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the thiaoouba prophecy

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Hey, guys, where were you when I alerted on this book more than 2 years ago on the old Astralresearch forum? :))
I'm so glad there are many more people interested this time!

Here's the initial explanatory post of mine (still on Astralresearch):


"Thiaoouba Prophecy" book -- Answer to Jane
On: Fri Feb 2 00:13:01 WST 2001
Posted by: Vesselin Peev []
Hi Jane,

I'm glad you asked. Not many people are interested, though...
As Michel Desmarquet, the book's author says, it is a report of his nine days' stay on a planet called Thiaoouba, somewhere in the Milky Way, inhabited by advanced species of aliens. These aliens are human beings like us, and although they look somewhat differently, their souls are like the very souls that we possess, only much more evolved. They have kept a close watch on us throughout the whole history of the planet Earth and have given spiritual and even material assistance to our people when it was deemed necessary. The main message of the book is that material technology, without spiritual knowledge, confines people more and more within the bounds of the materialistic system which is temporary anyway. Money, religions and power are a curse on Earth that misinforms and suppresses Individual Intellects from developing spiritually to their full potential.
I will not go into detail, and will leave to you the pleasure of reading, but will tell you that the book clarifies most, if not all mysteries on our planet such as how the pyramids were built, the Bermuda Triangle, Easter Island, etc.
In my opinion, the most important thing is the information about the nature of the human psyche, the astral body and the cycle of life and death in the context of the design of the universe by a special being with a Superior Intelligence we call God.
What is more, there is a chapter called "Who was Christ?" that I am not going to comment here,
but which, needless to say, is extremely intriguing and important.
The book is more special in a sense that, from my experience, it is SINCERELY written and is PACKED with VALUABLE information. It contains no theories and no wishful thinking.
Of course you do not need to believe. I myself have never believed. And I am not religious. Haven't people killed millions others in the name of God because they have stopped thinking in their blind faith? I want to know for sure, without any trace of blind faith.
But before my speaking further, you should really read the book. Please tell me what you think of it then, either by posting on the forum or writing to my e-mail at I would be very glad to discuss it with you. I have studied the book for 3 years, but there are still some issues I have to clarify for myself. There is a discussion forum about this book and another book written by Tom Chalko, a Melbourne scientist, founder of Bioresonant, at And please do not be prejudiced about the book. Think. Just think. If you do not understand something, that's OK, but please do not discard the information. Try to comprehend difficult things later, and see if it makes sense.

The book was a life-changer for me. When I read it first in summer 1998, at age 19, I wept over some of the pages. I had already become sick of the meanness, duplicity, envy and ignorance (among many other vices) of the majority of people around me, and I had too many questions jumping in my mind. People call themselves "adults," but now I see most of them are no more so that the members of a kindergarten. Also, I was not satisfied with the philosophical thought of our civilization because I always found contradictions in any philosophical work. I am currently taking a second course in philosophy in my university, and have found that professors evade tough and contradictory issues in the philosophical texts.

I have drawn inspiration from "Thiaoouba Prophecy" to perfect my life in every possible respect. That is no hyperbole. I am doing yoga, meditation, concentration, and striving to enhance both my professional and spiritual abilities on a daily basis. I have found that it is easier to develop than not to do so, given the right frame of mind. I am not dogmatic and am always open to different views. I have stopped getting angry for any reason. I can give you a list of many things that I have changed or am changing at the moment.

Now, in relation to spiritual development, I admire Robert for what he is and where he's heading to.
Think about what would become if only people similar to Robert populated the Earth. Life would be very close to paradise, wouldn't it? So why not act now and turn dreams into reality. Why doesn't more of us become exemplary human beings? We've received enough guidance. Now it is high time we finally acted. I know and feel deep in my heart this is possible. One just has to be very careful, patient and persistent, and working in the right direction.

