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UNDER 18 AP goers

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Im 16. Discovered AP through an article last november. Have'nt projected yet(just got to vibrational state and felt like I was floating) but will keep on trying. : )



I just turned 15 on 19th of April. Well... see ya :D


Well guys I'm about to be 18 so I will no longer be valid under this thread haha


I just turned 18 yesterday, so I guess you could still say I fit in this category.
I started practicing AP/OBEs for maybe a little over half a year. 6-7 months


Hai my name is alice im 17 im also new to this site ^-^ i want to learn ap to communicate with my friends around the world and to meet new ones also so i hope to make friends with all of you :D


17, been a practicing magician for seven months and started learning to AP about a month ago. Nice to meet you all.


Hey I'm 15 and want to Astral Project so bad


Hey guys,

I'm Calum, 17 years old, and I'm new here!
I live near London, England and I'm studying Philosophy, Computing and Music Technology at college :)
Since the start of 2012 I've been on a crazy journey of hapiness, sadness, drug addiction, apathy, motivation, and overall spiritual awakening. I left all the bad stuff behind and now I'm a clean spiritual kinda guy! I've lucid dreamed for a while, however I want to get better. I recently read Robert Monroe's 'Journeys Out of the Body' and it just blew my mind, so I'm eager to try OOBEing now :)



I am 17 turning 18 in a couple months, i started out with lucid dreaming but came upon it by myself on accident.  I have been having lucid dreams for a couple years now but during the past year i have been getting into astral projection and have found i am fairly decent at it and i love it.  Dont leave me out of anything  :-D


Well I have recently turned 14 and I've had plenty of trips I've also meditate and I just have to ask something to all of you guys do you think that tommorow there is going to be a giant series of OBES ? Or what ? Send me a message or just reply on here :)


why is there some much malware ? pages 15 and 19




Hello Im 17 and I'm interested particularly in Aliens and developing psychic abillities


(first of all, sorry for my bad English, I'm very bad at it) 

I'm maxim, 16 (birthday 11 October 1996 :) ) years old.
I came across ap'ing 2 years ago but i only recently started practising again. (tried it before when i was 14 but stopped then because of my parents. They once asked why i was laying down in the middle of the day and i told them. They said it was dangerous etc. so i stopped trying it.)
I did some research over these two years and decided to try it again.
It is rather difficult to practise because i cant do it over day (parents + school) and i need to wake up early for school.
So only time left is in the evening, but i read multiple times that that isn't a good time to practise. :(
Are there others among you guys with the same problems? How do/did you solve it?

herat (maxim)


Quote from: herat123 on February 15, 2013, 14:26:10
(first of all, sorry for my bad English, I'm very bad at it)  

I'm maxim, 16 (birthday 11 October 1996 :) ) years old.
I came across ap'ing 2 years ago but i only recently started practising again. (tried it before when i was 14 but stopped then because of my parents. They once asked why i was laying down in the middle of the day and i told them. They said it was dangerous etc. so i stopped trying it.)
I did some research over these two years and decided to try it again.
It is rather difficult to practise because i cant do it over day (parents + school) and i need to wake up early for school.
So only time left is in the evening, but i read multiple times that that isn't a good time to practise. :(
Are there others among you guys with the same problems? How do/did you solve it?

herat (maxim)

Hi and welcome to the Pulse. I completely understand what you said about your parents. I would never suggest you not listen to them but I will say that they are uninformed. There is absolutely nothing dangerous and nothing to be scared of. I know you're concerned about not getting enough sleep but based on my personal experience, I would say don't worry about that. For one, the ironic thing is that the harder we try to AP, the easier we fall asleep. And if you do succeed and AP, your body is still getting the rest it needs. Other than sleep concerns, there is no reason not to try at night or whenevr you can. Again, I'm not telling you to disobey your parents but if you do, no harm will come (from AP that is, you may still get grounded :wink:). That I can guarantee 1,00000000%.

