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Quote from: OrionsDreamThat would be a WONDERFUL solution, if it worked. The reason a total revolution has not happend  YET is because the illuminati have been able to stifle every major uprising. Someone speaks out, the next day they get into a 'car crash' or something like that.

Total revolution and uprising can't be an option until the world on a whole has become more aware. Until then, we would be deemed 'whackos'. This might take some time, so until then we must become as strong as possible.

We've waited billions of years for people to become self aware enough and it has never happened. We need to speed this process up and do it OURSELVES. It is that fear that you speak of that holds us back. We must be fearless if we are to win.


"Fearless" could mean jumping into a fire to save a child.
It could mean jumping off a cliff to save a child. It could mean dying for a great cause.
I dont like the dying part of that.
I am not afraid to die at the hands of the illuminati, i am afraid though that if we act so 'fearlessly' it will come up on the world to fast. It takes time, and we have time (not a lot) but enough. Humanity has already started to jump start into awarness mode. Every day more ppl become aware. We have to wait until its enough that there is sufficent public approval oh a whole.
otherwise the illuminati will just call us 'crazy whackos' and we will ... not have a bright future in thsi world.
i'm not against your idea, i just dont like the timing

"together we are unstoppable"
for that to work, we need the 'together part'.
Save your tears for the day when our pain is far behind on your feet come with me we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears take your place save them for the judgement day fast and free follow me time to make the sacrifice we rise or fall


QuoteTotal revolution and uprising can't be an option until the world on a whole has become more aware. Until then, we would be deemed 'whackos'. This might take some time, so until then we must become as strong as possible.

That's why we need more people speaking out and providing the evidence of tyranny being run from behind the scenes. It's like they say: people won't revolt if they believe they're already free. We're already seen as whackos, lol.

But don't be mistaken: there is scientific evidence based on solid physics that the Twin Towers came down via demolition, the FBI has admitted having no paper trail at all on Bin Laden despite earlier claims, several of the suspected hijackers have been confirmed still alive in various countries, and to go further, the Bush Admin and those pushing for the EU constitution are beginning to sacrifice our basic rights and privileges for more control over us all, and many western leaders are from strictly maintained bloodlines dating back through hundreds of years of rulers. Needless to say, there are a lot of details to fill in, but this stuff isn't based on faith or fantasy. It's just a matter of educating yourself. In our modern world, psychology is being implemented at a level never before seen in our history, and this is why we're having such a problem getting information out there and getting change today. There is no visible, up-front king or ruling party as there were in the times of the American and French revolutions. Now it's all deception and manipulation from being the scenes.

Heter, when you're depressed and do marijuana, does it actually make you feel any worse, or does it just 'mellow you out', as they say? As far as I've heard, only psychadelics have driven depressed people to suicide.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


QuoteHeter, when you're depressed and do marijuana, does it actually make you feel any worse, or does it just 'mellow you out', as they say? As far as I've heard, only psychadelics have driven depressed people to suicide.

Well it is a bit complicated. yesterday when I was high, I cryed which is quite rare for me. I began to realize the scope of the situation of me, and the world. I asked a question and I was brought the answer by myself. I sort of had a very emotional moment of clarity. I beleive I became more independent because of this experience. After that I calmed down and had some more marijuana and just 'spaced out' to relax myself from the ordeal I had just went through. Marijuana high can one of great brain storming and discovery, or a period of relaxation and fun.


Of course the trade towers were brought down by demolition. I mean look at the video, right before the plane even goes into the tower the opposite corners explode!!! and as for the pentagon, the hole wasn't even as big as a plane!!
And heter, i'm glad you are enjoying your marijuana. Of course you can have great brain storms and relaxation WITHOUT a stimulate, but i suppose it would just be a ton easier to take it, with no consequences... hmph sort of goes against everything i've been tought, but of course thats another conditional trap.

oh yeah, how'd u get the $$ for it?
Save your tears for the day when our pain is far behind on your feet come with me we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears take your place save them for the judgement day fast and free follow me time to make the sacrifice we rise or fall


I've recently been getting alot of money for my trip to london and i used some of it on weed.


Bah, marijuana doesn't sound very dangerous while depressed then. I suspected it would calm you down some but wasn't sure. Psychadelics like acid and shrooms, by comparison, have sent people into deep fits of morbid depression for hours when taken unresponsibly. Those kinds of drugs seem really reflective and deep in nature, which can go any way in terms of emotional experiences.

