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ten mysteries for you guys to ponder

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Risu no Kairu

You want some mysteries? Read Sranger Than Science by Frank Edwards.

However, it's a pretty old book, so some things might have been solved by now.
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


the book i got those from is a magazine-sized hardcover with over 300 pages. it probably has over 2000 articles in it, but it's out of print, i think, or else really hard to find.

one of the books it makes references to quite often, 'on the track on unknown animals', is available, and loaded with all kinds of animal-related mysteries. its huge. i would buy it, except its like $75 [:(] ..i only have like $45 and i've been saving for about a month [:I]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


i'm going to post a few articles from a reader's digest book i have called 'mysteries of the unexplained.' i borrowed it from my grandpa a few years ago.. i just have so much trouble giving it back! none of the articles are fictionous, and a good number draw source from official police reports. some of the articles are long so i'll summarize them. it'll be interesting to read your thoughs on them [:)]

I. The Devil's Hoof-Marks

"The Devil's hoof-marks" were so called by the astounded villagers who saw them appear overnight in rural England in 1855. On the morning of February 8 countless numbers of unidentifiable prints were discovered in the snow around 18 communities in the county of Devon. They were shaped like small horseshoes and ran in absolutely straight lines- one directly behind another, as if whatever had made them had only one leg, or a peculiarly mincing gait.

In a single night the unknown beast had traveled about 100 miles, crossing a wide river, and had skulked around houses. In some places it had apparently walked right up walls and along rooftops, and here and there the tracks gave the impression that the thing had actually passed through walls and roofs.

For some time thereafter people feared to go out after dark, and the superstitious believed the tracks were made by Satan himself. (Bernard Heuvelmans, On the Track of Unknown Animals, pp.324-25)

II. Alien Footprints?

In June 1968 William J. Meister, an amateur fossil collector, discovered a fossil of a trilobite, crushed by a sandal! Trilobites supposively died out 280 million years ago, while humans are thought to be only 1 or 2 million years old, and such sandals have only been developed in the last few thousand years. The fossil was dated back to between 300 and 600 million years ago!

The fossil revealed "on one side the footprint of a human with trilobites right in the footprint itself. The other half of the rock slab showed an almost perfect mold of the footprint and fossils. Amazingly the human was wearing a sandal!"

The sandal that crushed the living trilobite was 10 and 1/4 inches long and 3 and 1/2 inches wide; the heel is slightly indented more than the sole, as a human shoe print would be. Meister took the rock the Melvin Cook, a professor of metallurgy at the University of Utah, who advised him to show the specimen to the university geologists. When meister was unable to find a geologist willing to examine the print, he went to a local newspaper, The Desert News. Before long, the find received national publicity.

In a subsequent news conference the curator of the Museum of Earth Science at the University of Utah, James Madsen, said:

"There were no men 600 million years ago. Neither were there monkies or bears or ground sloths to make pseudohuman tracks. What man-thing could possibly have been walking on this planet before vertebrates even evolved?"

Later that year, in the same area, two more ancient footprints were found fossilized in rock. Though there were no crushed trilobites in these, some were found nearby in the same layer of rock, indicating the two were contemporaries. (Bible-Science Newsletter, August-September 1969; Creation Research Society Quarterly, December 1968.

III. Humans with Two Rows of Teeth

Seven skeletons were found in a burial mound near Clearwater, Minnesota, in 1888. They had double rows of teeth in the upper and lower jaws and had been buried in a sitting position, facing the lake. The foreheads were unusually low and sloping, with prominent brows. (The Saint Paul and Minneapolis Pioneer Press, July 1, 1888.

IV. Toad Encased in Ore

A living toad was liberated from a cavity near the center of a large rock by workmen digging for ore at Paswick, Derby, England, in 1852. They came upon the rock-actually a large clump of ore-at a depth of 12 feet below ground level and since it was too large for two men to lift, they began to break it up with their picks.

The cavity in which they found the toad was nearly six inches in diameter, considerably larger than the animal itself, and was lined with crystals, perhaps of carbonate of lime. The toad died very soon after being exposed to air. (The Zoologist, 10:36:32, 1852.)

V. Another Toad Case

An astonished toad was liberated from its snug cavity in a 14-pound nodule of flint by a workman's pickax at Blois, France, in 1851. Upon finding the wind in its nostrils for the first time in no one knows how long, the toad jumped out of its hole and began to crawl rapidly away. His escape was thwarted by the workmen, however, who put him back in the flint and sent their find to the local Society of Sciences for their study.