Did you ever succeed when you first tried? My guess is you didn't or else you never would have stopped.

Good luck and keep exploring.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


thanks for the reply. :p
no, I didn't manage to project, I even never had an ld (Read: never remembered that i had one, my dream recal is... bad.)

So your body gets the same amout of sleep when your projecting?
and is it right that, if i get out for the first time i need to keep it short? (i have Read(cant remember the past form of read) that somewhere and i'm wondering if that is true)

herat (Maxim)


Quote from: herat123 on February 15, 2013, 17:43:49
So your body gets the same amout of sleep when your projecting?
and is it right that, if i get out for the first time i need to keep it short?

Yes, in my experience. Remember that the goal is to put your body to sleep but keep your mind awake and that's exactly how it happens. This doesn't mean that you can stay up all night trying to succeed though. Give it about an hour, any longer and chances are your trying too hard and you will just get frustrated. And if you're frustrated, you're wasting your time until you can relax again.

You don't have to. But I firmly believe there are two great reasons to keep your first intentional AP short (5-10) minutes. Actually, that's all any of us get sometimes anyways.

Reason 1: If you project too long, there's a good chance that when it's over, you will either forget it or just remember it as a good dream. If it ends with your awareness still strong, you can wake yourself up to write it down or do whatever it takes to remember it. Because once you have one, any doubt that you had left, will be erased. And knowing that the experience is genuine instead of just having faith that it is, will make it easier the next time.

Reason 2: This is the most important reason why. You will probably get close many times before you succeed. Each time you do, you will become more familiar with the sensations and feelings you go through. Well, you can only have a first projection once and you'll want to remember the little things you did different. The first time I succeeded, I noticed that things were a little different and I just knew this was gonna be the time I did it. It's not that I felt any new sensations or anything else that I hadn't already felt before. It's just that I reacted differently to the same feelings. When it happens, you will know exactly what I'm talking about. And if you can capture that little difference and recall it, you will be projecting like a 20 screen cinema. But you won't capture that feeling if you can't remember it.

Good luck.

One more thing, be sure and take advantage of the existing posts and search button. There's a ton of gold in dem der hills. Feel free to tell us about your experiences and ask any questions that you have. You'll get a lot more replies when you post in a different section as some of the older crowd may not peruse this section much. If you would like to tell us some more about yourself, there is a members intro forum. Keep exploring. :-D
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Quote from: herat123 on February 15, 2013, 17:43:49
So your body gets the same amout of sleep when your projecting?
and is it right that, if i get out for the first time i need to keep it short? (i have Read(cant remember the past form of read) that somewhere and i'm wondering if that is true)

I would go as far as to say that you will feel more refreshed the next day after a night of projecting. Whether this be a serotonin creating 'WOW' factor or that it is actually beneficial.. I can't say. I do know however that I personally have sprung out of bed with a big smile on my face 3 - 4 times a week for 28 years. :)

You don't have to keep it short at all... where did you hear this? it's more likely you don't have a say in the matter... and will be naturally short.


I can't say. I do know however that I personally have sprung out of bed with a big smile on my face 3 - 4 times a week for 28 years. Smiley

Given the age group concerning this thread, I have no comment. :evil:
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Hey everybody my name is yesi and I'm 16

I haven't reached the actual astral projection but I have felt numbness from my legs to my chest and arms yet can't seem to detach my spiritual body from my physical any comments??
Am I doing it right? What am I missing? The last time I was meditating I was super cold like everywhere could I be close?


I'm 17. Turning 18 in a week. Anyone from NY here? It's hard to find people that are my age that know about this excrement.


thats true, most of the poeple intrested in ap ar 20-30 years or older.
did you have one already? (Ps, you can see my introduction if you scroll up a bit)



I'm 16. I've been interested in philosophical matters since I was 14, and more specifically spiritual ones (including NDEs and OBEs) since I was 15.