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Paris Terrorist Attacks

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I simply will never understand how people could do this kind of thing in the name of their religion... it completely baffles my mind, how people can get religion so mixed up with killing others. 

My heart goes out to the families and friends of people who have lost someone in these horrific events in Paris this evening.  :(


Those people who do that are religious extremists.   I do not understand it either.   It is very sad for everyone.


It is horrible. Are they all sociopaths? where is the empathy? Was it torn from them as they grew up?

So so sad...
opinions are like kittens, just give 'em away


You can't really be surprised right? It was only a matter of time when something like this would happen. More than half of "refugees" people have nothing to do with Syria and are, at best, migrants.


Quote from: Xanth on November 14, 2015, 01:11:02
I simply will never understand how people could do this kind of thing in the name of their religion... it completely baffles my mind, how people can get religion so mixed up with killing others. 

My heart goes out to the families and friends of people who have lost someone in these horrific events in Paris this evening.  :(
Unfortunately I am all too familiar with the allure of power and desire. Many years ago I fell into something similarly outrageous when I tried to sell my soul to the devil. I won't go into too much detail but I will say that it was a sense of power and control that lured me. You could say that it sucked me in. Maybe I felt in control at the time but in retrospect I think that it was just excess energy that needed to be channeled properly but wasn't. Luckily that spell didn't last too long. But I will never forget the power it had over me.


Quote from: volcomstone on November 14, 2015, 16:15:42
It is horrible. Are they all sociopaths? where is the empathy? Was it torn from them as they grew up?

So so sad...
No they aren't sociopaths, at least not most of them. They are pious devout Muslims. Beliefs aren't to be taken lightly as they make or break you. And they believed a lie which brought dead and suffering. We must be very careful what we believe. As far as empathy, well I suppose if they had empathy it was a pseudo-empathy.


I don't think that this has anything with religion. It was with teaching. They learn from young age to kill in the name of their religion, so in essence they can kill in the name of everything. And with everything happening this days they are provoked to react. Like releasing a mad dog from it's chain.


I don't think anyone is able to understand how these people think. (except for the ones who do these things.)
In fact it is strange they do this. Doesn't their faith tells them to live in peace? To get along with everyone, even to love everyone?
The things they do are just plain wrong. Not only do they hurt more people then anyone can imagine, they also make a lot of people live in fear.
I live in Belgium (next to France), and a lot of people here are scared. Police/army is everywhere, Shops are asked to stay closed for now, a lot of people are asked by the government to stay at home,...

All these things only have one consequence and that is that everyone starts to distrust everyone (at least in the countries that are in danger-areas).

I just can't get my mind around this.


This 20 minute video came out just days before the Paris attack:

The problem is not with Islam itself.  The problem is these people who are the Middle Eastern equivalent of our Westboro Baptist Church in the US, and there's a lot more of them going into Europe.  The video above shows several of them (including what looks like the Muslim equivalent of a preacher) talking about "out breeding" the secular Christian societies with multiple wives and lots of kids, and making Europe fundamentalist Muslim.  I don't think it's an accident that these people are being pushed out of war zones into Europe either.  The people responsible for creating this mess in the Middle East must know all of the problems they're causing.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Quote from: no_leaf_clover on November 22, 2015, 00:13:48
This 20 minute video came out just days before the Paris attack:

The problem is not with Islam itself.  The problem is these people who are the Middle Eastern equivalent of our Westboro Baptist Church in the US, and there's a lot more of them going into Europe.  The video above shows several of them (including what looks like the Muslim equivalent of a preacher) talking about "out breeding" the secular Christian societies with multiple wives and lots of kids, and making Europe fundamentalist Muslim.  I don't think it's an accident that these people are being pushed out of war zones into Europe either.  The people responsible for creating this mess in the Middle East must know all of the problems they're causing.
Quote from: herat123 on November 21, 2015, 20:58:40
I don't think anyone is able to understand how these people think. (except for the ones who do these things.)
In fact it is strange they do this. Doesn't their faith tells them to live in peace? To get along with everyone, even to love everyone?
The things they do are just plain wrong. Not only do they hurt more people then anyone can imagine, they also make a lot of people live in fear.
I live in Belgium (next to France), and a lot of people here are scared. Police/army is everywhere, Shops are asked to stay closed for now, a lot of people are asked by the government to stay at home,...

All these things only have one consequence and that is that everyone starts to distrust everyone (at least in the countries that are in danger-areas).

I just can't get my mind around this.
Quote from: AstralPhreak on November 21, 2015, 19:17:56
I don't think that this has anything with religion. It was with teaching. They learn from young age to kill in the name of their religion, so in essence they can kill in the name of everything. And with everything happening this days they are provoked to react. Like releasing a mad dog from it's chain.

Don't believe the brain washed media that Islam is a religion of peace. David Wood is an expert in this field. Check out his recent video about these recent attacks.

Islam and the Siege of Paris

A lot of his other videos are great too. Don't be afraid to get a second opinion on this.


The Koran and the greater Hadith of Islam (words of the prophet and canonized scholarly interpretations of Islamic teaching) sadly do in fact prescribe violence and murder for a host of what are considered trivial reasons in modern culture today. It is incredibly difficult to explain away the dozen or so verses that explicitly command violence against offending non-Muslims, or apostate Muslims. Modern scholars more or less accept this as indesputable.

