Am I trying to OBE at the wrong time of day/night?

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So I've only had 2 successful OBE's in my life, both accidental through some form of partially lucid dreaming. I have been purposely trying to OBE for a month or so, but always try around midnight, is this the wrong time, and therefore the reason why I have not been fully successful? I've been able to cause my body to shake violently, get very hot and my heartrate to shoot up twice, and can usually get my body to start to tingle and feel a bit floaty, but never anything more :(


Hi Tazni, I would say that the only wrong time, is when you are too awake (body restless, mind active) ... OR... when you are too tired (you just fall asleep).

Have you read Robert Monroe's books? IF not - read his first book. He would wake regularly during the night and find himself in an OBE.

My only other comments would be :
a) In my experience it is extremely hard to conciously have an OBE, going all the way from fully awake to OBE.    It may be easier for a person to learn to unconciously recognise that they are in, or near, the OBE state.. and then become fully awake and concious within that state, as opposed to progressing gradually from "physically awake" through to "OBE"

b) Some of your comments re: body sensations sound familiar to me.  However  - there are the physical sensations which you feel as you lie in your bed, the ones you describe above, which are common...yet no OBE occurs.  Then there are the similar non-physical sensations that occur during the early stages of OBE, which you described in another post.   

best wishes !
I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


It's only 'the wrong time' if it frustrates you if it doesn't work. This can lead to a lot of frustration with it in general, which you really don't want, so make sure you just let it go and avoid getting worked up about it if the successes don't happen straight away. Take it with a smile and try again some other time. Other than that you can try anytime - feel free to try whenever you have 20 minutes alone, or 5 minutes even...! If you're getting symptoms that means you're getting somewhere, so keep trying :) Keep experimenting with different times but don't get too hung up about what you can do when. It seems to vary anyway. Remember also that it can take a while before people get their first one, sounds like you're well on your way if you've only been at it for a month. Good luck!
Follow your heart without remorse.


The best time to astral project or oobe for newbies is during the daytime. Take a nap early on in the day. The reason your are more likely to have an oobe is because you're rested and you can get into that Goldilocks Zone more easily. The Goldilocks Zone is that zone where you're half awake and half asleep. Your body is asleep but your mind is not. This is the best time to attempt an exit.

The best way of doing that is to roll your astral body out of your physical body like a log unto the floor. You'll know when you are ready.

I'm not saying you'll never have an oobe at night... but for beginners the best time is during the daytime about 2 hours tops after you've woken up. A lot of oobes come when people get up in the mornings get some breakfast and go back to sleep. It's just what seems to work. That's how I learned to astral project... naps during the daytime.

Cya and good luck.  :-)
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."