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Body Loosening

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A lot of my books mention the term "body loosening".  What exactly is meant by that, does anyone know??


Yeah, if they are referring to the astral body, then it means that once you have stimulated it through energy raising, you will shift the energy around your body by moving you awareness there. You will feel the energy swaying back and forth like a rocking boat. After a while you will feel the energy body expand past the borders of your skin.

For example, after I have spent some time raising energy, I then start to move it around my body building up a charge. When I move it to my feet I can feel it very strong there. Eventually i feel it coming out of my feet. It feels like you are growing taller the longer you hold it there. Then I shift it up to the top of my head and I feel like i'm stretching upwards. I usually keep doing that for a while, back and forth. Then You can pick a point of awareness outside of your body and try to move it outside of the bounds of the body itself like up to the ceiling or something and then back to normal. Bouncing it back and forth.


So is that why AP takes a few months to be successfull at it, every day you loosen up the etheric body a little??


Quote from: Fresco on March 25, 2010, 07:37:12
So is that why AP takes a few months to be successfull at it, every day you loosen up the etheric body a little?
Not at all.
It *can* take a few months because you need to learn several pre-requisite abilities first.
You need to learn to relax the body.
You need to learn to focus the mind.
You need to learn what it feels like to project.

All of this, depending upon natural ability, can take a while.  Several years even.


Quote from: Xanth on March 25, 2010, 09:09:12
Not at all.
It *can* take a few months because you need to learn several pre-requisite abilities first.
You need to learn to relax the body.
You need to learn to focus the mind.
You need to learn what it feels like to project.

All of this, depending upon natural ability, can take a while.  Several years even.
Okay, reason I asked is because I feel my vibrations getting "looser" (for lack of better word) by each day.
Liken it to a lid on a bottle that gets loosened after each turn.

I was hoping this is some kind of progress  :|


It could be.
But the vibrations aren't a goal within itself.
They're more of a signpost that people use to know where they are.

There could come a time when you don't experience them anymore.
So you really shouldn't rely upon them too much.  :)


I believe I have posted energy body loosening techniques in here somewhere, but you will have to use the search function to find it, because it's been a while.


Thanx guys (and girls) for your responses.

I do 1 hr. of trance work daily, but instead of doing 1 hr. straight I now divide it into 3 X 20 minutes.
20 min. first thing in the morning, 20 min. before dinner and 20 min. before bedtime. 

That works the best for me. Doing 1 hour of straight trance gets monotonous


The trancework is a good investment, probably one of the best. My goal is to be able to eventually be able to enter deep trance in 20 minutes or less. That way I can project on my lunch breaks at work.

As far as energy, for me the vibes have gotten very strong to the point where when I bounce it from head to toe I feel like someone is pulling me by the feet. I even use it to massage out cramps and to massage certain areas to relieve tension. If you keep building energy everyday it will get stronger as time goes on.


energy body loosening puts me in deep mind states but I don't do it to project anymore. 

In my opinion, what's really happening is that you're basically doing whole body energy work.  I use a very similar mental action to produce energy body loosening effects as I do in energy work. 

So it ought to be at least helpful in energy work.

I back up that trance work too.  Trance induction is the only thing I do to project anymore.  I just push myself down deeper and deeper until I'm almost asleep and then I'm out.  It's a very valuable skill to have.
be awesome.


I just finished doing my final 20 min. of trance to day and I definitely felt as if I was floating maybe 1/4 inch above my body.  At least my arms and legs were floating, maybe not so much the rest of my body.

Hey, its progress I think   :-)


Quote from: Fresco on March 25, 2010, 07:37:12
So is that why AP takes a few months to be successfull at it, every day you loosen up the etheric body a little??

Etheric and astral bodies detach and leave the physical naturally every night, when you fall asleep.
So its not a question of making it "loose" enough to detach, it already is "loose", however, it is under tight control of habit.

Mastering AP takes time because its difficult to break this naturally ingrained habit and to bring the process of separation under willful control. By practicing the loosening techniques you are trying to make the etheric detach at your whim, while you are fully conscious. This of course takes time to achieve. But you can also have an AP in 5 min, if the conditions are right, without any "loosening". Although, you won't be able to repeat it at your command and will be on the mercy of mother nature.

