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Free your focus! Master your mind!

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Hi, recently I posted a question over at Astral Dynamics asking for information about achieving fluid movement of my eyes.

"I'd like any info and or opinions on the conscious control I have achieved over my eyes during the last few days.

Who would have thought that playing with my eyes could do so much?

I can now focus freely throughout my surroundings my eyes flowing perfectly over everything and not "getting stuck" to whats underneath anymore (achieved control of the movement). I can focus at will on empty space now and my eyes wont be "pulled" to what's behind. I have conscious control of the focus of my eyes.

I can also open and close my iris's at will, not only that but if I widen the focus of my eyes enough it activates my brow centre (and makes the lights flicker).

The way I see has changed, I have a much wider field of focus, I don't flinch as much and can catch things thrown at me without even flinching my pupils.

My eyes also now adapt to different levels of light instantly, coming out of a dark room into the light doesn't hurt anymore at all, also my eyes adapt to darkness instantly as well.

Achieving this (I've only scratched the surface so far) involved much balancing of my brain hemispheres which I also now have full conscious control over. Now my mind is totally focused at all times naturally (and before this I couldn't sit through ten minutes of breath awareness) and it has CURED my A.D.D. And there is soooo many more wierd and wonderful things!

Thank you Universe!

I have never heard of anything like this and I can't find any info on the net. Who else has achieved this or has any info? I basically am just trying to expand my awareness of this amazing this that I have unwittingly begun.

Thank You"

The thread however becomes me teaching people how to achieve this (and I love teaching this)!

Comments? Questions? Let me know.

What am I smiling at? That's the strangest question I've ever heard.


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! TEACH ME HOW! thats amazing!!! I cant even count the ways in which i could benift from that... infact I believe I this is the exact thing i've been looking for (without actually doing any looking i just knew this is what i needed) in regards to a certain hiccup im having in learning photoreading.


Quote from: Mez on October 16, 2007, 23:51:33
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! TEACH ME HOW! thats amazing!!! I cant even count the ways in which i could benift from that... infact I believe I this is the exact thing i've been looking for (without actually doing any looking i just knew this is what i needed) in regards to a certain hiccup im having in learning photoreading.

Well it's all there in that other thread, I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have. Did you read it all?
What am I smiling at? That's the strangest question I've ever heard.


I'm not sure where to put this, as is doesn't fit neatly into any of our forum descriptions, so I moved it here.

Also, Awake And Aware, if you are going to post something, please post it here and not direct others to posts on other forums that they need to read there, only to come back here to respond.

Thank you.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


But there's so much, I couldn't post it all here, I didn't know what else to do, sorry.
What am I smiling at? That's the strangest question I've ever heard.



I glanced through the first two pages of the link you sent. Basically you are linking to a long thread on this topic. There is no reason to do this. I'm deleting the link to that other thread. If people here are interested, they'll ask questions to the thread you started here.

Below is a copy from the second post you made to that thread. The rest of that post is simply Q&A. If members here are interested or have questions, they can post their questions here and you can respond if you want. I don't think its fair to ask them to go somewhere else to ask questions on a thread you started here.

QuoteI too am extremely short sighted Korpo, I do think that in time my eyesight will recover. My eyes now feel soo relaxed, my shortsightedness I firmly believe was caused by subconscious tension in the muscles around my eyes, tension which is now slowly diminishing. Only time will tell but I'll be very suprised if my sight remains as it is.

As for the "technique" it is beautifully simple, but extremely tricky.

All you do is practise moving your eyes fluidly around, that's it. Moving your point of focus through mid-air is cheating and you won't get any benefits from it (unless you're using it as a starting aid).

I practised non-stop all day everday with no breaks at all. I had this idea on Monday, and that's when I started, so as you can see results are fairly quick.

But bare in mind, as you practise this simple technique you will find a new world of intricate complexities opening up infront of you and inside. The technique has a simple label, and is simple to practise, but you'll find it reveals to you the very essense of what you are.

Just remember, no matter if you can't do it, or if it hurts or what ever reason you might have trouble with all you have to focus on is that fluid motion. Just keep trying, keep feeling for that fluid motion and fail as many times as nessecary until you master it.

What this excersise does is it removes the lotus of control out of your eyes from your eyes. What I mean is, when you want to look at something, you'll turn your eyes towards it, because that's where your awareness is (where you are looking from, your self awareness, have you ever noticed how you are actually inside your eyes and not behind them inside your head?). This excersise trains your subconsious to take control of your eye muscles while you develope and learn to control your external point of awareness which will drag your eyes with it as you move it THROUGH your surroundings. You will develope the ability to feel your surroundings with this external awareness, providing you can hold the balance and the focus (which will very quickly become automatic).

The technique has many, many layers or levels (or more specifically spheres), each one will require you to map it by feeling it out throughly, you'll have to do this so many times but it is never boring! Each one is the same thing, but feels completely different. Eventually all the complexities will simply dissapear as your subconscious takes over all the hard work and that particualr focus is now effortless to you.

This excersise opens your eyes, litteraly, you'll be amazed at what they become! at how they change! In certain focuses (the further/closer/smaller ones) I can FEEL high frequencies in my eyes. Trance is usually good for a wonderful eye massage, it's almost like it tickles, it feels great.