You must not think that after I read this book I have stopped searching for other information.
I am striving to think logically all the time (I'm a computer programmer), and continually trying to enhance my understanding of Nature. In a great effort to find contradictions, I have read numerous books since, as well as examined many documents on the Internet. I found Robert Bruce's web site at roughly the same time I first read the book, and was fascinated by the truthfulness of it all. By the way, I've recently found specific sentences and key words from Robert's description of his entering the Akashic Records in "Astral Dynamics" to correspond very closely to Michel's doing so in his book, aided by the aliens. But that is another story. Michel's book was written in 1989, Astral Dynamics in 1998. Make your conclusions. [Note: I'm not implying Robert copied from anyone; on the contrary, I'm sure it constitutes proof such experience are similar and real]

The book is extremely intelligently written. Have in mind that this guy Michel has just a basic education -- primary school or something like that. In an interview several years ago, some scientists had attacked him with accusations that the book's contents was simply too fantastic and that he conjured it all up. He told them to try to prove with all their instruments just a single fact to be false. They couldn't and they are searching to this very day. Perhaps that is where the 1000$ reward given on the site originated from. I do not see anything bad in this -- maybe it's just a stimulus for some people. Also, the money are not that much, and they are clearly not intended for "hidden" lucrative purposes.
I'll point out that based on exact information in the book, physicist Tom Chalko discovered Bioresonant clothing, which works indeed -- I can attest to that!

The message of the people of Thiaoouba is extremely subtle but its significance is not realized at all at the moment (February 1, 2001) except by few people on the planet. People tend to think that if the message is so important, it should be turned into something like TV advertisement. But that's not the way. All great things come in subtle "clothing." They need to be recognized for what they are, and not for how they look. What counts is not appearances but what is behind them.

Unfortunately, I have no friends which are interested in the matter.

Best wishes,


Go search for the rest of the posts on Astralresearch about this book, or click on the following link:

It will hilight them for you.

Man exists physically for the sole purpose of developing spiritually -- "Thiaoouba Prophecy" by Michel Desmarquet.
Have you also read "SHE AND I" by the same author? A great book about parenting.


I would love to pick up a copy of this book. Can I order it through any bookstore or does it have to be purchased from the website?

I have come to many of the same conclusions you have come to from my observations about our world, or what little I know of it. Is war really going to solve anything? Of course not. Some countries have been fighting for hundreds or even thousands of years, and over what? Materialistic matters, mostly, or "religious" intolerance.

It has been my desire to break away from this society. I've tried to help people, but I cannot help people if they do not want to be helped. And they cannot help me. People, in reality, can only help themselves. So that's what I'm doing. Helping myself. Reading Thoreau and Emerson's ideas about society started me thinking for myself. They are right on. Thoreau for his thoughts on civil disobedience, and Emerson for his many writings about nature and connectivity. I liked his essay entitled Self-Reliance. The english teacher I had at the time, who introduced me to these transcendentalists, was brilliant. He fulfilled the purpose of what I believe English exists for- to get people to think. Writing resumes and reports should be taught in other classes. Teachers waste so much time teaching their students how to write a decent research paper that no one is ever going to read, or they spend time talking about not-so-important issues. A good English teacher/professor will encourage students to use their brains and think outside of the mentality which society is trying to breed people to use- sheep mentality.

Forming these communities might work, but it would be hard to do. I thought about building a starship which I would allow only individuals wiht a higher sort of mentality to board. I had help from someone who gave me some ideas about how to make one which was cheap, reliable, and relatively easy to build. The problem was finding technologies for propelling the ship. I actually made blueprints, but they were based off of an airship I had designed about a year earlier. The ship would have had a supercomputer with the each country's complete versoin of history of earth, in all languages.

But I came to a realization. Even if I did manage to make such a colony ship, it would not be possible to keep people from uprising and rebelling. I think people would see it as a prison of sorts. And there's that disorder that some people have concerning a lack of sunlight. If they don't have the sun they could go crazy. It would be really important to first learn how to terraform uninhabited planets so that we could choose a destination and go there. This will likely take thousands of years.

The reason for this starship was similar to your reason of forming communities. I wanted to escape the destruction of mankind. But I realize that wherever there are people, there will be evil, for each person has free will and is able to make their own decisions no matter how much you try to condition them to obey. Plus, what if someone took over an entire planet that we made habitable? That would be a lot of people cursing my name for having brought them there. There would be so much suffering. It is better that we are on one planet where we can stop things like this from happening without as much of a problem.

Maybe in the future, when technology gets to the point where we have the option of planet-hopping in spontaniety, we will be able to live on different planets and have all the resources we need. Then there will be no reason to fight. Not that one needs a reason to fight someone else.

I'M NOT DONE YET. I will continue with this discussion later, I have to get to class.


