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Breathing underwater for the first time

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I spent 5 weeks at club med, Cancun, diving...need I say more? WOW
any way, like you, I am a natural water baby. I find that if you are calm and relaxed, you need less oxygen, so the oxygen in your lungs will last longer. as for the breathing, If I "breathe" and allow some air to inflate my mouth and breath it in again, it relieves the stress in my diaphragm that's telling me I need to breath. by allowing the diaphragm to move slightly, it relaxes even more and for longer.

I can't imagine having a bubble of any size that wouldn't break away and float up, it just doesn't make sense.


Originally posted by sstonevenuss

I spent 5 weeks at club med, Cancun, diving...need I say more? WOW
any way, like you, I am a natural water baby. I find that if you are calm and relaxed, you need less oxygen, so the oxygen in your lungs will last longer. as for the breathing, If I "breathe" and allow some air to inflate my mouth and breath it in again, it relieves the stress in my diaphragm that's telling me I need to breath. by allowing the diaphragm to move slightly, it relaxes even more and for longer.

I can't imagine having a bubble of any size that wouldn't break away and float up, it just doesn't make sense.

yes thats true...AND OK I LIED IT WASNT 3 MINUTES 27 SECONDS(?orwhaterever i said) IT WAS MORE FOR LIKE 2 and people can hold their breath that long but i cant it as long for me. still its strange


Originally posted by sstonevenuss

I spent 5 weeks at club med, Cancun, diving...need I say more? WOW
any way, like you, I am a natural water baby. I find that if you are calm and relaxed, you need less oxygen, so the oxygen in your lungs will last longer. as for the breathing, If I "breathe" and allow some air to inflate my mouth and breath it in again, it relieves the stress in my diaphragm that's telling me I need to breath. by allowing the diaphragm to move slightly, it relaxes even more and for longer.

I can't imagine having a bubble of any size that wouldn't break away and float up, it just doesn't make sense.

that last part is....what do you mean by that?


you lost me on "the last part"  I'll assume you meant about the bubble floating up...It's an undeniable force, like water seeking its own is impossible to keep air under water unless it is contained by some kind of physical barrier, so to get a bubble of air to form and remain in front of your face under water so that you can continue to breath from it is extremely, highly unlikely.A.

a quick diving tip: I dive all the time with snorkelling gear...take a deap breath, hold it (that's important) dive down as deep as you like, pinching your nose and "blow" against the preasure to pop your ears, it helps to have fins, so you can actually get down far enough to make it worth it, when you return to the surface, you blow that big breath you've hopefully been holding as hard as you can through the tube and miraculously, all the water blows right out of it with the air. repeat.  ;)


another intersting tid bit:  You were actually breathing under water for the first time in the womb, and even more interesting, that fluid you were swimming in for 9 months was identical to ocean salt water! cool, huh. maybe you were just remembering...hhhmmmmm.. It's possible.


...I love scuba diving for htose of you that have never scuba dived before or even snorkeled its a blast.
snorkling is not as good because you cant go low and when you do you get water in your tube.
but with scuba diving you get to go deeper and experience it first hand, and no water up the tube.
the first dive is spectacular. you slowly submerge into the water, your mind is yelling at you


then slowly you go under realising that your ok your breathing (faster than normal because your nervous) but your breathing none the less. your brain realises that you have an oxygen tank.

im not even going to go into the whole exp. you gotta do it for yourself.

the real reason why i am here is to ask a question that probably nobody knows the answer to.

not that long ago i would be swimming(i swim year round)(i love water)
and if i would swim slow and breath in just slightly i could stay underwater for a very long time.. ther was this one time about 2 years ago we had a "Who could hold their breath longer[underwater]" contest.  i held my breath for over 3 minutes. i think the exact time was 3minutes and  27 seconds. see but i never held my breath. and i still didnt have to come up for air i just came up because i was confused like everyone else.

my theory is that a small air bubble formed around my nose and allowed me to breath underwater. BUT to disproove that theory now when i try to breath underwater even if an air bubble does form around my nose when i breath in the bubble goes into my nose and so does water. Now i know a few years ago there was air under my nose because i dont remember water going up my nose, but i do remember a small air that proves my theory but how did i get it to stay. i have tried using oils to get it to stay, and alot of other things but it doesnt work anymore. I remember a few times after that i tried and it worked but not for that long. the last time i did it i remember being at the bottom of my pool and thinking to myself i love the water, my dreams of being able to breath underwater have came true and now i can fufill my desire to live underwater. then i closed my eyes and layed on the bottom, but then i started choking because water whent up my nose and ever since then i cant do it.

EXPLAIN PLEASE SOMEONE. i want to hear peoples thoughts, and i dont want to hear things such as "your an insaine phycho freak" or jokes such as "Justin is at the bottom of a swimming pool breathing how is this possible?...there is no water in it."

ive heard 'em all and if you dont believe me then dont reply i want people who actually this really happened to reply.