Using telekinesis while APing?

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Let's say I want to astral project to a friends location (everyone agrees someone should be able to do this right?)

What if I want to lift them out of their bed and throw them on the ground?

How do I prepare for something like this? Does anyone know about any stories or experiences similar to this?

What if I want to rip someones heart out or give them a heart attack? That kind of reminds me of the Russians using astral travel to spy on and covertly assassinate their enemies but I'm not sure if they ever succeeded in their trials.


Quote from: pulsexx on July 16, 2009, 03:09:57
Let's say I want to astral project to a friends location (everyone agrees someone should be able to do this right?)

What if I want to lift them out of their bed and throw them on the ground?

How do I prepare for something like this? Does anyone know about any stories or experiences similar to this?

What if I want to rip someones heart out or give them a heart attack? That kind of reminds me of the Russians using astral travel to spy on and covertly assassinate their enemies but I'm not sure if they ever succeeded in their trials.

You want to throw people around and rip out hearts?  :|
Such negative inclinations will take you down a truly dark path. I would suggest staying away from the astral with such a state of mind...


Yes, indeed, quite evil thoughts.  o_O
How about we try some less evil and more loving actions?
Try petting a puppy first!  See if you can do that... ;)


with those intentions you'll draw some truely negative entities/ energies to you and that could turn the projection into a frightning experience. :-o


Don't preach to me about right and wrong, I just want to know if I can do it or not.

By the way there are stories of bodhisattvas (the karmic ideal) killing murderers to prevent the death of innocent people.

travelingdog might be possible but it probably would use alot of energy, I think you would also have to be really close to the rtz



Guess what I'm doing? I'm preaching to you about right and wrong. Don't like it? The application programmers installed a button with an X on it for this very purpose. You can find it on the upper right corner of your browser. You know, it's people like you that turn something as sacred as this into yet another evil plaything. Self defense and offensive behavior are two different things; it's clear what path you've taken. And don't give us the Bodhisattva example; if being like them were your true intentions you would have initially stated that. When the negs start making your subconscious life a wreck, don't come to us for advice on what to do.


...And, just because there are tales of Boddhissatvas doing it doesn't mean it actually happened, or it's possible.  In religious texts there are tales talking about when incest was ok and how some prophet once killed a guy to take his wife because he was supposed to fulfill a law, but most of us know that religious stories are designed to teach a lesson, and the details' veracity is not necessarily a given or even the point.


Quote from: pulsexx on July 16, 2009, 17:54:18
Don't preach to me about right and wrong, I just want to know if I can do it or not.

By the way there are stories of bodhisattvas (the karmic ideal) killing murderers to prevent the death of innocent people.

Lol, you're a retard.

I will say this, though - I've woke a guy once while OBE'ing


Quote from: KRDecade on July 17, 2009, 03:38:22
Lol, you're a retard.

I will say this, though - I woke a guy up once while OBE'ing

and now I look like a retard for double posting. =\ delete plz


Quote from: pulsexx on July 16, 2009, 17:54:18
Don't preach to me about right and wrong, I just want to know if I can do it or not.

By the way there are stories of bodhisattvas (the karmic ideal) killing murderers to prevent the death of innocent people.

The impersonal karmic system does not need "fixers".


Like I said, don't preach to me when you don't know what you're talking about...

When a mother defends her children from an axe murderer with a gun do you go telling her how rotten it was of her to have used a gun to kill a human being?

Details people... details...

Also how do you know about this karmic judicial system and how can you prove it to me?

Buddha says you shouldn't eat meat, but what if you're starving to death... what's the difference if you kill a pig or if not eating a pig kills you?

You can tell me how terrible it is that I use psionics to kill people, but the fact is if I'm protecting you from criminals you probably wouldn't have anything to say now would you? Or perhaps I should just let them kill you, because that would be karmically okay by you then?

Anyway, can anyone give me stories or tales of people using their astral body with telekinesis as a force to be reckoned with?


Quote from: Liminalitus on July 16, 2009, 18:58:48

Guess what I'm doing? I'm preaching to you about right and wrong. Don't like it? The application programmers installed a button with an X on it for this very purpose. You can find it on the upper right corner of your browser. You know, it's people like you that turn something as sacred as this into yet another evil plaything. Self defense and offensive behavior are two different things; it's clear what path you've taken. And don't give us the Bodhisattva example; if being like them were your true intentions you would have initially stated that. When the negs start making your subconscious life a wreck, don't come to us for advice on what to do.

