
Welcome to the Astral Pulse 2.0!

If you're looking for your Journal, I've created a central sub forum for them here:


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Greg 11.11

Hi Spencer,
Welcome! I'm new here too--it's a great site, eh?

I bet you'll get alot of good advice, see what rings true for you...there are a great many unique though kindred spirits here.

That said, my humble suggestion to you is to be easy on yourself and your journey, i.e., relax, have fun with it. A child-like curiosity and inquisitive nature ("I'm on an adventure!") sure beats putting all sorts of projection/performance pressure on yourself...and know that there may be as many different projection techniques as there are posters to this forum...again, be very sensitive and aware of what seems to work for you as you explore, and go with it...

This may seem obvious, but have you read RB's book "Astral Dynamics"? A comprehensive methodology to be sure, and well worth your time.

I never experienced conscious projections as a child as many people here have---for me, my greatest strides came from becoming consistent with a combination of 1)meditation, 2)using the Monroe Institute's Hemi-Sync tapes, and 3)learning to become lucid in my dreams...and a simple dream journal faithfully recorded in the wee hours of every morning is how it all started...

To quote me pal Mobius, another poster here..."All the best to you on your journeys"



I'm new to projection.  I'm new to the site and I would appreciate any help.  I want to project, but I have only managed a small degree of controlling my dreams, this happened ages ago and got me interested in projection.  If anyone can offer any methods, I would greatly appreciate some help.

