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Mattress Question

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Do you think that sleeping on a black futon can cause problems, They say the black absorbs and I am beginning to wonder if my mattress is just loaded with negativity that may be a part of what is giving me problems ?


Im not an expert on the spiritual/magickal effects of materials, but I would think that putting a white sheet over top of the futon would mitigate any of these effects. But this is just a speculation at this point. I need to learn more about this stuff still.
Be the change you want to see in the world.


Quote from: Methen on June 13, 2022, 07:44:07
Do you think that sleeping on a black futon can cause problems, They say the black absorbs and I am beginning to wonder if my mattress is just loaded with negativity that may be a part of what is giving me problems ?
No, you're perfectly fine as is. 


I agree, it should not be a problem. However, the power of Intention, even the unwanted kind may creep in, so you really need to think about self-defeating thoughts. Ignore it and move on, throw a white sheet over it and move on...or go ahead and reupholster it in any color you wish.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I digress with the above for one I have had a white and even a brown sheet on the mattress and that made no difference what so ever,For the  second reason I start having problems in that room as soon as I leave the room the problems leasing up
if a negative spirit can possess a stuff animal then why cant it possess a mattress
I have done multiple sage cleaning on both the room and my self which has accomplished nothing ?


 Methen, in many of your past posts and this recent one included, you seem to be looking to blame "external" things for your problems, when you should be searching "internally" for solutions. Think about that for a minute!  :wink:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


That is cause your external environment play a key roll on how you are affected by it, and what is attracted to you, Negative entitles are attracted to people with lot negativity in their life like a magnet and feed off that, Not everything is always in someones head.


Any object can absorb the energy it is exposed to, including people. Now 1 part of this may be that the futon is absorbing your own negative energy and bleeding it back out. Not saying it is but you should know if that is the case.

The other part may be that it absorbed energy from elsewhere. Be aware that not all energy that feels 'negative' actually is negative. How we feel and interpret the various energies that surround us varies from person to person.

I had a second-hand sofa once. It was practically brand new and the lady who had purchased it passed away suddenly shortly after buying it. When we brought it home a part of her certainly did come along as well. She was a sweet old lady and would rub my head when I stretched out on the sofa. Such a lovely gentle energy she had.

The kicker is I had never met this lady and did not know where the sofa came from. So I went back where I got it and asked and sure enough the lady I described was indeed the only owner of the sofa and her family had donated to raise funds for her favorite charity. I welcomed her and told her to stay as long as she liked. She stuck around a few weeks and left on her own.

Now, understand this was not the ghost of or the spirit of the lady. It was only a PORTION of the energy she left behind.

You could be dealing with the exact same thing. If it were me I wouldn't give two thoughts as to who what when why. I would simply have a seat on the futon and address my thoughts to the energy there and let it know that there is a whole world out there to explore. Whatever you do, do not approach with fear, intimidation or any other negative thought.

These energies (good and bad) are like mirrors. They reflect back at you what you put into them.

Hope this helps.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Methen on June 16, 2022, 08:49:47
That is cause your external environment play a key roll on how you are affected by it, and what is attracted to you, Negative entitles are attracted to people with lot negativity in their life like a magnet and feed off that, Not everything is always in someones head.
See, I guess that's where we differ. My meaning for "internalizing" has nothing to do with the "head". It's all about getting in touch with your Spirit, your "essence!

If negative entities are attracted to "people with a lot of negativity", what does that tell you?
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on June 16, 2022, 14:23:37

If negative entities are attracted to "people with a lot of negativity", what does that tell you?

This quote triggered some thoughts in me.

Interestingly, I had a Christian upbringing and went to church every Sunday, etc. Through a lot of my childhood I heard ghosts walking around, saw, first hand, people going nuts from "evil spirits" or energies aggressively attacking some people that we knew and even my sister went through a traumatic spiritual experience that could have killed her.

