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Xtian topic?

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on some earlier topic, i forget which one, someone suggested that there be a special section for christian subjects...  and someone suggested it be called "christian mysticism".  i thought this was a great idea.  is anything ever going to happen with that, i wonder.  it's high time.


it might be a good idea to create a sub-board or topic strictly for the discussion of the catholic or christian ideals here.

Luke 6:22
Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.


Folks, I remember the suggestion for a Christian section, but cringed when I read it.  I don't think Astralpulse is ever going to segregate people by religion, whether to insulate certain members, OR exclude them.  Imagine a christian section, a buddhist section, a wiccan section, a pliedan section, a jewish section.  Choose your section, and no posting outside your section!  Yeah that'll happen!

The first suggestion for a christian section came from a person who felt uncomfortable associating with nonchristians, who felt uncomfortable when he read the criticisms of christianity that peppered various topics.  My (unspoken) answer to people like this is: If you don't want to associate with nonchristians or hear nonchristian statements, find a christian website and hang out there!

The second suggestion is coming from a person who doesn't want to read about christianity.  I understand the frustration, since the most recent, incessant attempts to convert are annoying.  But christians are welcome on Astralpulse, and their opinions are as valid as anyone else's.  As long as members don't cross the line into forbidden territory, they can say what they want.

Part of the beauty of Astralpulse is that people from around the world of every nationality, religion, and creed, can post anywhere about just about anything, as long as they can read and write in English.  Just like real life, everyone is going to have to find gracious ways of dealing with people and information they don't like, whether we decide to argue with it, or ignore it.  



Tisha, I have to agree yet part of me disagrees on a different level. Segregation mayabe isn't such a good idea, you're right.  My problem (if you want to call it that) is the preachiness and effort to convert while damning everyone else. The closed minded hatred spewed forth in the name of Jesus of all people just stinks.

I don't hate christians, catholics, or any one of any religion, and I certainly wouldn't waste my breath (or typing time) trying to convert someone as closed minded and tunnel visioned as Allanon.

Perhaps a better solution is going back once again to the topic of moderating. Astral Chat, Astral Experiences, Healing, aren't exactly the place for preaching strictly about xtian beliefs. Jeez, it's not even the preaching that bugs me, it's the condescending attitude and the holier than thou crap that gets me. To go further, I can even put THAT aside, but it's extremely difficult to ignore someone who tries to invalidate the views and experiences of others because they themselves have bible blinders on.

I see your point, it's an open forum for the discussion of a wide variety of topics and there is the issue of free speech and all, which is a wonderful thing.  Moderating to stay on topic is a hard thing to do I imagine, without coming across like a dictator of sorts. Boards like this will always have the predatory xtian I suppose, nothing can be done there except to ignore it as best we can or not read the board at all.

Allanon, I've read the bible and all that, was raised a catholic. All I can say now is that I know better, and from this moment on I'll ignore whatever you post.


Greetings Spirit_k9,

Thank you very much indeed for your suggestion.

Tisha summarised the Astral Pulse position perfectly. We cannot start to segregate people based on individual beliefs. We have a very wide range of forums available for discussing a broad range of subjects, but everyone's own position and beliefs should be discussed within those parameters.

I do understand your position on this I assure you. The fact is, people should not be here preaching about anything and trying to convert people and ram their ideas down member's throats. We are here to discuss and learn in a rational, objective and respectful manner as happens 99.9% of the time. The person you mentioned is walking a fine line and he knows it very well. Outright preaching and evangelising will no longer be tolerated here out of respect for all members.

Thank you once again for your suggestions and concerns.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


i wasn't even really seeing it as a segregation thing... i tend to visit all areas of the board, whether i know anything about the subject or not.  if the topics brought up are interesting, i read them & sometimes respond to them regardless of the subject area (like most of the time i get annoyed with prophecy/divination stuff, have become very disillusioned with magic, and very annoyed with the psychic self defense stuff, but i still visit to see if there's anything interesting that's popped up).  i don't want anyone to think that i want a christian section so that it'll be all out of my sight.  i just figured some christians here might like the idea, because it would give them a place to concentrate the topics that are relevant to them, and since non-christians have the choice of steering clear, or getting involved out of interest, there might be a reduction in religion bashing or something.  hahaha, i really did not think of it in terms of banishing all christians or christian subjects strictly to one area forever, to never annoy us non-christians again.  if the christians here like the idea of their own little area, i don't see why it should be ruled out.  but if the idea really offends a lot of people, then of course don't do it.  i just didn't see it in the way everyone is suggesting.


Perhaps (or maybe not, heh!) it might be a good idea to create a sub-board or topic strictly for the discussion of the catholic or christian ideals here.

I saw the plea for open mindedness by Tisha, I also see it's agreed to but ignored by those that condemn people both directly and indirectly because they refuse to adopt the closed belief system of another.

Make a preach board and move all preachy closed minded posts there, save the rest of the Asral Pulse for the open minds that wish to have good discussion, not arguement.