I didn't imply who I would be killing now did I? You made your own opinions up about that which is surprising considering you don't really know me.


Well I'd say you're pretty immature for someone who's 23.


I thought we were talking about preemptively killing potential murderers with the aim of balancing karma... which would not work btw.

BTW, if you kill something, anything, even a murderer, there are still karmic effects. Karma cares not for revenge, which is a human personal emotional reaction. If a person is prepared to deal with the effects of killing a living thing, then well, that's fine. Just be prepared to deal with the consequences.

Sorry if you assumed I was preaching to you, not my intention. Do what you will. Go and kill in the astral, just don't come here crying about the consequences.  :-D

Also, most of the people here do not project to become a comic book like "force to be reckoned with". Most project in order to explore themselves and the reality we seem to inhabit.

Violence just begets more violence... oops that is preaching! Ha! No, wait that IS karma buddy! :evil:


You wanna know if it's possible?
Sure... I don't see why not.

You wanna know if you should do it?
That's entirely up to your own moral values.

You wanna know if *I* think you should do it... we won't go there, because I think this world is too screwed up to fix anyways.  :)


...Oh, and I forgot to ask, how do you know if someone is going to be a murderer when they grow up?


Quotepulsexx: When a mother defends her children from an axe murderer with a gun do you go telling her how rotten it was of her to have used a gun to kill a human being?

No you dont but there is a difference:

Point A: When a mother defends her children from an axe murderer with a gun, she is actually there, she REALLY knows that the guy (or gal, i suppose) is a murderer, whereas (as far as i'm aware) you cannot KNOW for certain if someone is a TRUE murderer before they actually strike. sure they may have traits that fit a murderer, but that doesnt mean that they're actually going to kill someone.

Point B: When a mother defends her children from an axe murderer with a gun, she is acting in defence, not purposely seeking out to kill the murderer. Therefore when she kills the murderer it's classed as manslaughter, where if you killed a murderer via method you're suggesting you would yourself be classed as a murderer (although sure any authority would have a real hard time proving that you were)

Point C: When a mother defends her children from an axe murderer with a gun, she is, herself, in danger. There's always a chance she misses or that the murderer isn't hit that bad, or he is and in his final moments he buries the axe deep into little jimmy's skull, and/or has enough strength to go for both the mother and her remaining child/children. The method you suggest may be the best way to kill someone without being in danger of death yourself, but it is absolutely probably the most cowardly way to kill. If you're going to do it, do it like a man should (even if you're a woman), with some honour and bravery, on the physical plane.

If you were planning on being some superhero or something then you'll have failed the first test of being a hero by purposely killing someone.

Also I doubt any of us know what the consequences of killing in the astral could be, be it karmic or psychological. It'd probably be best if it stayed that way. Even if nothing at all happened, the last thing we need is people who may actually be real murderers to spot a consequence free method of murder. No, knowledge like that would have to be forgotten until someone (or something) could deal with such a possibility.

btw, thats not preaching, thats just stating the obvious.


"and in his final moments he buries the axe deep into little jimmy's skull"


But honestly I'm sick of people having preconceptions that APing is like their favourite anime show or something, like others have said earlier it's more of a tool for learning about one's self and healing. It's not time to be little secret vigilante ninja.

and in the axe murderer situation it's not really your decision to choose who lives and dies in the world. The woman would react by instinct and the event would take place how it was meant to and shouldn't be influenced or manipulated by other means.


Is this thread about having superpowers or about the right for a vigilante to murder?
I'll just go with the actual title, "Using telekinesis while APing":

I've read about a number of experiments with people trying to influence the physical while astral, and have seen very little evidence to support it. In one of Buhlman's books, he talks about balancing a pencil in the physical and then trying to move it astrally with no luck.

If it is possible, it's not something that the "masters" like Monroe ever decided to share with anyone.

As far as Russian psi experiments with stopping goat hearts, etc., it was made up and "leaked" to the US during the cold war to scare us into thinking they had psychic powers. We did the same with them.


Yeh I mean if these psychic spies or whatever or agents that work for the government through the astral can really influence physical things then I think many political targets would had died long ago by "mysterious circumstances" but the fact is they havent. So they cant do it or it would had been done already 1000 times over.