As I grew older, I completely removed myself from the church atmosphere and embraced a more "spiritual" or "new age" belief system if you want to call it that. I literally convinced myself that there was no hell that we are doomed to forever unless we chose it ourselves. And I cancelled out all the other negative belief baggage and victim mentality that comes with this religion that were deeply affecting me. After this I've never had these negative spiritual energies dip into my life ever again. It's almost like it never existed, like it was a dream or something. And I used to see these things as a common theme in my upbringing. I think there is a TON of fear-based thinking in many religions or your in our own mind engrained socially that can bait these parasitic type energies.

And what is religion? It's a belief pattern. A set of beliefs that could be fear-based. In my life I had to confront many of my fears in my life that I have had so that they didn't control me anymore. I just accepted in my mind the absolute worst thing that I could possibly think of, and still be okay with it. My way of doing it might not be the road for everybody, but it definitely helped me. (Im not saying I no longer have fear, deep fears have a long road that needs to be worked at)

Especially now with certain governments anchoring down their forces, the economy issues, and this COVID thing. It's extremely easy to fall into fear-based thinking more now than ever which, I've heard, is like candy for these forces.

In my experience, in the christian days, I've seen a spirit prefer a certain room in a house. The person living there always felt drawn to that room and wouldn't come out for long periods. (she physically saw a family of ghosts in her house) Anytime she left the room for any length of time she would feel like she was going nuts. (she literally smacked her head off of a car once) We ended up doing a whole ritual in her home naming Jesus etc etc, and after that the house was fine. But I think this has more to do with the intention behind the ritual and the belief backing it more than anything. And, here's the best part,  if you truly believe these energies have very little power over you, you may just empty their power with those beliefs. It's the fear that keeps them going I truly think. But you've got to really strengthen that new belief as they'll test you to see how faithful you are to that new belief. Ingrain it into yourself.

But again, this is just my personal opinion that I can point to in my own limited personal experience.

So in essence, what I'm getting at is if you truly believe with absolute conviction (easier said than done) that a white sheet will block the energetic problem, it probably will. It depends how strong your belief is and how much fear/doubt you have within. Or if you truly believe deeply that you are an eternal super powerful being that cannot be harmed or destroyed, and when you lie on the futon the energy either gets converted to light energy or runs away, this energy will most likely dissolve. But you have to truly believe you are a more powerful energy than the energy thats affecting you and eliminate any fear.
Be the change you want to see in the world.


Learning how to get out of the victim mentality and realize your own power is one of the greatest lessons. One of the most difficult ones, yes, but worth the patience and try outs.

In this infinite multiverse ANYTHING and EVERYTHING exists, yes, good, evil, you name it. Why does it exist? Because all spirits have the power to create. Every thought creates and the owner of the thought gets to experience its creation. So, yes hell definitely exists if the thought, emotions and beliefs create it, one will definitely experience it. I don't have to force myself to not believe in negativity and hell, because I know they exist. so, it is not a matter of trying to change your beliefs of the bad, because that is not going to be very successful, but rather start thinking and focusing in the good in life and the multiverse, look for the light and love, lighten your mind and spirit and choose to focus on the lightness and not on the darkness. Then if you understand that you have that choice, your fears will dissolve, not because you will believe that there is no evil, but because you know that it is your choice where you heart wants to go and that no one can force you otherwise.
Can anyone be forced to experience something that is NOT in alignment with their believes, thoughts, emotions and state of mind? Absolutely not!

Thoughts and fears create and attract like events.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on June 17, 2022, 11:53:35
Learning how to get out of the victim mentality and realize your own power is one of the greatest lessons. One of the most difficult ones, yes, but worth the patience and try outs.