QuoteI mean look at the video, right before the plane even goes into the tower the opposite corners explode!!! and as for the pentagon, the hole wasn't even as big as a plane!!

I dunno about the building corners exploding, but one of the planes went in a little off from taking such a tight turn and started coming out of the other side of the building, and there were sparks coming from under the fuselages of both planes before impact. What was interesting about the tower attacked lopsidedly is that the core columns were missed almost completely by the plane (upwards of 98% still intact I would say from diagrams), and yet the buildings still came down identically, lol.

You have to be careful with the Pentagon hole, too, because people trying to debunk the 'conspiracy theories' like to put down people who say the hole wasn't big enough. The truth of the matter is that the hole is big enough for a plane, but not a 757. More like a commuter plane, or some large personal jet, etc. From the 45-degree angle of impact, the hole is 13 feet too small horizontally, and some number of feet too small vertically, to be consistent with a 757 impact even when taking into account very questionable parts of the 'hole' (ie, places where the large wings would have allegedly struck, but somehow disappeared after impact). There have been very careful investigations into the photographic evidence from the Pentagon to correctly measure the hole in the facade since it would later collapse, and you can be certain that no 757 jumbo-jet struck it, but neither should you believe that it was all the work of a bomb, etc. Something went into the building nonetheless.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Death is something that happens to all but death is a lie at least to beings of greater intelligence. To us many emotions limit us of the capability's we posses but if you end your life to soon the lessons to be taught to you. In our moments of clarity all makes sense but our minds are so used to questioning everything we start to question things that make sense so eventually your sense is nonsense but still are the exact same thing. Lost in an infinity of paradoxes. There is already so much death and pain in the world why ad to it?
I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world


Rofl, and not to mention no air plane parts were even found at the 'crash' site.


if I may step in... where do you find all of this... is there a website you deem looking out to find such ideas?



seems like well researched info, could be the trigger for John titor's civil war... but I don't really know just speculation and thinking about something I know little about except 2nd or 3rd hand knowledge.


Just a few hours out and suddenly lots of posts and new pages on the thread...

Stop talking about suicide...look, there is a beautiful sun outhere. Summer is at door. I am not gonna stay at home. Well, here i go beach!

(if you still are reading this you shouldnt. Stop and click in a place of your computer thats says "shutdown").
I love you!


This is an AMAZING site dealing with 9/11-

Haha yeah your right. I dont see why anyone would have something AGAINST going outside and enjoying summer. It's only here 1/4 of the year! If any1 has something against walking in a park or playin in a field or somethin, plz i'd love to hear it. Time to go swimming  :D

Heter- how much $$ did you get for london? How much of that money did you spend on weed?
Was the money for london for air fee and hotel fee, or just spending money?
Save your tears for the day when our pain is far behind on your feet come with me we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears take your place save them for the judgement day fast and free follow me time to make the sacrifice we rise or fall


well i have seen so many people get totally screwed from pot.
And yes in cases i have seen personally it greatly increases depression, not during the high though... during the high you can feel great.. but coming down and in between hits you feel like excrement.

People say it's not addictive and you can get off it any time, you just dont want to because "there's nothing wrong with it".... riiiight...
How about you try going off it for a month? starting today, if you can't do it then you're addicted.

You can get addicted to any chemical you take in. You can even get addicted to people due to their scent and saliva (for closer relationships), I've experienced this personally with a g/f of 9 months.

Seeing how you dont seem to have many people you can really talk to, i doubt you have anyone that you would listen to that really know the dangers of any drugs including pot.

I'm not a total anti-marijuana preacher either. I have taken it myself a few times, it felt good on the high (nothing too great) but coming down made me so paranoid. It's true that it affects different people in different ways.
I can be slightly (not totally) paranoid most of the time, and it just increased that paranoia for quite some time.
You're depressed, so it therefore is increasing your deppression and the more you take it, the longer it will keep you depressed.

and about getting help... You can go and see a Psychologist, they dont prescribe drugs. Psychiatrists do.
Psychologist help you in different ways, giving you someone to talk to and work through your problems.

If you want true clarity and strength get off marijuana. It's just another weakness that you could do without.

And do you have a job? or go to school?


i am back.

do you know what i did this afternon? lol, it stupid but me and a group of friends (no girls...) we take a bath completly naked in the river!

you must try that some day, lol :D its a very pleasurable sensation (not talking in a sexual way really).

and no, we did nothing to each other, lol...since i remember i am not gay.
I love you!


