The Blackness Method (my own method)

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Hi everyone,

Im new to the forum and have had many many 'experiences'. I always find it difficult to put a name to them as I believe there is more to be seen and understood before I know what exactly is occuring.

My earliest experiences were entirely natural and came around by themselves, many people envy me this, and it was only later down the line I looked for an active method to try increase my learning curve.

To be honest I have seen many and tried many and I find them all overly complex and requiring a lot of 'blind faith'. Many people who experience these occurence simply dont have the faith in 'chakras', 'doorways' 'portals' 'third eyes' or whatever else and this hinders the ability to effectively utilise any of the methods. The get frustrated easily and fail at the first hurdles.

My own method, one which has served me very well on many occasions is much simpler. It doesnt not require any acceptance of terminology or even a rigid belief of what you are trying to experience, believe what you will ultimately the answers are still there to be found.

The method is basic and designed only to help you achieve the 'OOBE' state, which for anyone who has never reached the point is fascinated and deeply spiritual even if you have no belief in anything paranormal or unusual. Its an experience that leaves you without a concrete logical explanation afterward and a very tangible inner feeling of, well of something I cant really define. Each of my experiences leave with with a sense of certainty and knowledge even though I have no idea what im sure or knowledgeable about...I just feel that way, connected I suppose the world in an oddly profound way.

Anyway back to the method.

I called it blackness because thats what it comprises. When you close your eyes to meditate or try achieve the 'astral state' its always hard to control your 'minds eye', thats the part of your mind that sees even when your eyes are closed. Wer all have it so we all know what im talking about, the part of the brain that makes little pictures in your head. Its a major distraction and can cripple your attempts to achieve what you seek.

I tired everything to focus and block it out but its a very powerful part of the mind and really theres no need to block it. Instead I use it to help me get where I want to be. Instead of trying to imagine nothing, or some inate object, just imagine blackness. A great blanket of black colour, let your minds eye create the image and just keep it there in the center or your mind. Focus everything on the concept of 'blackness'.

f you can achieve that for a period of time, you will eventually start to feel your physical senses slip away, possibly some arousal which is common also, and then you are almost there.

If you are a novice you will find thoughts and sounds always disrupt the focus, just accept the disruption and focus once again on blackness. Kepp doing that no matter how many things break yiour focus. Its like training a pup, you have to just keep guiding your mind back to the blackness and keeping it there no matter what momentary distractions enter.

One other note, I have found that for whatever reason between 2am and 4am is primitime for these experiences. Ive read many spiritual, creative and fascinating stories as to why, you can believe one, all or none, it doesnt really matter, but the facts are true. 2-4am theres a strong point for getting to the state you want to achieve.

Good luck and enjoy. If youve never had any kind of experience, it will be worth your wait, im a logical down to earth person myself, but these experiences touch me deeply and fascinate me in ways I cannot really put into words.

PS just to clarify, im not knocking anyones beliefs on projection or OOBEs. I personally have no belief, I experience and seek answers but I have no real truth regarding what is actually happening and I use terminaology and names very sparsley. Thats not to say I dont respect other beliefs or that i fell they are wrong. The reality is I dont KNOW, so anyone could be right or wrong about anything regarding this wonderful odd occurence.


hey thx alot for this, its good to see people on this forum that dont blindly follow

props yo

Beware of those who weep with realization, for they have realized nothing.  -Don Juan


No problem, the way I see it is this. If I fix myself on one of the many theories (none of which can be proven yet) then I risk closing my mind to other possiblities. Thats problem with concrete beliefs, they often block other avenues and answers and you could well miss the truth when it slaps you in the face.

When I find the answers I guess then ill know, and if I never do then I will enjoy searching and wondering.

Besides, if you had the turht who is to say you would actually like what you discovered?

Go with it, learn waht you can learn from and above all enjoy it because it can be an immensely rewarding and awesome experience.

Quo Animo

It would fit in well with my method because mine has to do with using the imagination. I'll try it.


To be honest I have seen many and tried many and I find them all overly complex and requiring a lot of 'blind faith'. Many people who experience these occurence simply dont have the faith in 'chakras', 'doorways' 'portals' 'third eyes' or whatever else and this hinders the ability to effectively utilise any of the methods. The get frustrated easily and fail at the first hurdles.

Yes, I totally agree with you there, I find them most confusing. Though I will admit, I do believe somewhat in chakras.

possibly some arousal which is common also, and then you are almost there.

ROFL, im glad its not just me  :-P

Interesting method, I'll give it a shot tonight and let you know how it goes  :-D
When there's no more room in the oven, the bread will walk the earth.


Yeah arousal..... why the heck does that happen....
In somnis veritas


You know, I think there is only one word I can use in this case:


Thankyou very much, you've given me a sense of hope for other people
As it as written, now and forever shall be. In the name of the Stevo, amen.