In this infinite multiverse ANYTHING and EVERYTHING exists, yes, good, evil, you name it. Why does it exist? Because all spirits have the power to create. Every thought creates and the owner of the thought gets to experience its creation. So, yes hell definitely exists if the thought, emotions and beliefs create it, one will definitely experience it. I don't have to force myself to not believe in negativity and hell, because I know they exist. so, it is not a matter of trying to change your beliefs of the bad, because that is not going to be very successful, but rather start thinking and focusing in the good in life and the multiverse, look for the light and love, lighten your mind and spirit and choose to focus on the lightness and not on the darkness. Then if you understand that you have that choice, your fears will dissolve, not because you will believe that there is no evil, but because you know that it is your choice where you heart wants to go and that no one can force you otherwise.
Can anyone be forced to experience something that is NOT in alignment with their believes, thoughts, emotions and state of mind? Absolutely not!

Thoughts and fears create and attract like events.
Well said Lightbeam!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


LB, thanks for expanding further. I completely agree with what you said there.

I'm going to go on a tangent here that may have nothing to do with this topic, just a warning! I just feel I should share in relation to the victim mentality. :)

The fastest way that helped me personally destroy the victim mentality in myself was to shift my mindset and take complete ownership for absolutely everything that happens or has happened in my life, regardless if it was "in my control" or not. Not to harp on myself and hate myself for what I do or did (this is still victim mentality), but to take full responsibility, move on and find solutions for where I am right now.

It's extremely easy to blame the government, the economy, where you grew up, your education, your upbringing, the money in your bank account, your job, your spouse, and a million other reasons why you are a "poor me" victim, but when you say, "I am the way that I am because I did this to myself", it's actually extremely empowering and liberating. Because now you are taking back control and you can change your future now instead of falling victim to it.

Now people are going to say, well you can't take responsibility for the rain falling, or whatever. Yes, but you can either fall victim to the rain and say poor me, or you can figure out how to solve it. This is one mindset that fixes 90% of the victim problem in my experience.

P.S. this is just a tangent I wanted to pursue because this one mindset alone helped me GREATLY in my own personal life. This may have absolutely nothing to do with this topic or the OP's issue, I just wanted to share for readers that may benefit in relation to the victim mentality topic. I engrained this mindset especially from books from Grant Cardone, one of the most extremely motivated people I've ever learned about and an extreme capitalist and salesperson who takes non-stop rejection with a smile from ear to ear lol! So props to him for his contributions!
Be the change you want to see in the world.


Quote from: PerspectiveShift on June 18, 2022, 22:16:53

It's extremely easy to blame the government, the economy, where you grew up, your education, your upbringing, the money in your bank account, your job, your spouse, and a million other reasons why you are a "poor me" victim, but when you say, "I am the way that I am because I did this to myself", it's actually extremely empowering and liberating. Because now you are taking back control and you can change your future now instead of falling victim to it.

I felt the POWER behind these word, PS!  Very true, indeed. This is the only way, to take full responsibility and ask to be shown ways to succeed. If one meditates and places full intention of asking and be open to receive answers, the answers ALWAYS come. But one has to recognize them and act on them. The optimist sees opportunities in every challenge. The pessimist sees challenges in every opportunity.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on June 17, 2022, 11:53:35
Learning how to get out of the victim mentality and realize your own power is one of the greatest lessons. One of the most difficult ones, yes, but worth the patience and try outs.

In this infinite multiverse ANYTHING and EVERYTHING exists, yes, good, evil, you name it. Why does it exist? Because all spirits have the power to create. Every thought creates and the owner of the thought gets to experience its creation. So, yes hell definitely exists if the thought, emotions and beliefs create it, one will definitely experience it. I don't have to force myself to not believe in negativity and hell, because I know they exist. so, it is not a matter of trying to change your beliefs of the bad, because that is not going to be very successful, but rather start thinking and focusing in the good in life and the multiverse, look for the light and love, lighten your mind and spirit and choose to focus on the lightness and not on the darkness. Then if you understand that you have that choice, your fears will dissolve, not because you will believe that there is no evil, but because you know that it is your choice where you heart wants to go and that no one can force you otherwise.
Can anyone be forced to experience something that is NOT in alignment with their believes, thoughts, emotions and state of mind? Absolutely not!

