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Very Weird Awakening

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Last night, I was in a dream, where it just showed a long road. This road went on forever and ever.
When I woke up, it was like no ordinary awakening such as I usually experience. This was very much different.
I woke up, but it seemed like I was frozen. I was aware of what happened though. I knew that I was just in a dream, and that I was now awake.
It was almost as if my mind shifted from the non-physical, to the physical. It was a very calm waking though.
Usually when I wake from a dream, I sort of sit up right away by habit, to check the time.
Why did this happen? I don't believe it was SP, because I was completely calm, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. When I tried to move, I could.


I don't think anything really weird was happening here. Sometimes our brains are slow to deliver the wake up message to our bodies,then again, it might be aliens. :-D
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


That was really very weird awakening. You were frozen. Strange..


An FA can be totally real. I've woke up checked my phone for the time, the date comes up too and lay down thinking I've another hour so no point getting up yet. Drifted off a little staying concious and seconds later the alarm goes off. I use the phone for this. Cancelled the alarm then realised I'd lost the best part of an hour and the date displayed earlier was incorrect.
Never thought I'd get caught out. It was totally physical in every way.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.