Create your own worlds?

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A thought crossed my mind just now...Since, based on my studies, it is possible to travel to different realms, dimensions(whatever you want to call them), could you create your own world to travel to? 

This thought makes me tingle on the inside.  Think of how awesome it would to travel to worlds of your OWN creation!  The first thing I would do is take my favorite anime(Naruto lol, see my icon? <<<<) and morph it to my liking. 

This to me sounds like lucid dreaming BUT technically it would be real.  How hard do you think it would be to do this?   And what kind of world would you create?

Cami :-D

jub jub

There is a school of thought that says when we die, we can create whatever world or environment we want. We can also share these worlds with like beings. Sounds nice, like heaven.

If I were going to create a world, I would create a world where everyone was happy and content and peace and love would flow abundently!
"A moral being is one who is capable of reflecting on his past actions and their motives - approving of some and disapproving of others"  -  Charles Darwin


Kind of reminds me of that movie The Cell where the crazy guy had basically created his own world in his head where he was the kind or overlord. Jennifer Lopez would lay next to him and manage to connect into his world but then gets trapped there. Interesting movie.


Hah ha!!

Sounds really fun...maybe this is why ppl go suicidal? O_o


I had good experience with imagining a fictional place/environment and holding the vision as long as I could before falling asleep... One of my dreams then happened in a similar place like in my vision.

But yes, I believe that in the highest realms/ in the Source, everything is possible- create your worlds, fly through the universe faster than light, go through different dimensions, morph into objects...
I can vaguely remember only one thing from before my physical birth, and that is flying through the endless universe!!! Every time I look at the stars on the sky, the "memory" arises, with an undescribable feeling (the best thing I can compare it to is like seeing your hometown after 30 years of living in a different place)



Quote from: CamiGurlRox on August 22, 2008, 16:42:22
How hard do you think it would be to do this?   And what kind of world would you create?

I do not think it would be hard at all. It would be like breathing, limited only by your imagination and belief systems. Do you find it hard to dream? No, you just do it. It's like that.

In a way we are doing just that at this very moment. We are co creating the persistant seeming reality we like to call the "waking-state" (or whatever).

Variety is the spice of life right? The first thing I would probably do for a while is create or join a fantasy sci-fi setting where I can indulge the geek in me! I'm talking a combination of just about every sci-fi book I have ever read (and those I haven't read written by aliens! lol) :)


OMG this is SO awesome!!!!  :-D

Can't wait until I actually project... =_='''

Thanks interception! Have any of you done this before?