dragon ball Z bovine excrement and quack theories.  A few radical crack smokers ruin it for the rest.  

no wonder the OBE forum is kept seperate.. more of you guys need to stay off the internet and live in reality... ill stay off this forum just like the energy forum.. too many people who need to touch down with reality instead of being so consumed in nutjob theories.

have a good life freaks
timeless... you're a father.. holyshit..

Shawn McCaffrey

I can't wait!  O and timeless,aren't you supposed to be on message board leave?  For your book?  


Shawn McCaffrey

your enthusiasm and many smilies are very effective. However im not the only person who has commented before on the aryan angle. In fact think hitler really saw this race and that gave him his ideas. Kids like you wouldnt know about those things though. Live live more.. dont stay on these messageboards trying to be cute so much.. it will do you wonders.

1. Yes, I had a similar theory on HItler and the aryan race.  So us KIDS do know about it, Mr.  Allknowing.
2. What the hell are you talking about?  Is, RESPECTFUL not in your vocabulary?  I know we have said nothing at all mean or bad to you....I don't appreciate your comments.  I don't think I'm being cute by sharing my ideas.. What are you talking about?

lay off the crack pipes all of you.. no wonder this forum is turning to dragon ball Z bovine excrement and quack theories. A few radical crack smokers ruin it for the rest.

1. Agian you know nothing about me and I don't apprreciate your derogatory commentary.

no wonder the OBE forum is kept seperate.. more of you guys need to stay off the internet and live in reality... ill stay off this forum just like the energy forum.. too many people who need to touch down with reality instead of being so consumed in nutjob theories

1. O is it so hard for you to beleive that  maybe we can have lives and talk about this "nonsense"?  Also, on what babsis do you come to this conclusion?  I mean if you mean just talking about it, then you are too!  GET A LIFE! BLABLABLA! [:P]
2. I have a clear touch with reality, i'm not some pastey white, freindless dude, I have a very active life, I am just interested in the "paranormal", allthough I can't speak for you or anyone else.
3.  Please, DON'T post here until you learn how to be respectful, and make sense, just about everything you posted about us can be applied to you as well...
4. O you dont like smileys? [}:)]
I DO![:D][^][:I][8D][8)][|)][:)][:P][;)]


Shawn McCaffrey

Back on topic: Timeless, I suggest going to, in the table of contents section!  It's a great mega summary, and even has a questionable photo of an unchrated land, allthough who knows what the photo really is of? [|)]


Timeless, I myself am not a big fan of weird experiences. I get freaked out pretty easily, but I always try to act tough about stuff (determination?). I figure if I am determined enough, then I can do anything. My friend made a small sign (which says "WTF?" on it) for unexplained things like these. He holds up the sign whenever he's weirded out by something. I need to make one of those signs.


I have a question. Where does one begin to decide what's needed and what isn't as far as things like looks go? Sure you need to look good (presentable) to get a good job. I really don't care for the most part what I look like, but I hate getting looks from others. I take this as a suggestion that I am weak-minded because I shouldn't care what others think. I'm in a funky spot in my life right now. I need to decide what kind of job I want someday. I need to decide how I'm going to help the world. I want my job to be one that does something for others. Music makes people happy. But I think there are better jobs out there. I also want to enjoy what I do. Now, in the middle of all this, I am trying to spiritually advance at the same time. By spiritually advancing, maybe I can decide what it is I want to do someday (soon). I've got a year left in undergrad school, then I have to decide whether or not I want to pursue my master's degree. I'm very indecisive right now.


Greetings Timeless!

Originally posted by timeless
P.S. I cannot stress how much that "I AM your equal" bit can change your life whether you are at the supermarket or in a high level business meeting.  See yourself there and then make sure you have the goods that ensures you should be there.  Whether we are talking presidents or poppers or intergalactic beings it is a high EQ that is prized.  Tons of people have intellectual skills...few have EQ skills.  That is what separates the men from the boys, the women from the girls.

Yes indeed: as Quia Gon Jinn said in Star Wars 1:

Your focus determines your reality

There is considerable wisdom in those words whether Lucas new it or not - I think he did. Actually, as an aside, much of Star Wars contains alot of Spiritual truisms, including "the force" which we know as "Prana", "Chi" "Psi" or perhaps "Spirit itself".

Anyway, the point is, the way you think, and the energy you put  behind it, determines what you will achieve and who you are - every gets what they wish for, but many do not know what they are subconsciouly wishing for. Those who worry about their life situations will attract more of what they are worrying about - e.g. worrying about money will cause more debt. That is the way cause and effect works and indeed low magic. Cause and effect, like attacts like.

In the higher spheres - the Astral for example - everyone is confronted with this reality in a way that is inescapable. Thought = direct action instantly. In the physical world exactly the same rules apply, but they are less obvious and very often routed in the subconscious. So to break out of a vortex of negative energies and results, the key is to program your subconsious, and to think positively in the first person all the time.