But there is another dimension to this whole business too. The Bible also prescribes violence and mayhem about as often as the as Koran does, and sometimes in even more barbarous fashion. Yet modern Christians are not looked on as barbarians. In all honesty, it is impossible to follow the Bible prescriptions even 20% of the time. There are too many of them, too many of them contradict, and too many of them are outright brutal.

No modern religion is really based in full literal interpretation of its own holy book. Non of them are coherent or internally consistent enough for this to be possible. Modern religion is thus about interpretation, and trying to tease out a preferred meaning from the chosen text, and forming a community around your interpretation. It is about which verses a community emphasizes, and which they disregard (because they ALL disregard some verses). Christianity is more a reflection of the Christian than the Bible. They are in fact developing a set of principles that were handed down from them by their family in most cases, and then using the Bible to anchor them (because really the Bible is so vast you can use it to support pretty much any viewpoint at all).

Islam is pretty much the same from what I have seen. No sane Muslim can follow the majority of the Koran. Individual communities of Muslims are defined by what verses their families and Imams choose to highlight and live by. Just as the Bible is full of commandments to enslave and murder others, that are casually put aside today, Muslim communities are putting aside the parts of their holy book that they don't jive with. Thus despite the religion at its core being pretty brutal, it is necessary to see how any given community is filtering it to really be able to comment.

Here is a great example from my life:

I was involved with an inspection of a Mosque close to my past home town; I sat down with the clerics there, and had a discussion with them. It was honestly brimming with hate. Hate for gays, hate for non-believers, and a refusal to listen to any sane arguments against these positions (because of course his justification was from the Koran itself, which he was forbidden to contradict). Later that day, I met a few of the folks who were worshipping at the mosque. They were cool as cucumbers... inviting people (north Africans mainly) who chose to instead emphasize the verses of the Koran that prescribed charity and care for the underpriveliged (Islam's strong suit, in my opinion). I met two entirely different kinds of Muslims that day.

Later I learned that there is a pattern today where Muslim communities in countries without large percentages of them will want to build a mosque, but will not have the funds. Enter the Saudis: the Saudi Arabians will offer to pay for the construction of the mosque for them, in exchange for the placement of a Saudi Imam at that mosque. The Saudi will generally preach Wahabism, which is the most insane form of Islam imaginable, and will attempt to radicalize the congregation. It is a pattern repeated hundreds of times around the western world. In fact, anytime there is violence in an Islamic community, a huge part of the time there is some Saudi connection. The official 9/11 story would have us believe all of the hijackers were Saudis. The majority of the recent militants in Iraq were actually Saudi expats. The ISIL/ ISIS group is a creation of American CIA and Saudi money. While not every violent act traces back to the Saudis, I think you will find a frightening percentage of it does. If the west really wanted to combat militantism, there would have been some form of intervention against this Saudi action a long time ago. I think most of us know the reasons this has not happened. Most of it goes back to the Petrodollar agreement back in the 70's.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Well, now you have put some comparisons with christianity, there is an odd resemblance.
The Islam is around 1400 years old now (correct me if I'm wrong).
If we return back in time, to when Christianity was at that age, we arrive in the time of inquisitions, crusades,....
It just tells us something we all know: history repeats itself. (but of course in a more modern setting)


The thing about Islam is that the Koran is really hard to read since it's not put together in chronological order. But if you actually put it together in chronological order you will find that the tolerant versus are the the beginning. And as time goes on Muhammad gets more and more and more intolerant as he gains power. Don't believe this BS that Muhammad was tolerant. I know the Bible very well and I know the Koran fairly well and I can tell you there is not even a close resemblance to compare Jesus and Muhammad. Jesus was an innocent child compared to Muhammad which was a military dictator.

David Wood perfectly illustrates how Muhammad was a false prophet even by Islamic standards.

Who Killed Muhammad The Prophet of Islam? - David Wood


QuoteDon't believe this BS that Muhammad was tolerant. I know the Bible very well and I know the Koran fairly well and I can tell you there is not even a close resemblance to compare Jesus and Muhammad. Jesus was an innocent child compared to Muhammad which was a military dictator.

For sure. Muhammad was a warlord, with all that came with it. Jesus utters a few warlike lines, but rightly nothing to compare to Muhammad. But then Jesus isn't the logical comparison in the Bible to me to Muhammad. For that, you should look at the warlords of the old testament, and then you will find very much to compare. Abraham's line was not a tame one. Back when Yahweh was the war god of the Jewish tribe, he was saying some pretty odd things... being sure to slaughter all the men and bed all the women of the enemy... taking the survivors for slaves and the like...making sure to stone your daughter to death if she should transgress... The old testament and the Koran read very closely together.  Unless you are a scholar of each, I can put two lines from each side by side, and you would not know which was which (not you personally, but for most this would be true).
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Stillwater on November 22, 2015, 19:35:16
For sure. Muhammad was a warlord, with all that came with it. Jesus utters a few warlike lines, but rightly nothing to compare to Muhammad. But then Jesus isn't the logical comparison in the Bible to me to Muhammad. For that, you should look at the warlords of the old testament, and then you will find very much to compare. Abraham's line was not a tame one. Back when Yahweh was the war god of the Jewish tribe, he was saying some pretty odd things... being sure to slaughter all the men and bed all the women of the enemy... taking the survivors for slaves and the like...making sure to stone your daughter to death if she should transgress... The old testament and the Koran read very closely together.  Unless you are a scholar of each, I can put two lines from each side by side, and you would not know which was which (not you personally, but for most this would be true).
I agree.