Hey! Me too!! I get really deep into the "blackness", deep into that near-sleep state, really focusing, deep calm, and then I can tell that I am becoming aroused. Sometimes I even feel some wierd tingling in that area before, during, or after. Very odd. WHY does this happen!? So glad I am not alone on this one, either! Any thoughts anyone?

Werp Weg Alles

Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me out here, I can easily picture blackness.  But when I tried this last night, my mind kept bringing MORE into it, such as a group of short people would suddenly come and take away the background of black, or I started to picture myself "floating" into and through the blackness, or the black became the shape of a cube, I was suspended in it, and it was held by a much larger being who who was along with my cube supended in a black cube which was in turn held by a larger being who was also in a cube with his cube in it etc.....stuff like that, I don't consciously think about these things, they just pop up as I get drowsy, any suggestions?
"What you do in life, echoes in eternity"

"I am not afraid to keep on living"

"Be not afraid of greatness"

"I hold it true that thoughts are things"


Quote from: Werp Weg Alles on November 08, 2006, 22:18:25
Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me out here, I can easily picture blackness.  But when I tried this last night, my mind kept bringing MORE into it, such as a group of short people would suddenly come and take away the background of black, or I started to picture myself "floating" into and through the blackness, or the black became the shape of a cube, I was suspended in it, and it was held by a much larger being who who was along with my cube supended in a black cube which was in turn held by a larger being who was also in a cube with his cube in it etc.....stuff like that, I don't consciously think about these things, they just pop up as I get drowsy, any suggestions?

These aren't necessarily bad things. They seem to be hypnagogic (sp?) imagery that could be use to help you phase.

Werp Weg Alles

THANK YOU Drift!!, that is helpful and have actually been exactly what phasing was and how to do it, I found the link very "enlightening" :-D however I'm still kind of bummed that I can't hold the blackness long enough to astral project  :cry:  ahh oh well I'm sure eventually I'll find the right method.
"What you do in life, echoes in eternity"

"I am not afraid to keep on living"

"Be not afraid of greatness"

"I hold it true that thoughts are things"


Werp Weg Alles

HAHA!! wow, sorry about that, I looked down at the summary and just had a total brain malfunction and put the starter of the topic...sorry about that..I really do appreciate the help.
"What you do in life, echoes in eternity"

"I am not afraid to keep on living"

"Be not afraid of greatness"

"I hold it true that thoughts are things"



The blackness you describe is what others refer to as FZ or the '3d blackness' and this state is basically the bridge, the point at which your own mind meets the wider astral. It is the launch pad for exploring Wifer Reality.

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


Hi Drift,

Welcome to the forum - it sounds like you have much to contribute ! I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts. Do not worry too much about a "lack of terminology"...It really isn't a big deal !

kind regards,

I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


I hope someone had luck with this, ive been off doing other things and havent been around you know how it gets.

If put the touches to this method though and have a pretty stable model now, even simpler.

Basically all im doing now is letting the body go numb. I lay on my back stil and after about 30/45 minutes you get that disconnected feeling. During that time i think about whatever, im basically just waiting on the body to comply and goto sleep.

Once the body goes numb I focus on something, I still use the blanket of darkness sometimes but ive also found that planets, outerspace, anythign removed from the physical world works fine. I keep my mind focused on that and my brain just forgets about the body and I get pulled out.

Still havent mastered the exit though. Exits are very sudden and aggresive. Not painful aggression but its like being hauled out unceremoniously and sometimes I panic. Last night i felt someone had stuck a hand in my solar plexus and tugged me, it was so sudden my real body sat up and I had a little freak out moment.

If I could master that part id be almost perfect but somehow exits have never become any softer.

How is everyone doing, anyone got themselves a good routine? Im pleased as punch to be back in the groove myself. Still hoping to have my compulsive experiences back it was quicker and easier and I think now id be able to handle them much better than when I was younger.


Hi Drift,

First, thanks for sharing your method! Really interesting

I tried your method last night but i didn't get to get out so i have some questions
1) So you just think of blackness until vibrations start and you involuntarily move out? Or do you have to do something else before you can get out?
2) When using your third eye to see the blackness, is your third eye supposed to feel a sensation? Like something is there and pulling back on that particular spot?
3) All i got to was to get my body really relaxed, heavy and kind of numb but no paralysis and when i tried to move my limbs there was a sort of tingly sensation, am i on the right track?
4) Is your mind supposed to relax too? My mind was very very alert and i had a lot of trouble sleeping after i gave up
5) When i use my third eye its like i visualise myself being in that blackness and everytime i "pull" back with my third eye with that pulling sensation the blackness zooms away from my vision and expands the more i do that the more the darkness grows and the more massive it becomes - like space and i become a little star. I see lots of random stuff and i read somewhere that if i grab onto them i can get into astral. I tried and they bring me up and down the space i created. The higher i move up the lighter my body is the further i move down the heavier it is. Weird right? I still cant get any vibrations though.

Thanks alot