You are only starting, but let me tell you that there is such thing as "too much loosening" which is not recommended. When I was practicing this thing a few years ago, I have personally felt myself falling off the chair, when my physical was sitting steadily. And it was as real as reality and happened 3-4 times to me. One can also feel disoriented all the time and in a sort of dream world. I have also seen hyper sensitivity to noise and presence of some people while practicing it, which is interesting, but becomes unpleasant after some time.


Quote from: Fresco on March 25, 2010, 23:24:13
I just finished doing my final 20 min. of trance to day and I definitely felt as if I was floating maybe 1/4 inch above my body.  At least my arms and legs were floating, maybe not so much the rest of my body.

Hey, its progress I think   :-)

To add to what Psan said, it's difficult because in nature you're asleep when you project- the hard part is to stay aware for the event.


Quote from: Xanth on March 25, 2010, 09:30:42the vibrations aren't a goal within itself.
They're more of a signpost that people use to know where they are.

There could come a time when you don't experience them anymore.
So you really shouldn't rely upon them too much.  :)
Yup its true, today the vibrations have almost disappeared. 
But the good news is I noticed more "body loosening" again this afternoon


OMG!!!!  OMG!!!  I had hardcore exit symptoms just now, but I had to abandon the trance because my dinner was on the stove
(didnt wanna burn down the house)
My eyes went full REM and it sounded like a tiny helicopter was buzzing around inside my head.  Very, very cool!! 

I'm so proud of myself that I've come this far, I should be able to exit within 30 days I feel.

Anyone thats still trying but is getting discouraged all I say is dont give up! 
And dont fall into the trap where you feel everyone else can AP, except for you.  Thats negative stinking thinking


Quote from: Fresco on April 01, 2010, 20:20:16
OMG!!!!  OMG!!!  I had hardcore exit symptoms just now, but I had to abandon the trance because my dinner was on the stove
(didnt wanna burn down the house)
My eyes went full REM and it sounded like a tiny helicopter was buzzing around inside my head.  Very, very cool!! 

I'm so proud of myself that I've come this far, I should be able to exit within 30 days I feel.

Anyone thats still trying but is getting discouraged all I say is dont give up! 
And dont fall into the trap where you feel everyone else can AP, except for you.  Thats negative stinking thinking
I have no doubt you'll be out and about soon!  :)


Cant wait to have a beer with you guys on Astral island   :lol:


My energy surges are getting very, very strong now.
Almost feels like my body is plugged into an electrical outlet


Hey Fresco, when you get to API... can you be a dear and clean it up a bit for us please?


kthx  8-)


First order of business is plug in the fridge on Astral Pulse Island so I can stack it with beer   :lol:

After that I'll do a clean sweep of the place.  
I hope you guys didnt leave your cigarette butts all over the island  :|


Quote from: Fresco on April 13, 2010, 22:41:31
First order of business is plug in the fridge on Astral Pulse Island so I can stack it with beer   :lol:

After that I'll do a clean sweep of the place.  
I hope you guys didnt leave your cigarette butts all over the island  :|
Dude, you so get a karma point for that.   8-)

Lasko DQ

Would anybody describe body loosenin as a spinning feeling? becaus I have had that but never a swinging feeling


So today I tried lying down flat on my back instead of sitting in a beanbag and I felt much better separation that way.  Especially in my arms, there was a point where I couldnt feel my arms at all anymore, almost as if they were paralyzed


Quote from: Lasko DQ on April 15, 2010, 13:57:25
Would anybody describe body loosenin as a spinning feeling? becaus I have had that but never a swinging feeling
Technically, yes, because there is some dissociation going on- but I have never been able to separate that way so I'm not sure if it's truly 'loosening'.


Definitely feel like I'm making progress, just did 30 min. of trance and my body felt as if it was floating perhaps 1 millimeter in the air, ever so slight.  My arms went first, then my spine and then followed by my legs.

I also got this weird sensation in my navel, kinda that feeling after you've sprinted real fast. 
Does anyone else ever have that navel feeling when AP'ing??