Thoughts and fears create and attract like events.
You should have ended that with a *mic drop*  ;)


As a tool, you can place some sacred geometry under your mattress. I did this in my early 20's when I slept on a mattress on a dining room floor for 2 years. Had really cool experiences.


Quote from: tides2dust on June 19, 2022, 11:40:28
As a tool, you can place some sacred geometry under your mattress. I did this in my early 20's when I slept on a mattress on a dining room floor for 2 years. Had really cool experiences.
Now the question becomes... did you have those really cool experiences because that sacred geometry was there? 
Or was because you knew they were there, you allowed yourself to have really cool experiences?

In the end, it really doesn't matter, but it's an interesting question to think about.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on June 20, 2022, 21:13:10
Now the question becomes... did you have those really cool experiences because that sacred geometry was there? 
Or was because you knew they were there, you allowed yourself to have really cool experiences?

In the end, it really doesn't matter, but it's an interesting question to think about.  :)
That was one of those "chicken or the egg". hmmmmmmmmmm moments there, lol!  :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on June 20, 2022, 21:55:34
That was one of those "chicken or the egg". hmmmmmmmmmm moments there, lol!  :-D

In my opinion thoughts create things, not the other way around. What we experience in the outer world is a reflection of what was created in the inner world first. Geometry, crystals, pyramids, power grids, spells, objects, etc are all a result of inner creations and given the ability to interact in the physical world in certain ways. The thoughts are the puppeteers.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


My question here is this; What about when there are no thoughts or previous concepts?What then is the puppeteer?
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


My friend gifted me a large print of something like this, which was placed under the mattress.

A tool can also be, praying. I used the word tool intentionally. To Methen, I hope it helps.


Quote from: Nameless on June 20, 2022, 22:50:28
My question here is this; What about when there are no thoughts or previous concepts?What then is the puppeteer?

There were always thoughts of the spirits not only of humans, but of our planets, the entire physical cosmos that wished to become flesh and physically oriented, to create the setup of this game. the outer worlds are always created by inner energy belonging to spirits setting them up for their purpose. and if we look at the absolute grand scale of all, it is God to begin with.

Before we enter the physical realms there are no thoughts of our physical characters here, but the thoughts of our spirits setting up the entry exist. The wishes of our spirits to experience certain circumstances with each lifetime set up the basic premises and the main outlines of our physical lives before we were born here. There is a lot managed from within than we understand. It's not just main thoughts as we know it. How do we know what kind of thoughts the spirit of Earth has, or rocks, or animals, or babies, or mentally disabled people. I think there is much more complexity to the process of creation, but I don't believe it's the flow from out here to in there. I think, it flows from in there to out here. But it is not so black and white as we think.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: LightBeam on June 20, 2022, 22:59:15
There were always thoughts of the spirits not only of humans, but of our planets, the entire physical cosmos that wished to become flesh and physically oriented, to create the setup of this game. the outer worlds are always created by inner energy belonging to spirits setting them up for their purpose. and if we look at the absolute grand scale of all, it is God to begin with.

Before we enter the physical realms there are no thoughts of our physical characters here, but the thoughts of our spirits setting up the entry exist. The wishes of our spirits to experience certain circumstances with each lifetime set up the basic premises and the main outlines of our physical lives before we were born here. There is a lot managed from within than we understand. It's not just main thoughts as we know it. How do we know what kind of thoughts the spirit of Earth has, or rocks, or animals, or babies, or mentally disabled people. I think there is much more complexity to the process of creation, but I don't believe it's the flow from out here to in there. I think, it flows from in there to out here. But it is not so black and white as we think.