Quote from: Kazbadani am back.

do you know what i did this afternon? lol, it stupid but me and a group of friends (no girls...) we take a bath completly naked in the river!

you must try that some day, lol :D its a very pleasurable sensation (not talking in a sexual way really).

and no, we did nothing to each other, lol...since i remember i am not gay.

Well that's possible, when you have friends  :?


heter, could you please anwser Syke's questions? Maybe you just haven't gotten to them yet.

A lot of ppl are disagreeing on this stuff about marijuana. I think i've seen enough to believe its not harmful if your not addicted, and not depressed, but you say you are depressed.

Syke- Heter would go see a Psychologist over his dead body... so i think telling him to do that (its not just you, a lot of ppl have) is sort of pointless, although i dont see why he has a problem with it, i would prolly feel the same way if i was in his position.. well idk but i can see how seeing a  Psychologist  does not seem appealing.

Guys (and girls), what heter needs are suggestions that DONT deal with doing things with friends. In his case that's not possible. What else can he do?

again, heter i think Syke asked some good questions, i think everyone here wanta know your opinion on them (including the marijuana one).
Syke gave the best proof possible for it, real life experience. But of course, like Syke said it changes for diff ppl...
u know how u said 95% of school killer ppl were on anti depressents? most were also on marijuana.

Heter- tell them about your school situation. I dont want to say it incase you feel uncomfortable about it. idk.
This is one of the reasons he doesn't have friends. But i suppose its better to be out a of school you hate...
Save your tears for the day when our pain is far behind on your feet come with me we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears take your place save them for the judgement day fast and free follow me time to make the sacrifice we rise or fall

Heather B.

As for getting people to all band together--it won't happen.  You can tell people until you're blue in the face that the government is evil, that they've got us in their iron fist, and that this country is going to crash and burn.  But the majority of people won't care.  

Why?  Because they've got their houses, their SUVs, their designer clothes, their high-definition TVs, more food than they can eat... never mind that they're all in debt up to their eyes--they don't care as long as they're happy, comfortable, and have all the latest status symbols.  

The people who keep them like that are the big corporations.  And who caters to the big corporations?  The government.  That's why, for example, the government doesn't do anything about all the parasitic illegal immigrants--not only do they do nothing to prevent them coming into this country, they give them special treatment--illegal immigrants can get drivers licences and vote in our elections, among other things.  Because the big corporations don't want to have to pay honest money for employees!  They want to keep enough of their profits so they can pay off the government to keep on supporting them.

And while I have great faith in our educational systems--I see great things happening all the time at my school--it's also got its share of corruption by money.  I went to undergrad school at a great private school.  I had to work my butt off to get in there, and my parents and I owe lots of money we borrowed for tuition.  And yet, there were people in some of my classes who literally could not READ.  These were the people who could pay their way.  And they got the same diplomas my honest friends and I got.  Talk about feeling cheapened!

Fortunately, I belong to a profession that doesn't take excrement from anyone.  For example, we would rather delete all our records than let some Fed come in and paw through them under sanction of the "Patriot Act."  In a library, everyone is truly equal.  Most librarians are not in the profession for love of money---although you can bet that government libraries pay 3-5 times more than any other kind of library.  Not because the work is harder or the librarians are better, but because they have to basically bribe librarians to leave their values at the door.
:sunny:  Heather B.
(formerly known as Almost Mrs. Murphy)

Sky, far away sky
A murmured voice:
"Your dreams now turn
the wheel of the stars."

--Arai Akino, "Tsuki no Ie"


Quote from: Almost Mrs. MurphyAs for getting people to all band together--it won't happen.  You can tell people until you're blue in the face that the government is evil, that they've got us in their iron fist, and that this country is going to crash and burn.  But the majority of people won't care.  

hmm well if u didnt listen to me, will you listen to her?
I doubt the world is going to come together in a 'uprising of righteousness' kind of thing. Thats another conditioning trap. In all the movies, someone speaks out, and all of a sudden everyone believes them!!
Sadly movies are different from real life.
The populations of the world will never TOTALLY come together, but i think as time progresses more people will awaken, but never all. Hopefully half, but that is a lot to ask for.
If you speak out right now, have fun, because it will be about your last day on this earth. Heter, if your going to commit suicide, please instead of killing yourself, go to a busy mall and say something about the illuminati, and then do it at home, after. Just make your death worth something, something helpful. Psh but what am i'm saying, your not gonna kill urself.

