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Okay, I Can't Take it Anymore

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The forum is way too quiet so I'm gonna stomp around a bit and see if I can raise some dust. I'll even toss in some np doo-dads. It is what it is.  :-)

A month ago, mid August, I went to the Er with a horrible pain in my pain thinking I likely had a severe kidney infection of some such or maybe covid since 2 people in my house had been diagnosed with it just the day before. Since they had back aches too I thought, well maybe.

Turns out I didn't have covid or an infection. What I had was an abdominal aortic aneurysm and needed emergency surgery.  :-o 

Two days later (I think) I came to and felt a great need to apologize to the entire hospital.  :? I don't know what actually physically happened, if anything. The nurses said not to worry as I had already apologized to everyone at least twice. All I know is half the doctors were aliens of one sort or another, the other half were the actual doctors. I actually watched the actually doctors hands being guided. It was very weird. But what had me fighting mad were these particular entities that kept trying to get me to do something on the ceiling. Looked like they wanted us to make pizza. What? Anyway, my perfectly sensible human physical brain just knew that pizza oven would fall on us and burn everybody, so I went into fight mode to prevent the doctors and nurses getting burned.

Well, the doctors and nurses all came through just fine. Me, not so much but I'm recovering and doing fine now. I've spent the last 3 weeks just healing. Been listening to quite a number of healing mantras and binaural beats and stuff on yt as suggested here and there on this forum. Thanks Ya'll!

The other night I had an interesting obe. I was in a limo with one of our otherworldly entities. She was telling me all kinds of stuff about what and why I was going through this and why I had further still to go. It was a very intellectual conversation, of which I don't remember most of the specifics. If you're curious this being was what most people are referring to as the tall blond nordics, which happens to be the same type I ran into in my physical life twice now. I wrote about that somewhere on here but I'm too lazy to look it up just now.

Well that's it for now. Now surely some of you out there have something going on in your lives as well. Make a post, talk about it, share your world.

Okay, okay, you don't have too but it might make for some entertaining reading.

Hugs and Love Ya'll


Fascinating! Pizza making aliens on the celling :-D
Would love to read about your encounter with those tall blond Nordics, so if you happen to remember where those posts are please drop a link :-)

Sorry to hear about your illness, hope you're doing fine now.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


gently lands on upon the astral lands, slowly kneels down to feel the ground with the winds gently blowing

[Matthew] Good morning, tho I guess it's evening now, good morning sounds better. Forgive me I enjoy projecting my thought in this manner.

meditates a bit in the astral just thinking, starts floating upside down, then goes back to his original position and sits up

[Matthew] sorry to hear about what you've been going through I pray for your recovery and health loved one. curious but would anyone be interested in a sort of astral role play? maybe somewhere on the pulse, it's always fun to fantasize and fly with your heart. I may hop on the astral pulse island possibly and do some fun stuff and create a role play post that anyone can interact on if they want. If that sounds like a fun idea let me know.


Hey Bob, thanks. Here's that link. Wasn't as hard to find as I thought. There's not a lot of detail but if you have questions ask away. I think the drugs had a little to do with the pizza, haha.


Hey funfire, a little roleplaying might help get some juices flowing. With things so slow you might not get any takers but you will never know unless you attempt.



Glad to hear everything went well and you are recovering at home.  That sounds like a very scary diagnosis and it's good that you went to the ER to have it checked out.  Sending you healing energy!

Your experience with the pizza oven being on the ceiling was funny and reminded me of a lucid dream I had.  I was in an environment where I put on a special pair of shoes because when I walked into the next room the gravity worked in reverse.  Anything that was not tied down went crashing to the ceiling!  :-o

The Adventure Continues...


Thank you T-Man, I'll take all the healing energy I can get.

Who knows what was in the cocktail they were giving me but I'm sure it contributed. The gravity thing is so weird, lol.


Quote from: Nameless on September 16, 2022, 17:30:03
The forum is way too quiet so I'm gonna stomp around a bit and see if I can raise some dust. I'll even toss in some np doo-dads. It is what it is.  :-)

A month ago, mid August, I went to the Er with a horrible pain in my pain thinking I likely had a severe kidney infection of some such or maybe covid since 2 people in my house had been diagnosed with it just the day before. Since they had back aches too I thought, well maybe.

