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Water Babies

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Euphoric Sunrise

Funnily enough i'm a piscies and yet i revere the sky. I'm a terrible swimmer and i have no real love for water at all. In fact, i hardly EVER swim. It's been a number of years. I'd much rather fly.
I'm a fish wanting wings! [:D]

So i guess i'm the opposite of a water baby, despite being a piscies. Go figure! [:P]
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire


Euphoric, maybe the rest of your astrological chart is very airy. [:)] Aquarius is actually an air sign, but it does seem to have an association with water, being the water barer and all. [:P]

I have never been diving. I would like to try it some time. I have had dreams where I grow gills and am swimming under water. It is pretty amazing, even in the dream world.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


I'm a pisces. I heard there are 2 kinds, the ones who are grounded and able to deal with the mundane, and the others who are very "airy" and have a harder time staying in reality. I think I am in the middle somewhere.

Before I ever scuba dived, I had dreams that I was under water and I could breath normally. When I finaly did go diving, it was exactly like my dreams! It was really amazing, like flying, too because you are floating freely in the water just like you would if you could fly.

I live in Okinawa Japan, diving heaven!!! but a lot of people get hurt because the pacific and the east china sea around the island are so unpredictable. I stck to the shore and help giant hermit crabs find new shells. :) A.

The AlphaOmega

In the wood by my town there is a hautning place known as The Water Babies.  The story is that indians would drown their first borns in the lake so that the tribe would prosper throughout the generations.  Me and my friends got really baked and went out there in the middle of winter once while it was storming pretty hard, and with the trees hanging over you it was kinda creepy... but nothing happened.
"Discover your own path to enlightenment with diligence".
              - Buddha


Originally posted by fallnangel77

Euphoric, maybe the rest of your astrological chart is very airy. [:)] Aquarius is actually an air sign, but it does seem to have an association with water, being the water barer and all. [:P]

I have never been diving. I would like to try it some time. I have had dreams where I grow gills and am swimming under water. It is pretty amazing, even in the dream world.

Yes i read somewhere it was an air sign which is why i also have a very strong passion for flying, more of my dreams consist of me flying but i prefere water.


I would definately say that i am a bit of a water baby.

I was a competitive swimmer for about 12 years for a start.
I live on a small island and thus have done quite a lot of different water sports over the years, mostly on top of the water though.

I just got a job for when i finish University(a couple of months) writing software for SONAR devices[:)]should be fun.

im not a Pisces though - Gemini

This post sounds a bit too much like an introduction. oops[:P]

I don't know about having gills, staying above the water is good enough for me. It would rather have some resistance to the cold... its getts a bit chilly after a while


Gosh, I'm a Leo and I've always loved swimming. I can't wait for my aunt's pool to open up. :)
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Shawn McCaffrey

I was born in Virgo and prefer the forest.  I love GREEN.  I mean water and swimming is cool, but the forest is for me.  Same with flowers.  [^]  Do you think what you were born under really has an effect on your personality?  Ive never done much Astrology research.  Has anyone else?  I mean all I have read is that Virgos are full of questios and want everything to go acording to a plan, and I freak out if someone does something that we didn't plan on.  I'm kinda anal about it.  So maybe it is true, because I also read that Virgo have the best imagination, and I would say I am a pretty good artist, I want to go into concept art.  



Shawn, I never thought much about astrology either until I did some reading on it. I do think that it has influence on us, how or why I don't really know. But there is a lot more to a person than just their sun sign, though the sun sign is a major aspect of one's personality.

But to stay on topic ...

So are we invited to the pool party, kodemaster?
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


i feel the exact same way as free faller(jobs) except i wanna be a biologist, not marine one. ive had dreams of breathing under water and flying.maybe your sign does have an affect on your personality. an animal takes its mother as the first thing it sees. what about if its same thing with us except seasons???


Aquarius here[:D]
tomorrow will probably be my last day on the computer until winter bcuz i will be busy swimming. i swim the second i wake up until im ready to go to sleep, no joke. I stay outside for hours while it rains and LOVE the beach. Water is my element and i too want to become a marine biologist. As for the Air sign, wind is my second strongest element and i always wanted wings too.(but who doesnt?[:P]) i have dreams of breathing underwater and flying, but i stil love water more[:)]!!!!!
live forever or die trying


i love the rain i love it anyway it snowed 3 days before i was born..that has nothing to do with this though...i once breathed under water longer than was strange i like breathed very slowly ...but that was only like twice long ago


i love the water as well.
good thing too, i work as a lifeguard i HOPE i'd like the water with that job.
and i'm a cancer...isn't that a water sign ?


I thought that i would create a thread made for us Water Babies.

Water Babies being- feeling more comfortable in the water. absolutly love water

I was born an aquarius so im expecialy close to water.

i have only scuba dived once in hawaii i am not yet certified. On my first dive i had 2 tanks and whent down only about 45feet.

I want to be a marine well as an astronomer,Archeaologist, and cryptologist but mainly a marine biologist.

hey do you think it is possible like if i was genetically changed, sutch as like is i was given gills and my lungs were changed and i was injected with some fish gene do you think i would be able to breath on land and in water??? me either but wouldnt that be cool...only i wouldnt want to have gills