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using TMI gateway wave 1

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Mark: This has happened to me before quite a number of times. Maybe you should try what I do and think of the CD only as a kind of primer. Listen to it a couple of times and go through some kind of visual rundown like I described in the monster thread. Then try feeling your way around without the CD.

What I did when first attempting without the CD is to practice getting to Focus 12, only. Which, funnily enough, is what I've gone back to yet again as I'm getting a bit cheesed off at continually failing to achieve my goal of simply being able to project at will.

Everything else is largely sorted: the emotional control, the navigation, etc. Except it still takes me around an hour and sometimes longer, to initiate the process. Although sometimes I'll go, say, 10 mornings in a row where it'll take me just 5 or 10 minutes. Then, next morning, it might take me an hour and a half.

Anyhow, I was having a moan about this to Freda, one of my "Astral Family" members as I call them, and she said I had no problem up to Focus 10 in that I could quit thinking about any physical-matter concern quite readily. But there was a receptivity problem causing a kind of mental block that was preventing me from attaining the Focus 12 state in a shorter time.

She said the key was to "become open" to the Focus 12 state, stop trying to in some way initiate it, then simply flow along with events as they unfold. The times when I projected in a shorter time, were the times I had naturally be more receptive at the onset of Focus 12 (but didn't realise it).

She also said the Focus 12 state is a very important state to work towards achieving as the whole conscious-exit process begins to unfold from Focus 12. Which is something us Monroe fans basically know already. But what she doubly reinforced to me was the importance of this state in the general conscious-exit scheme of things. She did also say that lapses in conscious awareness can also be caused through lack of receptivity to Focus 12. Which is basically what you are experiencing, so maybe this may apply to you also.

Anyhow, I decided to take a break from projecting until I polish up on the C1 to F12 transition. Which is all I've been practicing the past week. :(




thanks for your comments. I am trying at the moment to vary the way I use the wave 1 cd. I try to look at it now as a primer to help bring about the requisite state of conciousness

e.g., for 1 week I might experiment with differing ways of approaching the exercise, different times during the day to try it, etc. Then for another week I'll try keeping to a timetable and 1 particular technique.

Although I'm not having regular success yet, I've noticed that by varying techniques / times, I'm becoming more familiar with the sensations and signposts you get along the way.

As for the focus 12 receptivity problem you mentioned, I've noticed that more often than not I'll be fortunate enough to wake up into focus 12....Clearly there is some obstacle there preventing smooth progress.

when you find out what it is, let me know !

I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


Hi everyone

I've now got as far as the second exercise in Odyssey, wave 7.  This exercise expands your energy body, increases the speed of your vibrations and gets you to feel lighter and float up.

I've tried it a few times now and experienced the vibrations getting much faster and taking on a somewhat violent and disturbing quality to them.  I got some trampoline like bouncing sensations with this, but no out of body experience as yet.



Hello Frank,

She also said the Focus 12 state is a very important state to work towards achieving as the whole conscious-exit process begins to unfold from Focus 12. Which is something us Monroe fans basically know already. But what she doubly reinforced to me was the importance of this state in the general conscious-exit scheme of things. She did also say that lapses in conscious awareness can also be caused through lack of receptivity to Focus 12. Which is basically what you are experiencing, so maybe this may apply to you also.

Could you explain what she meant by the "lack of receptivity to Focus 12" ?


I'll try by best. But right now I am focussing on that very question. Once I have some semblence of an answer I'll let you know.



Hi folks, I've been using this CD for a while now....Its definitely helped me have projections.

I have noticed that more often than not, a projection experience comes about after I've lost conciousness to some degree...Soon after I regain it, perhaps being awoken by the sound of bob's voice on the CD, to find myself out of body.

Typically I find that if I can keep concious for the entire exercise, I won't have an "OBE".

Does anyone have any tips on how I can stay concious through the whole experience ? I've managed it once, but I don't know how I did it !

I'll Name You The Flame That Cries