robert bruce headache syndrome

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lily moonsong

The Robert Bruce headache syndrome is a phenomenon that occurs when one attempts to read his ebook on a small mini laptop computer screen and gets confused by all the different astral bodies one person possesses.  Yes, I'm trying to enlighten myself, but it is causing a migraine.  Can someone please help me with these terms:

real-time body:
real-time double:
physical / etheric double:
physical / etheric body:
energetic copy:
higher subtle body:
master copy of consciousness:
physical dream mind (master copy):
physical / etheric mind (expanded master body):

:? :? :?

I thought I knew what these terms meant, but after reading them all together in one paragraph, I am completely lost as to their specific definitions.  Heck... right now, I barely am sure I really know what a projected double is.


Gosh! I am fogged; I wish I could help. Are you reading it on your laptop? Why not take a print out? :) I am also interested in this eBook. Where can I get a copy? And how much does it cost?

lily moonsong

Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce.. its about 123 adobe pages long or more, I'm trying to tell you from memory. 



I purchased Astral Dynamics about four years ago and since then have probably read the book about seven times. To be honest I have never read it online, so I would recommend you buy the hard copy and keep it next to you all the time.

- Kurt

Quote from: lily moonsong on January 24, 2010, 22:51:47
The Robert Bruce headache syndrome is a phenomenon that occurs when one attempts to read his ebook on a small mini laptop computer screen and gets confused by all the different astral bodies one person possesses.  Yes, I'm trying to enlighten myself, but it is causing a migraine.  Can someone please help me with these terms:

real-time body:
real-time double:
physical / etheric double:
physical / etheric body:
energetic copy:
higher subtle body:
master copy of consciousness:
physical dream mind (master copy):
physical / etheric mind (expanded master body):

:? :? :?

I thought I knew what these terms meant, but after reading them all together in one paragraph, I am completely lost as to their specific definitions.  Heck... right now, I barely am sure I really know what a projected double is.


Well this is what I understand those terms to mean. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone...

real-time body: =projected body which is closest to the physical. Exists in the real-time zone which is between the physical and the astral. The real-time zone is very like the physical world because of it's close proximity to it. The astral is more affected by consciousness and thus more distorted and dreamlike. The astral body is higher in vibrational-terms than the real-time body.

real-time double: =alternative term for the real-time body

physical / etheric double:= your energy body (etheric body). This body is an energetic duplicate of the physical body which can't project itself, but it energetically generates the bodies which do project (ie, real-time body or astral body). It's the body that you stimulate when you do energy work.

physical / etheric body:=  I think this just means the physical body and the etheric body taken together.

energetic copy: = this could mean any of your subtle bodies (etheric, real-time, astral)

higher subtle body: =again, one of the subtle bodies (etheric, real-time, astral)

master copy of consciousness:= Contained in the physical and etheric bodies. You can't take the original, so a copy is produced and projected along with the real-time or astral body.

physical dream mind (master copy): Never heard this term.

physical / etheric mind (expanded master body): The energy body (etheric body) expands as it begins the process of generating either the real-time or astral body. It's probably a reference to that.

lily moonsong

Thank you.  This helps a lot.  I will reread the chapter in paper form, and keep you posted what a physical dream mind (master copy) is.


Quote from: lily moonsong on January 24, 2010, 22:51:47
The Robert Bruce headache syndrome is a phenomenon that occurs when one attempts to read his ebook on a small mini laptop computer screen and gets confused by all the different astral bodies one person possesses.  Yes, I'm trying to enlighten myself, but it is causing a migraine.  Can someone please help me with these terms:

real-time body:
real-time double:
physical / etheric double:
physical / etheric body:
energetic copy:
higher subtle body:
master copy of consciousness:
physical dream mind (master copy):
physical / etheric mind (expanded master body):

:? :? :?

I thought I knew what these terms meant, but after reading them all together in one paragraph, I am completely lost as to their specific definitions.  Heck... right now, I barely am sure I really know what a projected double is.
If you dont want to print it out, here's a tip:
If you can, get a modern LCD plugged to the laptop output. LCD's now a days go easy on the eyes, plus you'll get a much larger picture. And always put the same resolution as your laptop/LCD! if not, youll get disorted images and probably a lower refresh cycle rate (You notice this when you see the screen "sharper"). Above 60Hz wont give you problems. Also set the brightness to a comfortable level.