At the society's headquarters, the toad, within his flint, was placed in a basement in a bed of moss. If the top of the flint was removed in darkness, the toad would lie quietly where he was, but if the room was light he climbed out and tried to run away. If he was placed on the edge of the flint, he would crawl into the hole of his own accord, gathering his legs under his body and taking particular care of a foot that had been slightly hurt when he was first removed from the flint. The cavity fitted his body like a glove, except for a small area above the back, and his mouth rested on a small ledge which had produced a permanent indentation in his jawbone. (The Zoologist, 9:3265-66, 1851.)

VI. Dogon Tribe

There is a huge article on this, so huge that it's intimidating to even try to summarize it. The jist is this: a primitive African tribe, with many of its members still living in caves, possesses great astronomical knowledge, and has for many hundreds of years. They knew of the star Sirius B (Po tolo, in their language), which is invisible to the naked eye, and claimed that beings from that system landed on Earth and taught their ancestors great knowledge; all the astronomical knowledge they know. They understood since their earliest times that the Earth revolves around the sun, and they have developed four calenders: one based on the Sun, one on the Moon, one on Venus, and one based on the Sirius star system (which again, is invisible to the naked eye).

The Dogon say that Sirius B was the first star made by God, and that is is the 'axis of the universe'. From it, all souls have been produced, and after death, souls travel from Sirius (Po tolo) to a mysterious Emme Ya.

All this they were taught by the Nommo, a mysterious people from the Sirius System who came to Earth to benefit mankind. They said the Nommo were fish-like, and landed and took off in a vessel that "spinned and whirled", "spurted blood", and used four "legs" to land near water to refuel. Water! To refuel! This fits in so well with what Zecharia Sitchin has been saying all along, but I'll try my best not to get into that in this post [:D]

VII. Lincoln/Kennedy Similarities

  • Licoln was elected president in 1860. Exactly one hundred years later, in 1960, Kennedy was elected president.
  • Both men were deeply involved in civil rights for African Americans.
  • Both men were assassinated on a Friday, in the presence of their wives.
  • Each wife had lost a son while living in the White House.
  • Both men were killed by a bullet that entered the head from behind.
  • Lincoln was killed at Ford's Theater. Kennedy met his death while riding in a Lincoln convertible made by the Ford Motor Company.
  • Both men were succeeded by vice-presidents named Johnson who were southern Democrats and former senators.
  • Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908, exactly one hundred years later.
  • The first name of Lincoln's private secretary was John (As in John F. Kennedy). The last name of Kennedy's private secretary was Lincoln.
  • John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839 according to some sources. Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939, exactly one hundred years later.
  • Both assassins were Southerners who held extremist views.
  • Both assassins were murdered before they could be brought to trial.
  • Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and fled to a barn. Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and fled to a theater.
  • Lincoln and Kennedy both consist of seven letters.
  • Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson each consist of 13 letters.
  • John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald each consist of 15 letters.

In addition, the first public proposal that Lincoln be the Republican candidate for president (in a letter to the Cincinnati Gazette, November 6, 1858) also endorsed a John Kennedy for vice president(John P. Kennedy, formerly secretary of the navy)(!!!). (Martin Gardner, The Incredible Dr. Matrix, pp.42-45)

VIII. A Shared Fate

A man riding a moped was killed by a taxi in Bermuda in 1975, exactly a year after his brother had been killed- on the same street, by the same taxi driver carrying the same passenger, and on the same moped. (John Mitchell and Robert J.M. Rickard, Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, p.90)

IX. Clocking Out

An ornate clock belonging to King Louis XIV of France stopped at the precise moment of his death, 7:45 AM, on September 1, 1715, and has never run since. (Ripley's Giant Book of Believe it or Not!)

X. Nostradamus

One of Nostradamus's most famous prophecies follows, showing that he *didn't* just predict things vaguely, purposely allowing many interpretations.

"Liberty shall not be recovered, a black, fierce, villainous, evil man shall occupy it, when the ties of his alliance are wrought. Venice shall be vexed by Hister. Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers, the greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister. He will drag the leader in a cage of iron, when the child of Germany observes no law."

The only part that is really open to debate is the leader being dragged in a cage of iron. 'Hister', is, of course, 'Hitler'. Nostradamus was off by only two letters. He correctly predicted the country this would take place in, that Venice was vexed by her former ally, along with the rest of Italy, and that Hitler's troops did cross the rivers like ravening beasts, though most countries were fighting against him. (Erika Cheetham, The Prophecies of Nostradamus, passim)

there ya go! [:D]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?