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So where can you go in the Astral plane?

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Newbie here that has been curious about this for a white,

does the astral plane mimic the physical plane in that you can visit anything that already exists? Can you travel to different cities? countries? planets?



Sometimes it does for me, but sense it is not in the physical plane, for me it seems a tiny bit messed up.

Places not exactly matching up and spacing not being exactly right.

I've been been on a couple of ships lately, as well as a space station. But like I said, it's only an astral copy, so sometimes perception can be a bit ... skewed. 


Quote from: Nhunter488 on November 05, 2013, 10:11:11
Newbie here that has been curious about this for a white,

does the astral plane mimic the physical plane in that you can visit anything that already exists? Can you travel to different cities? countries? planets?

Hello and Welcome to the Astral Pulse, Nhunter!  :-)

It can mimic the physical plane. This is known as a RTZ (Real Time Zone) experience. Many times this is where beginners find themselves, simply due to the fact that we are "mentally" still rooted in the physical. We EXPECT to see our hands, feet, body. We have heard many stories about how people leave their bodies and the next thing they know, they are looking at their sleeping body in their bed.

But after while you don't NEED to see that anymore. You realize you are WAY more than just your body/vessel. You are consciousness and are free to travel infinite possibilities. Just make a focused will and intent and be off!  :wink:

You will even find yourself in places that we don't have the actual words to explain. There are no limits!  :-)




Quote from: Nhunter488 on November 05, 2013, 10:11:11
Newbie here that has been curious about this for a white,

does the astral plane mimic the physical plane in that you can visit anything that already exists? Can you travel to different cities? countries? planets?
I have read the moon is difficult to visit, I sure haven't.  :lol:

As you progress in the OBE experience, you often get exactly what you demand. If you demand Jupiter, expect to get it. If your intentions are spiritual progression, don't be surprised if you end up in an ever-changing formless environment with no cosmos whatsoever.  8-)


Quote from: Lionheart on November 06, 2013, 00:31:22
Hello and Welcome to the Astral Pulse, Nhunter!  :-)

It can mimic the physical plane. This is known as a RTZ (Real Time Zone) experience. Many times this is where beginners find themselves, simply due to the fact that we are "mentally" still rooted in the physical. We EXPECT to see our hands, feet, body. We have heard many stories about how people leave their bodies and the next thing they know, they are looking at their sleeping body in their bed.

But after while you don't NEED to see that anymore. You realize you are WAY more than just your body/vessel. You are consciousness and are free to travel infinite possibilities. Just make a focused will and intent and be off!  :wink:

You will even find yourself in places that we don't have the actual words to explain. There are no limits!  :-)

See, this is where I have a little difficulty understanding...... If we really are truely free in the out of body state, how did we mess up and imprison ourselves in the physical world with no memory of our immortality?

If there really are infinite possibilities why or how did we end up so seemingly limited in the first place???


Quote from: warpz on November 23, 2013, 04:31:16
See, this is where I have a little difficulty understanding...... If we really are truely free in the out of body state, how did we mess up and imprison ourselves in the physical world with no memory of our immortality?

If there really are infinite possibilities why or how did we end up so seemingly limited in the first place???
How else are we to learn new lessons and see new experiences for the "first" time? You wouldn't restart the process over and over again if you knew all the answers.  :wink:

Think of have people would value their current lives if they knew they could have a do over anytime they wished. I would say that many people would end it at the first sign of trauma here in this physical existence. What would they have to lose?

We didn't imprison ourselves here. These bodies/vessels help us on this school called Earth. They help us interact in a physical way.

Most people are deeply "rooted" in their physical bodies and never reach "out of the box", per say.

Ask yourself why don't most people remember their Dreams. The answer is because it would be hard to live a physical existence the following day. After awhile it would be hard to discern which is the real reality.

They remember what they need to at the time it's needed. Their Dream recall is locked in their subconscious minds until it is called for.

We ended up limiting ourselves in these vessels by "choice"!  :-)

Rachael Hicks

Do you imagine where you want to go before you ap or once your out?  I mean can you close your eyes and think Hawaii and then your there or think Hawaii while phasing? I've been doing this since I was 5 and I don't leave my house and I want to travel and have a blast :-D
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".            Edgar Allan Poe


Quote from: Rachael Hicks on February 04, 2014, 00:32:02
Do you imagine where you want to go before you ap or once your out?  I mean can you close your eyes and think Hawaii and then your there or think Hawaii while phasing? I've been doing this since I was 5 and I don't leave my house and I want to travel and have a blast :-D

Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of AP, 1) governed by your intent (voluntary) and 2) governed by either your consciousness, subconsciousness or spirit/astral guides and helpers (involuntary). Number Two is all about being given what you need whether you know you need it or not.  :-D

Earthbound travels can be either haphazard, intent-driven or created on-the-fly, er, so to speak. I am unsure if they are driven by helpers or some form of consciousness at least I can't determine that issue. What I can say is that the OBE/AT is in many ways a gift of spiritual progression. If flying to Hawaii is spiritually advancing for you, go for it. If not... :|


Quote from: Rachael Hicks on February 04, 2014, 00:32:02
Do you imagine where you want to go before you ap or once your out?  I mean can you close your eyes and think Hawaii and then your there or think Hawaii while phasing? I've been doing this since I was 5 and I don't leave my house and I want to travel and have a blast :-D

I first started thinking of where I'd like to go before I even started my AP sessions. Then I found out that I got to hyped on on that thought alone. Thus, no relaxation, thus no travel. I tend now to try to focus on actually Ap'ing first then go wherever.