If you have the money, 1680x1050 LCD's are pretty cheap.


Quote from: lily moonsong on January 24, 2010, 22:51:47
The Robert Bruce headache syndrome is a phenomenon that occurs when one attempts to read his ebook on a small mini laptop computer screen and gets confused by all the different astral bodies one person possesses.  Yes, I'm trying to enlighten myself, but it is causing a migraine.  Can someone please help me with these terms:

real-time body:
real-time double:
physical / etheric double:
physical / etheric body:
energetic copy:
higher subtle body:
master copy of consciousness:
physical dream mind (master copy):
physical / etheric mind (expanded master body):

:? :? :?

I thought I knew what these terms meant, but after reading them all together in one paragraph, I am completely lost as to their specific definitions.  Heck... right now, I barely am sure I really know what a projected double is.
Having it in paper, I'll give it a stab:

Quotereal-time body:
The same as etheric body, that is, the energy body you use to perceive the RTZ (etheric).  Some people consider both degrees of each other, I just don't care that much.
Quotereal-time double:
The same body as the Real Time Body.  I suspect it's described that way because it's used in the description of it's generation- in other words, how you would see it from your body.  You'd see the 'etheric/real time double', which is your 'etheric/energy/real time' body.  It's just a matter of how to describe it.
Quotephysical / etheric double:
Once again, describing the etheric/energy/real time body from a physical standpoint.  Some people (myself included) consider the etheric/RTZ a kind of 'physical'.
Quotephysical / etheric body:
Same thing.  Referred in term of a 'body' as a sensory apparatus instead of what you are looking at.
Quoteenergetic copy:
A more general term.  For example, your etheric double and your astral double may be considered 'different' bodies you use to explore the realms described, but they're both 'energetic'.  So it's a more general way to describe the same thing.  I can say 'I saw my energy body in the RTZ' and mean 'etheric' and say "I saw my energy body in the astral" and mean the astral body- but it's a more general way to describe them, to not make a distinction, since all bodies up until the mental/buddhic/atmic are 'energy' bodies. 
Quotehigher subtle body:
Just what it sounds like- whatever sensory apparatus you are using to perceive the 'higher planes'.  Subtle is another way of saying 'nonphysical', and it can span from the 'higher astral' up to the mental.  It is said that the mental plane uses no 'body', but IMO it's not a plane at all- but that's another post full of my opinion.
Quotemaster copy of consciousness:
Your primary point of view.
Quotephysical dream mind (master copy):
The energy vehicle (or sensory mechanism) that you use to perceive the 'dream' world, which is a part of the astral body.  Master copy refers to the main point of view.  I can get into this more if you want, but it may get confusing.  Or more confusing.
Quotephysical / etheric mind (expanded master body):
When you go to project, your energy body (etheric body) expands.  Then you move your point of view into those parts- your point of view being what is doing the perceiving, the etheric body is the organ of perception.

So to make it simpler:
The RTZ and etheric are basically the same, you have an energy body that you put your consciousness in to perceive the RTZone (etheric).  You can call this energy body either etheric or real time body or astral, depending on 'where' you go.
When you get to the 'higher' astral, the environment is 'more' nonphysical, and you don't refer to your vehicle as the 'energy' body.  You can call it astral body or whatever, or get general and call it the 'subtle body', because it means 'less physical'.  When the idea of physical or energy or body are no longer relevant you are in the mental body, which is not a body, it's a description of a completely abstract mental experience.  This is where the really weird stuff happens, that are actually lessons.

When you're walking around you are perceiving with your physical body, and your mind appears to be a central point of view that is simple.  But it really isn't, when you meditate you realize that you are using other parts of your mind at the same time, and are not conscious of it.  Many people become surprised when they 'catch themselves' having conversations with parts of themselves that they were not aware of.
When you project, you can have more than one projection at the same time.  You can have a dream that turns into a projection and at the same time are laying in your bed reciting a mantra.   You have different points of views working at the same time, and at some point you can integrate them, and depending on how you do it, you can experience it as bilocation (in which 'different' 'copies' of consciousness are having experiences at the same time) or as 'dream within a dream', and other ways.  They're all you, but calling them 'copies' of consciousness makes it easier to understand.  It's easier when it happens to you.  Then it's not a matter of 'words', it's a matter of going 'Yeah, I remember that."


Wow, I didn't see all these replies when I wrote mine.