Something else as well, when I'm in the more sensitive focuses (like the one above) I can also feel these higher frequencies in my brain, on the top/back part. It feels like electricity, and also feels very good 

As you progress, you'll become aware of a new feeling inside your eye, that also extends out into your field of vision. It feels like a tiny flickering tongue wrigling around in the center of your eyes. I think of it as your focus muscle (it is actually just a vortex of focus), slowly being developed and strengthened. This will be one way to move through all these levels of focus and also a way of moving your zero-point (just remember that name, you'll know them when your feeling them). When you hold a zero-point (or move one) the focus vortex between it and you is aligned and ballanced. This balanced vortex becomes a sphere of focus, so you move the zero-point to change spheres of focus. All you do is move your zero-point around this focus constantly, just feeling it, eventually your focus will be channelled through the zero-point into the wider phere of focus when you have felt it enough for it to become subconscious.

As you widen your focus, moving it in towards your eye, making it smaller, you'll feel your focus vortex move up, out of your eyes and into your brow centre, then all you have to is hold the focus and your brow center will activate. When I do this it makes the light bulbs flicker. If I move this focus vortex (that new little wriggling sensation inside your eyes/third eye) further up into my crown and brain I think it activates my crown center (I don't know what crown center activation feels like). I feel a pressure and I hear/feel a high pitched sound coming from it, and it gets louder the closer I get to that "hole" (vortex) you fall into when you fall asleep.

Once your awareness is developed to the point where you've moved through all the "large" levels of focus (your physical surroundings), you'll be able to move your awareness freely around physically without any interference at all from what may be near you. This is free focus, you are literally freeing your focus. I haven't done much with this yet, but the other day I managed to create a kind of awarenes circuit in this sphere using some kind of awareness zero-points. This circuit ran through my legs, and I set balls of awareness bouncing around the circuit (my legs). New Energy Ways on autopilot basically, I only held it for a second but I don't see why it can't be prolonged.. The full body bounce is very easy and you'll probably find yourself just doing it naturally when you get to this point.

Then, when your subconscious has assimilated enough awareness you'll become aware of the pulse. It takes hold of your new finely tuned focus and pulls and pushes, as though it's breathing, this will become your second breath, you'll feel it through your whole body.

There's just so much to be discovered.

Also, I'd be interested to know if anyone else's brain waves take the form of a red and blue ying yang around the zero-point.

If anyone has any more questions please ask.

Also, what you are describing I began doing about 4 years ago or so. And you are correct, it does help your vision. My eyesight improved by 100 pts in both eyes within the first 30 days. So drastic, I couldn't wear my glasses because they hurt as soon as I put them on -- totally floored my optometrist. Over the next year, my vision improved by another 100 pts. I haven't been doing it much lately -- life interferes, but it hasn't gotten worse, it's been holding steady since then. But I've got about another 100 pts to go before I'm back to 20/20.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


I didn't mean people had to go and ask questions in the other thread, I posted that because peoples questions might already be answered there and simply because of the amount of info in it. I always intended to answer all questions posted here.
What am I smiling at? That's the strangest question I've ever heard.


I read it all and i found it confusing :(

Im EXTREMELY short sighted (myopic astigmatism) so my first question is... Do I do this with or without glasses on? Um secondly... Do I just move my eyes around fluidly in any random direction changing directions (or patterns) as i see fit not actually focusing on any one thing?


You may want to check out the Bates method. He developed a method, with exercises, and bundled it with a psychological study of poor eyesight. What Awake-and_Aware posted is very similar, but not as comprehensive, as what Bates describes. There are a few other authors who have built/expanded on what Bates started. His work was done back in the 40's or 50's I believe.

A more recent man to look into is a guy out in CA (USA). I can't recall his name off the top of my head, but he grew up classified as blind (he could only see black and what blobs essentially). He read about Bates and began doing palming. He developed a series of exercises and went from classified as blind to 20/40 vision. His name is unusual as his parents were immigrants....I want to say something like Meins - but that's not it. I'll do some research and see if I can find it for you. He wrote a book as well and incorporates a lot of what Bates began.

Palming is a big help for eyes. And when you do any of these exercises, never wear your glasses. In fact, you should try and live only using your glasses when necessary. Meaning if you can see objects as you walk through the house, although they are fuzzy, then don't wear your glasses around the house. The less you wear your glasses, the better it is for your eyes. Obviously, driving or something that critical you should wear them. Another thing they advocate is going down a notch in prescription strength. In other words, when you get new glasses, don't let them give you one that works for your eyes as they are now, make them slightly weaker.

EDIT: Found the guy in CA - his name is Meirs Schneider. Here's a link to his site:  He has several books published on vision improvement as well.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


thanks for the info novice :) Yes i've heard of the bates method recently while doing some reasearch and have seen that others have expanded on it. Im extremely keen to begin doing eye exercises as my eyesight is terrible (i need my glasses everywhere, even around the house :/) I'll look into that link you posted. Thanks again.


I am very nearsighted, I find this thread very interesting-it actually reminds me of the Robert Monroe method of OBE projection, in which you focus on a point in physical space at 6 inches directly in front of your forehead, & move it smoothly parallel to your body to 3 ft, then down past your feet, just above you to 6 ft, where you try to feel the pull of vibrations like electricity.

The difference is that, in Monroe's method, your eyes are closed, & it becomes an exercise in vivid, smooth visualization, wheras your method involves the physical eyes.

Sounds interesting-I'm going to try it :-)
The musical conciousness is mind beneath the sun.


This is really cool.  I'm already starting to experience benefits!

Thanks Awake-and-Aware
Confusion separates us...and division teaches us that unity is the only truth.