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1st AP !

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Cleric P

After about 3 years of trying it finally happened, my first ever projection. No doubt about it, this was the real deal this time. I'd read dozens of books on the subject as well as other related topics but has only managed to increase the frequency and length of my lucid dreams, although still only to about a minute tops. Well last night an LD led to an AP !

I'd had the vibes on a few occasions in the past, mostly in the chest area, but nothing had ever come of it. Well I was having a bit of a bad dream, being chased or something, when I became lucid. So I thought I'd try and initiate the vibrations from this state. I lay down in the dream environment and forced myself to shake as best I could. After a few seconds, the shakes carried on on their own so I lay back and relaxed. The vibes were strongest on my solar plexus area, first time I have had them there. The suddenly there was a 'pop' ! Next thing I knew I was completely awake, I mean really totally awake, not like an LD where you are kind of phasing in and out, this was total 100% conscious. However I was not in bed any more, I was floating, on my back, in a black silent void and unable to move anything except my eyes. I could make out my body, just about, I seemed to be wearing what I had been during the day. I was not scared, but it was a bit unnerving to find oneself awake in a black void !

No sooner as I had assessed my situation, I shot upwards with a jolt, like a very fast elevator. Still silent and with what felt like a slight breeze flowing over me, I continued upwards for about 5 seconds and then suddenly came to a halt again (though no action of my own, I was still lying on my back, immobile). My vision sort of readjusted and all I could see were hundreds of points of white light against the blackness. I'm sure they were not stars, they kind of looked like LEDs, all equi-sized, equi-bright and pretty much uniformly distributed all around. The space also seemed to have texture, almost iridescent, it was quite beautiful. I was really overjoyed at this point and grinning ear to ear. I tried to speak but my vocal chords didn't work too well, I only managed a garbled 'hello everybody', then I couldn't speak at all. Then there was a weird shift and I was back in my body, in bed and completely awake. Strange thing was that my ears were ringing like crazy and my body tingled for about 5 mins afterwards, definitely some kind of physiological effect from the AP experience. I only ever had that once before when I once 'half-AP'd', got to sit up in the Astral and then flopped back down again. Seems like some sort of astral hangover.

Well I thought I would share that one with you. I seem to recall reading either here or maybe in a book about AP that the 'void' and even the white 'star' lights have been experienced by others. I wonder if it's some kind of objective staging post, like an entrance or border area between planes. Awesome stuff anyway, now I know first hand it's real, I had some doubts about the stuff I was reading, but there's nothing like going there yourself to make you a believer. Looking forward now to making further progress next time. Seem the vibrations are key, well they are for me, I must try ways of getting them going whenever possible.

Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading.


Great job! :-D :-D Had mine today also..

Me: :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Use 'C Up' for a boost!


Thanks i love reading people's experiences.



Congrats! 3 years down the road you really deserve it  :-)


Just wanted to say congrats!!!  :-)

What have you done over the last three years in trying to learn AP? Do you think anything lately may have contributed to your success?

jub jub


About the void, I never been there but I heard a lot about it. Keep it up and next time concentrate on your intention, and maybe you'll wind up where you want to go.
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin

Cleric P

Thanks - I'd just spent the time buying and reading a great many books on the topic, and other related things. I gradually got better at lucid dreaming, but only ever seemed to get the vibrations 'by accident'. I was never sure what I had done, if anything to get that state. Well I suppose all the info and thinking about AP finally took root in my subconscious, so I was able to recognise the vibrations for what they were, instead of having my usual 'it's an earthquake !' dream :-D Well I've still only had one AP experience, so it's early days yet. Strange thing is that I can now meditate much easier since my experience, I can get into a very tranquil state with little or no ego interference quite easily now, it was always near impossible to do that before, too much mind-chatter. I read somewhere that higher forces can make 'adjustments' to you as you progress, some kind of spiritual engineering maybe ? I wonder if I got a tune-up during my little AP ? I'm more than ready for another trip inwards anyway !

Quote from: MinstruelZ on August 21, 2008, 16:49:36
Just wanted to say congrats!!!  :-)

What have you done over the last three years in trying to learn AP? Do you think anything lately may have contributed to your success?