So anyway, Almst Mrs. Murphy is right, and we have proof: common sense.
Save your tears for the day when our pain is far behind on your feet come with me we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears take your place save them for the judgement day fast and free follow me time to make the sacrifice we rise or fall


Those privileges may keep people in line and apathetic for the moment, but a few crude nuclear detonations later, and with some further revoked basic human rights and nation-wide depression, you might start to see a change in peoples' attitudes.

It wouldn't even take all of those things to get enough people ticked. And remember, the people fighting for our independence in the American Revolution were a minority. Almost half of Americans didn't care, and didn't fight for either side at all. It only takes so many people to make a big difference.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


But do you disagree that we are not at that 'stage' or point yet?
I think if we tried this uprising now, it would be crunched immediately.
Like i said, each day comes more and more people seeing this truth for the first time.
Until enough of those days have passed for us to have enough people, i think it is wise to just lay low as we have been for quite some time.
Maybe it'll take 6 months, maybe 5 years. I dont know, but i think once the media starts to give any attention to this at all, we will know its time.
Save your tears for the day when our pain is far behind on your feet come with me we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears take your place save them for the judgement day fast and free follow me time to make the sacrifice we rise or fall


No, we aren't ready yet, but it would be stupid to wait for the last minute before trying to inform everyone of what motivates all these political events we're seeing today. All I'm pushing for at the moment, and Heter from what I understand, is for people to become more educated. That's all we can hope for, anyway.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


I never said to wait until the last minute. .. but i guess u
rnt saying i did...
but yeah u rite
Save your tears for the day when our pain is far behind on your feet come with me we are soldiers stand or die
Save your fears take your place save them for the judgement day fast and free follow me time to make the sacrifice we rise or fall


Runlola: looool!! ya, now i remember, when we 1st met here in the forum we were talking about running naked in the rain!

this afternoon was more or less like that. besides we acted like teens or children. We got all the day doing stupid things.

Anyway, coming back to the topic: Heter, a good doctor can help because if he is really good he will act within your family too. If he is good he wil know how to act.

Now, about the tips: OrionsDream said that you need tips not involving friends because you dont have. Ok, i wil come back to that later.

Now, about doing things alone, you can do all what i´ve said before. Why you dont do this: when you get a little better (you will get, believe me, i was depressed and due to chmestrys in my brain, some days i would wake up better) you will organize your life. Make a list of things that you need to do.

Have a kind of secret diary where you write what you want, what you need, and how to achieve it.

You  must have an objective or something funny to do. Some ideas:

1- Bonsais Trees: thats really relaxing and great. You need intelgence to create one in the right way.

2- If you like cars and electronics, maybe you could try to build a small car, with remote control. Sometimes you can find nice collections for buying.

3- buy LEGOS! Really There are some amazing Legos outhere for adults and i am thinking in buying some: Robots. These legos (from what i read) need some learning on programming. It must be really funny you create your on Robot

4- About Programming: why not create a smal PC game? i start doing that one day but then i got tired quickly (i got tired quickly from everything)

5- Take care of your garden and try to create something new and beautiful on it.

These are some random ideas. You got the idea. Anyway, you really need friends. Do you have neighbours? cousins leaving near? If you have neighbours why dont you speak with them?

Maybe the girl on next door....if you have a girl on next door speak with us, we can give you some tips (ya: seek Hans Solo or Frank here in AP forums ;)).

Anyway, i still dont get the reason of your depression. From what i read, from researches, etc, guys that want to kill themselves at your age have their problem on family. Teenagers are not depressive-suicide-people like you think. All teenagers are very healthy and have normal problems. They only think on suicide with a good reason. Thats not teenager bovine excrement. Some of them (i hoope thats your case) jut speak on suicide (but they will never do it) because they want the attention that they never had.

Others have real bad problems.

In my teen years i was like you but i had problems with my family. Problems enough to take me into a depressive state and later on, that "cancer" was almost make me to commit "seppuku" (suicide).

If you want to expose your problems we will hear them and respect you. If you prefer to speak in PM with us thats ok too. Sometimes, "breathing" in internet its better than having no one in real life for hearing us.

And please, stop complaining that you cannot find friends: grab some of the guys that you know from your shcool and go swim naked to the river :D (kiding)!
I love you!