Turns out I didn't have covid or an infection. What I had was an abdominal aortic aneurysm and needed emergency surgery.  :-o 


My goodness, what an unexpected adventure. Thank you for reporting and confirming all went well ( you are still with us ). - whew!

What are the odds of all this ?!@#$%, my goodness. Your experiences seem to be amping up, too. Or.....are you just beginning to write about them more.

I could not be more pleased to pass through here and see that this is happening. "Tell your story. No fear." INDEED.

It is inevitably what we all must do to help bring healing to our whole ( planetary ) system.

My love to you, and, as always endless warm streaming  w a v e s .



I hope you continue to improve health wise, Nameless! Who doesn't love Pizza! I believe this was a positive experience. Nurturing your body with something comforting. I was in New York yesterday and was dreaming to eat the pizza there, as it is the best in the world because of the crust. The mineral content of the New York tap water makes the crust crispy yet foldable. Unbelievable texture that no other places can achieve. I hope your astral pizza was yummy :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hi Casey, don't why I didn't see your comment till now.

Quote from: omcasey on September 18, 2022, 22:37:37
What are the odds of all this ?!@#$%, my goodness. Your experiences seem to be amping up, too. Or.....are you just beginning to write about them more.
I am trying to write a little more AND put past exp. in better perspective.
But also my experiences always ramp up when I am ill. It is sometimes a helluva price to pay.

LightBeam, welcome back. I have heard New York pizzas are the best but I haven't had one yet.


Hi Nameless.

How are you feeling now?

When I was in high school I about drank my self to death. If it wasn't for a friend waking up I'd probably have choked to death on my own vomit. Interestingly, they found me in a meditative pose with eyes open and rolled back while throwing up perfectly into my lap. My friends step dad had to scoop the excess vomit out of my throat. I was never conscious.

I woke up to a catheter being pulled out of me in a hospital bed. I'm pretty sure I died that night. I was so sore and had bruises all over. I asked my parents what happened. According to my Dad, they were pounding my chest to try and knock me awake. Not only that, but they were forced to cut my clothes off. My unconscious self didn't take kind to this. I can't say I saw aliens or a pizza oven on the ceiling but I definitely got in a tumble with the hospital staff. I had an ungodly amount of strength and it took 3-4 men to hold me down. It was an awful night.

That was over 16-17 years ago. =P So, I can report I am much better. Hope this gives way for the entertaining read.

Hmm... And a random thought I wanted to share tonight. I suppose this is the place I'm going to share it.

I was admiring the full moon outside. It was a perfect, wholesome, sensation. Though I was alone, I felt a loving presence accompanying me. One I live for. In that moment I thought, "I have a full moon inside me."

But it was more like a conversation. As if the higher-self was asking, "how are you feeling?" acknowledging the beautiful and profound wholeness. Then, a follow up-
"Don't you realize you have an entire moon inside you?"

Next time you're admiring a full moon- I hope you imagine and expand that sensation from within. See the moon inside you. It is... harmonious alignment.


Tides, hey! It's a miracle you didn't die from alcohol poisoning. I like the image you paint of the moon being inside. I'll meditate on that one. I think we are supposed to have a lunar eclipse here in the next few days. I would like to view it if possible.

Also, I have no doubt that you are surrounded by a warm positive energy. For you I say 'stay golden' for surely you are. :-)


 Last night I took my little puppy out for his last of the night potty time. The moon was full, but fighting through the clouds here. All of a sudden, a circle like clearing opened up around the moon encompassing it in a phenomenal globe of a rainbow-colored aura. It was awesome. Here in Minnesota that happens occasionally on our frosty nights. It's definitely a sight to see. But you need to be outside at the right time to experience such a wonderous phenomenon!  :-) I thanked my little dog Simba for that, lol!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Nameless, thank you for such a kind compliment. Have a nice day~


Hey, just reading this now, and hope you are OK.
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