Now, let's see, where was I? Oh yes. So building a starship, I believe, wouldn't work at this time because of our serious lack of much-needed technology. We'd need to be able to get people on and off the ship quickly and keep the wrong kinds of people from boarding. Not only that, but even if we do end up with the perfect group of people, who's to say future generations won't ruin things for everyone else? The fact of the matter is, people have free will. Just because you bring them up in a certain type of environment does not mean that they will conform or come to the same conclusions about existence. All (or at least most) humans go through a stage where they question their spirituality. This stage is both dangerous yet necessary in order to discover the Truth (whatever it is). It is a stage in which we are attacked or taken advantage of by negative entities and demons. I will say that having an environment that encourages an individual to be themselves and explore, yet also teach self-discipline, honor/virtue, respect for others, etc. is very helpful and does have a big influence. If an individual has a problem with the society, they should be encouraged to speak out about the problem they see, and someone can talk to them about it. But the individual should be encouraged to form their own opinion and not to necessarily agree with the society's views. If they can point out why something is wrong, maybe a positive change can be made to the society to correct the problem.

There is way too much for one person to cover here. Way too many things for one person to explain and/or keep track of. So I will leave you with these thoughts. Maybe you might find them of use as relating to your community. I understand the differences between your vision and mine- you want to make the world a better place. I wanted to establish a better world and start over. But I realized my idea would fail because we are all bound to each other. Running away from a problem won't fix it. Understanding it will lead to a solution.


I tended to use OBE as running away of reality. Now, I know I am here in physical body for a reason and one earth and in this period of time for some reasons.


"Maybe in the future, when technology gets to the point where we have the option of planet-hopping in spontaniety, we will be able to live on different planets and have all the resources we need. Then there will be no reason to fight. Not that one needs a reason to fight someone else."

Giggle.....giggle [:P]
How about maybe in the future, when we are so spiritually advanced to the point that we can create whatever we want just by mind concentration? There will be no reason to fight for resources.


Sounds good to me. How about starting up these communities ASAP? Count me in.


I hope it can be created ASAP. But a delicious and beautifully decorated cakes require time and planning.


I do not know how much time we have (at least, here in the USA), but I'd like to get out of here before our government becomes the Big Brother of George Orwell's "1984." Bush has no idea how much of an idiot he is. He is also a victim here. What the Bush administration doesn't seem to realize is that since they are treaterous people (most of them, anyway), it's only a matter of time before they find themselves in prison because of someone else's greed. They'll turn on each other. The system WILL fail and anarchy WILL take place. I'm an anarchist myself because I believe that there is no system which is perfect. The smartest and most cunning of people are the ones who will end up in power, good or evil. It is highly important to develop supreme intelligence and dilligence. What we're dealing with here is a flock of sheep and people who desire to control them. A flock of sheep in a panicked stampede can be a very dangerous thing. This is why people must be educated about the fact that they are truly responsible for themselves. We all are. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. Betray and you shall be betrayed. Bush is a very dangerous man. He may not be criminally insane, but he's in no way intelligent. The fact that he graduated from some big-shot Ivy League university does not mean that he meets the qualifications of his job. We all know his parents were rich. They probably paid to have his transcripts edited. I go to a state college and I feel I've learned a lot here (mostly outside of class). The people at this college are typical middle-class American citizens, most of whom are caucasian. I do find it strange that there are not as many people here with different ethnicities, but I've seen a few. I am just glad I did not go to a private school with would-be classmates who've had their minds warped by their right-winged parents.


There's a new forum dedicated to the discussion of "Thiaoouba Prophecy" and "Abduction to the Ninth Planet" by Michel Desmarquet, found at .
Man exists physically for the sole purpose of developing spiritually -- "Thiaoouba Prophecy" by Michel Desmarquet.
Have you also read "SHE AND I" by the same author? A great book about parenting.


has anyone been to  and downloaded "the thiaoouba prophecy"???  its based on a mans account that he was abductd by spiritually advanced aliens and  told him the point to existence and the history and  secrets of this planet....   its kinda like a cult bible but theres a lot of truth in it,  and imo  more understandable and "user friendly"  than  what the religions are trying to say today...

there is also "the freedom of choice" you can get aswell,  The author; Tom Chalko attempts to deconstruct the meaning of existence and encourages to the reader to aswell.  

both books are brilliant and free for download!!   the site is good too!