Always have an intent of what you want to do or accomplish in mind BEFORE you project.  This is to keep you on track.   It's too easy while projecting to lose focus on your end goal.


Quote from: Xanth on February 06, 2014, 09:38:30
Always have an intent of what you want to do or accomplish in mind BEFORE you project.  This is to keep you on track.   It's too easy while projecting to lose focus on your end goal.
Always may be a weetle severe. It's akin to saying that using psychedelics must always be done with a non-recreational intent.

"A little nonsense now and then
is relished by the wisest men"  ~ Ron Doal or Willy Wonka - take your pick.   :evil:


Well yes, obviously.  :-)

However, as I said, you run an extremely strong risk of losing the experience.  For new people especially, it's important to ALWAYS have a goal in mind... and it certainly doesn't hurt even the most experienced projector.


Even after thirteen years of AP, I still have some difficulties at controlling my destinations. I can do it but the problem is that I am always where I need to be at that particular time so I see it as doing what I need to do. Although I still find it all fun and exciting, I know that (for me at least) I am where the greater system wants me to be.

I have progressed past the pint that I need to be having fun and instead see it all as an opportunity for spiritual growth. However, don't get me wrong. I still have a great deal of fun. :-) :-)
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Quote from: Astralzombie on February 07, 2014, 18:02:28
Even after thirteen years of AP, I still have some difficulties at controlling my destinations. I can do it but the problem is that I am always where I need to be at that particular time so I see it as doing what I need to do. Although I still find it all fun and exciting, I know that (for me at least) I am where the greater system wants me to be.

I have progressed past the pint that I need to be having fun and instead see it all as an opportunity for spiritual growth. However, don't get me wrong. I still have a great deal of fun. :-) :-)
I "flit" around once I start to lose my control and awareness. This usually occurs as I am drifting off to sleep.

Just remember "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", lol!  :wink:

Have fun with it, otherwise it becomes a "chore" and we all know how we hate chores!  :roll:


Quote from: Xanth on February 06, 2014, 09:38:30
Always have an intent of what you want to do or accomplish in mind BEFORE you project.  This is to keep you on track.   It's too easy while projecting to lose focus on your end goal.

This is good advice as far as I'm concerned and something I find myself often regretting having not done. The more "presence of mind" you have during the experience, the more valuable the experience can be. Some mental preparation and planning is good and I find it's better to do as part of your general thought process so you can form it up as an intention rather than trying to "make it happen" when you are about to head out the portal.

There have been times when I created an intent and then got there, but wasn't prepared for what came next when I could have easily. This resulted in not being able to take advantage of the opportunity. You have to do things on the fly when you are there and that's much easier to do when you have some general plans made ahead.
It's all a dream
Light passing by on the screen


Quote from: deepspace on February 07, 2014, 20:27:42
This is good advice as far as I'm concerned and something I find myself often regretting having not done. The more "presence of mind" you have during the experience, the more valuable the experience can be. Some mental preparation and planning is good and I find it's better to do as part of your general thought process so you can form it up as an intention rather than trying to "make it happen" when you are about to head out the portal.

There have been times when I created an intent and then got there, but wasn't prepared for what came next when I could have easily. This resulted in not being able to take advantage of the opportunity. You have to do things on the fly when you are there and that's much easier to do when you have some general plans made ahead.
Also, you can use that "goal" and "intent" to actually project with!  Create a little mental visualization/rundown of you doing your goal... this keeps it in your mind AND strengthens the Intent behind it!

Rachael Hicks

Say your wanting to visit the astral island, since it's not a 'real place' how would you go about getting there? I have trouble with getting to places that don't exist. I've tried looking @ the pic and then meditating then looking @ the pic etc. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've been ap for so many years but I'm such a newbie! All those projections I've took for granted and didn't really learn a thing, I could kick myself for being so naive!!!  :x
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".            Edgar Allan Poe


Quote from: Rachael Hicks on March 07, 2014, 15:44:55
Say your wanting to visit the astral island, since it's not a 'real place' how would you go about getting there? I have trouble with getting to places that don't exist. I've tried looking @ the pic and then meditating then looking @ the pic etc. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've been ap for so many years but I'm such a newbie! All those projections I've took for granted and didn't really learn a thing, I could kick myself for being so naive!!!  :x
Make it your "happy place/safe zone" whatever you want to call it.

Once you are relaxed and ready to AP, visualize what your definition of the Astral Island is. Walk on it, look around and see what you can find on it. Pick up a handful of sand and feel as the sand sifts through your fingers as it falls back to the ground.

If you look at my earlier posts you will see that my tranquil beach scenario spawned many great adventures.  :-)

I even played some beach volleyball there. That basically taught me depth perception in the NPR.