I agree with this. To explain further in a perspective I once heard that made a lot of sense to me and matched up with everything I've learned so far, The One (or God) is everything and nothing at the same time. The One is infinite potential energy, or The Void. And at one point, this infinite potential energy wanted to experience itself. To do this it split into infinite pieces (or points of consciousness) spreading far and wide trying to view every single point of itself. So with this splitting came concepts to experience itself through; Different concepts like time and space. With this splitting and these concepts or lenses, there is an underlying structure that exists which can be related to sacred geometry. And everything builds on top like a very complex structure.

So relating back to the chicken and egg scenario, I personally believe everything was once a thought at first and our collective thoughts as humans, but also the collective thoughts of spirits, extraterrestrials, animals etc, maintain the structure or change it as we advance in spirituality, exploration, and knowledge. So there are strong thought structures being held up powerfully by many conscious "beings" like planets, spirits, and a host of other "beings" we don't even know exist.

So if we use those belief structures that already exist, as well as add our belief to them as well, they can be very effective. But you can also believe in a special piece of grass or a leaf or some random object, and your personal belief, if strong enough, can have similar effects. There is a book by Joseph Murphy called The Power of the Subconscious Mind and he has done studies on the "placebo effect" but also about the power of beliefs in general.

That's why I recommend that if you already have a strong belief in something that is healthy, use that. But if your belief is really hard to use positively, you'll have to change your belief patterns through learning different concepts through self-help books, spirituality, or mystic teachings.


Now... how did we get here from talking about a black mattress?? Yes, yes... the black mattress IS the void. Haha. I'm just messing around now ;)
Be the change you want to see in the world.


Quote from: Nameless on June 20, 2022, 22:50:28
My question here is this; What about when there are no thoughts or previous concepts?What then is the puppeteer?

I think that, thought or no thought, the puppeteer remains the same. Thought was never running the show to begin with. There is an underlying value that is present in the absence of thought and that is presence itself (awareness/conscioussness).

You might be able to identify a number of times in your life when thought was absent. For example, deep sleep. As alluded to earlier, thought brings objects into existence by the way it defines them and therefore creates the world of separation. In the absence of thought there is no content. Deep sleep is consciousness without content. A similar example would be during Samadhi. Or another example would be for a new born baby having its first experience. It has no knowledge or frame of reference to draw upon to frame concepts about what is being experienced. At this point it is raw unvarnished sensing. You might say that Oneness is most apparent to a new born as concepts about me and not me are yet to form.

But in all these cases one thing remains and that is the knowing of experiencing. What is being experienced is somewhat unclear but the fact that something and not nothing is being experienced is perhaps the only absolute we can say about reality. And whether there is content or not there is still that felt sense of simple presence or experiencing taking place.


Quote from: PerspectiveShift on June 21, 2022, 09:32:54
I agree with this. To explain further in a perspective I once heard that made a lot of sense to me and matched up with everything I've learned so far, The One (or God) is everything and nothing at the same time. The One is infinite potential energy, or The Void. And at one point, this infinite potential energy wanted to experience itself. To do this it split into infinite pieces (or points of consciousness) spreading far and wide trying to view every single point of itself. So with this splitting came concepts to experience itself through; Different concepts like time and space. With this splitting and these concepts or lenses, there is an underlying structure that exists which can be related to sacred geometry. And everything builds on top like a very complex structure.

Yes, I resonate with this view. I think the only way for One to know itself is to become more than one. I think this ties in with absolute purpose in that the very expression of One as the many is our purpose - to see itself. So the simple arising of objects within awareness is also the fulfilling of our purpose. I am of the view that reality is infact incredibly simple. Complexity arises with mind. Wants, desires, the need to evolve, all stem from a sense of lack and not enoughness - all of which are concepts of an ill at ease mind that believes it is something other than one. And while the needs of a mind have definite reality in a relative way they don't from an absolute perspective (which I figure is what we are discussing here).

So from the latter vantage point, wants and desires are a means of the Absolute expressing itself in a multitude of forms rather than coming from a place of something is missing in experience that I must seek out to be whole.

And the mattress idea sounds lovely