Quote from: interception on July 17, 2009, 05:44:53
I thought we were talking about preemptively killing potential murderers with the aim of balancing karma... which would not work btw.

BTW, if you kill something, anything, even a murderer, there are still karmic effects. Karma cares not for revenge, which is a human personal emotional reaction. If a person is prepared to deal with the effects of killing a living thing, then well, that's fine. Just be prepared to deal with the consequences.

Sorry if you assumed I was preaching to you, not my intention. Do what you will. Go and kill in the astral, just don't come here crying about the consequences.  :-D

Also, most of the people here do not project to become a comic book like "force to be reckoned with". Most project in order to explore themselves and the reality we seem to inhabit.

Violence just begets more violence... oops that is preaching! Ha! No, wait that IS karma buddy! :evil:

Who taught you about this karma system?
How do you know what is truly right or wrong?

If you kill a killer maybe there would be less killing so therefore violence is a successful method of decreasing violence. Is that karma?


Quote from: Stookie on July 17, 2009, 13:48:56
Is this thread about having superpowers or about the right for a vigilante to murder?
I'll just go with the actual title, "Using telekinesis while APing":

I've read about a number of experiments with people trying to influence the physical while astral, and have seen very little evidence to support it. In one of Buhlman's books, he talks about balancing a pencil in the physical and then trying to move it astrally with no luck.

If it is possible, it's not something that the "masters" like Monroe ever decided to share with anyone.

As far as Russian psi experiments with stopping goat hearts, etc., it was made up and "leaked" to the US during the cold war to scare us into thinking they had psychic powers. We did the same with them.

Actually Monroe and Muldoon had recorded accounts of that exact thing.

I just can't find many other examples from other masters.

Also I think much of the Russian telekinetic experiments were real... the famous psion Nelya Kulagina died of a heart attack said to be caused by the high stress states involved with her telekinesis.


Quote from: Slix on July 17, 2009, 11:15:39
No you dont but there is a difference:

Point A: When a mother defends her children from an axe murderer with a gun, she is actually there, she REALLY knows that the guy (or gal, i suppose) is a murderer, whereas (as far as i'm aware) you cannot KNOW for certain if someone is a TRUE murderer before they actually strike. sure they may have traits that fit a murderer, but that doesnt mean that they're actually going to kill someone.

Point B: When a mother defends her children from an axe murderer with a gun, she is acting in defence, not purposely seeking out to kill the murderer. Therefore when she kills the murderer it's classed as manslaughter, where if you killed a murderer via method you're suggesting you would yourself be classed as a murderer (although sure any authority would have a real hard time proving that you were)

Point C: When a mother defends her children from an axe murderer with a gun, she is, herself, in danger. There's always a chance she misses or that the murderer isn't hit that bad, or he is and in his final moments he buries the axe deep into little jimmy's skull, and/or has enough strength to go for both the mother and her remaining child/children. The method you suggest may be the best way to kill someone without being in danger of death yourself, but it is absolutely probably the most cowardly way to kill. If you're going to do it, do it like a man should (even if you're a woman), with some honour and bravery, on the physical plane.

If you were planning on being some superhero or something then you'll have failed the first test of being a hero by purposely killing someone.

Also I doubt any of us know what the consequences of killing in the astral could be, be it karmic or psychological. It'd probably be best if it stayed that way. Even if nothing at all happened, the last thing we need is people who may actually be real murderers to spot a consequence free method of murder. No, knowledge like that would have to be forgotten until someone (or something) could deal with such a possibility.

btw, thats not preaching, thats just stating the obvious.

Point A)  What if the person is a known killer and has made death threats to you or your family and also if you go to the police your life would be in danger from his cohorts.

Point B) What if you are attacking in defense by taking pre-emptive offensive measures.

Point C) What if you are in danger but not immediate danger and you decide to take action during the safest time.

Point D) What if by you choosing to do nothing then innocent people would die.


All in all it seems like people experience strong telekinesis in trance or dream states which is similar to the astral projection state.

Being able to levitate your self, or objects, or throw people to the ground is all possible biologically(according to first hand accounts) and therefore the human mind seems to be able to produce enough power to say, stop a heart beat or cause a blood vessel in the brain to pop (voodoo anyone?)

The question is do people gain enough control over these abilities to use it at that level?  Could you also combine your mastery of astral projection with your mastery of telekinesis to become a living weapon? 

I would like to think that people like Buddha and Jesus would be able to but there aren't many stories.