So - don't say to yourself - "I want to be comfortably off", or "I want no money worries" etc., your attitude should be "I am comfortably off", "I have all the money I need" etc. etc. and in that way you will attract these energies to you and which will sooner or later manifest in your physical reality. Successful people always know beyond doubt that they are successful,and success is thus attracted to them. Of course, most people attribute the fortunes of these people to "luck" and are jealous - but their is no such thing in the Universe as "luck", and their jealousy will attract the opposite of the fortune they are jealous of. The appropriate attitude is to give thanks for the fortune of others, and be grateful that you have the opportunity to do so. Many people are conditioned at birth by their parents and peers as to what their "station in life" is - i.e. to live in such and such a place, in such and such a sized house, with such and such a wife and so many kids named such and such. This becomes firmly routed in the subconscious until it manifests in reality. Those that are brave enough to reach beyond these things and confront their own lives, know themselves and their true purpose are the ones who will make the true progress.

The same goes for managing people as Timeless has been saying. If you approach someone with the attitude "I am your equal" then you will be their equal and they will recognise you as such. It is also true of course, because we are all Brothers and Sisters born of the Great Spirit, The Divine Providence, God etc., and all on various stages of the path back home to the Light.

So go through life knowing these things and attracting positive energies and manifestations to you - knowing your are a son or daughter of God and that nothing can ever harm you, knowing that this life is a valuable opportunity to make progress on the path, knowing that material things are really only obstacles with which to learn valuable lessons and equilbrate Karma of this and previous lives, and knowing that you can have anything you need providing your needs are genuine. Your focus really does determine your reality!

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


I do not believe that a soul can be truly lost. All it needs is the right words to realize how to repair its ego. Even those souls who have turned to the dark side must bow down before the majesty of the light, because they know somewhere deep down that they can never be the opposite equal in greatness to god. Nobody can. Whatever is not of the light is a mere illusion of reality.


It's nice to have free will. Anything's possible.


Hey Timeless-

There is a lot of instability as far as my carreer situation is concerned. I'm not doing particularly well in school, due mainly to my lack of interest in the left-brained methods of learning about music. It may work for those who fit in particularly well with our society, but not for me. I am also suffering from aspergers high-functioning autism (the least severe level), which isn't making things any easier for me. My strengths come from the right hemesphere of my brain, and I just wish our society would recognize that hemesphere.

Wow, I got so mad at Goingslow in another post (Hephaestus- "It is time"), and just lost it. Not because he/she was insulting me but because of what he/she was saying about the other people and how he/she was saying it- he/she actually said something good about me (which I think I disproved with my last post), and I felt a bit sorry for him/her after ripping him a new one. But I felt it had to be said, complement or not. He/she's gotta change his/her ways of getting his/her points across. I probably only made things worse. It really bothers me when someone insults someone else, especially when it is totally unnecessary. It's probably the one thing that gets under my skin the most- verbally, psychically, or physically attacking another person. Anyway, I said what I said, so it's not like I can change it now. Apologizing would probably only make it look like I read what was posted after I sent my post. I guess I got my point across, but poorly. Well, that was my mistake. Now I'm not allowed to make another one for a long time. I hope for his/her sake that he/she'll change the way he or she says things to others.


Greetings everyone!

It's 01:20 on Sunday here, so this will have to be a short one [:)]

I just wanted to say that it is so important to follow your own intuition and guidance from your higher self - i.e. that little voice inside that constantly guides you - ignore it at your peril!

Upon leaving school, it is very difficult not to sucumb to family and peer pressures, and to do what they think you should do and what is best for you. However your purpose here might not match those stereotypes in any way shape or form. Unfortunately it seems likely that many people are caught in this very trap from the outset, and never do realise their true reasons for this incarnation,and end up having to come back and do it all again.

My family was and is very much like that. They have lived in the same area for generations, and their idea of an idyllic existence is a nine 'til five job, a nice semi-detached house, and wife to match and the average 2.7 kids [:)] I started out that way when I spent the first few years of my working life as an organic and physical chemist, but all of a sudden something "told" me I should be in computers, so I quit my job and founded one of the first national computer businesses much to the great horror of my family - giving up the job security. They were even more horrified when I decided to get a pilots license and started flying around in single engined aeroplanes which they perceived as most dangerous, and not the thing to do at all [:)] My intuition then told be to move location, which I did, and  not to bore you with any further details I have had a very long and eventful journey to arrive where I am now on my path.

I think I am more or less where I am supposed to be, but if I had ignored my higher self and other guardians and guides by way of that intition, I might still be wearing a white lab coat between nine and five, and returning home to my stereotype house each evening. I do have three wonderful sons however - 0.3 more than the average [:)] I might add that my house is most modest, and I see it merely as a means to an end and nothing else. If it wasn't for raising my children, I could most happily live in a single room or a cave providing I had my books and a PC with an Internet connection to communicate and manage my server upon which this resource resides.

The moral is - this is yourlife, path and opportunity and no one elses. Each incarnation is an extremely valuable (and pre-planned) opportunity to learn valuable lessons, equilibrate Karma, and make real progress on the path. It is so important to know that, and live your life accordingly, because when you do pass on at the end of each life, there is plenty of time to review what you accomplished, and what you might have accomplished.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas