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Deja vu dreaming

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I've herd reports of people being ableto predict the future in a way by having a dram andthan having it literally cme true. If this is true, than is it not possibe or te reverse, maybe ur dreams are reminding you of smething that uhave fogotten and maybe should remember?


I recently had two entirely different dreams. In one dream I was
visiting an Eastern European city after the Berlin Wall had come down.
As I was walking thru the city, I had the thought that I had visited
this city before the Berlin Wall had come down, although I never
recalled a dream in which I had done this. In another instance I
had a dream where I had encountered some bullies(school age). Again
in this dream I had the feeling that I had encountered these bullies
before, but I can't recall a dream where I had previously experienced
them. Would like to know if anyone else has had experiences similar
to this in their dreams. Comments, feedback welcome.