First Projection in Two Years

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I stopped my projection practices a while back.  I got kind of bored with AP/OBE practice I guess and just quit.  I'm sure I just got really interested in other things for a while, which is true.  Then other things happened.  But I just started practicing again a few days ago and once I actually put the real effort in today I had my first conscious exit projection in two years.  In fact, I had several.  I made the mistake of continuing to go out once I got pulled back (which is a mistake because it makes remembering the projections a lot more difficult).  I did it probably 5-7 times before I finally "woke up".  About the only part of any of the projections that I can remember is rolling out of my body and standing up by my bed.  Each projection probably lasted about 30 second to a minute, so I know I explored my immediate area some.  I have some still frame like images of the farm around my house, but I don't really remember what I did or where I went beyond that.

In addition, I rarely, if ever remember my dreams in the morning, but during my recent projection practice I've been falling asleep and remembering dreams as well.  I just need to get back into the habit of writing down my dreams and projections as soon as I come back.

Anyway, hopefully the success continues.  It was kind of like riding a bike.  I mean, it took me like 2 years to learn to project in the first place, but it only took me like 3 or 4 days of attempts to have a successful projection this time.  I guess those 2 years were worth the effort because my dream recall, projection success and projection recall are all coming back very quickly and easily.  Now I need to spend more time strengthening my focus and attention so I can hold the projections longer and begin my pathworking again (I've still got an unfinished "mind mirror" kingdom out there that needs to be finished and that requires focus and attention).

be awesome.


Reassuring. I too put down this hobby for a while, and to some extent still have. Ie im not actively going home from work and running binaural beats and attempts.  I actually lost a lot of my belief in this stuff.

I think it takes a heck of a lot of patience. I know there is an alternative state out there. I've been and projected before. But I want to spend more time in that state so that I can figure out more about what it is about. Trying for months to get a 60 second Astral Projection  gets a bit tedious and you find yourself creating more questions than what you can actually answer.


Congrats for your first projection. But you don't have to quit AP/OBE practice. You should continue with your practice.


Until last year I hadn't consciously projected for 20 years. In that time I was still getting out by natural circumstances. On occasion Id be called to do a retrieval or settle some argument.
You still have learned and your wheels still roll, a bit of oil where you're rusty helps. Dont force it, thats a fail. In no time you're back on track.
@ Boom,
Make use of the more recent info, theres a part you'll read that will help you. It clicks and youll remember something useful. When you try and get out for a few seconds this speaks too loudly that your trying too hard. If you back off somewhat on the expectation you'll get further for longer :wink:
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: personalreality on July 17, 2012, 22:50:50
About the only part of any of the projections that I can remember is rolling out of my body
and standing up by my bed.  Each projection probably lasted about 30 second to a minute,
so I know I explored my immediate area some.  I have some still frame like images of the
farm around my house, but I don't really remember what I did or where I went beyond that.

I would like to know:

At what exact point did you seem to lose remembrance? Was it after some period of time
or after having moved some distance from your physical body? Something you did?

Also, were you able to move all by yourself right from the start or did you at any
projection move "steady-as-a-boat" forward, without being able to change direction
yourself in you nonphysical body?

Did you see any part of your nonphysical body? If you touched your hands, were
they solid?
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


Good stuff PR!
I knew you could get back into the swing of things rather easily.  :)


I suggest you look into the algorithm of techniques by Mihail Raduga. I tried some other techniques, including binaural beats and that stuff, before with no results at all. But this worked the very first time, but I got scared of how realistic it was.


I mean, I developed a fairly stable personal technique back when I was actively practicing and had probably a 70% success rate for exiting, but I never put in the time to develop my focus so that I could hold the projection longer a minute or so and I got bored and quit (plus other things came up).  Since my technique still works pretty well, I just need to put time into actual meditation and the cultivation of focus.
be awesome.


Quote from: Pauli2 on July 18, 2012, 07:07:23
I would like to know:

At what exact point did you seem to lose remembrance? Was it after some period of time
or after having moved some distance from your physical body? Something you did?

While I was in the midst of all the projections I remembered them all, it wasn't until I "woke up" that I lost memory.  Kind of like a dream.  The last projection was very clear and I remember it very well, but it was also on a few seconds long.  By that point I had kind of used up all my "energy" and couldn't stay focused outwardly.  The earlier projections, the first couple, were much longer but they were a lot more vague by the time I was jerked back to my body (lost focus) and when I got up the memories were gone except for the knowledge that I had the experience.  The last projection was just rolling out of my body standing up, taking a few steps in my room and then I was back in my body.

Also, were you able to move all by yourself right from the start or did you at any
projection move "steady-as-a-boat" forward, without being able to change direction
yourself in you nonphysical body?

I felt a little sluggish when I first exited my body, but I was never "pulled" or "forced" in any direction, I had control of myself.

Did you see any part of your nonphysical body? If you touched your hands, were
they solid?

I did not look for my non-physical body and did not see it.  I felt like I had a body but I didn't notice having one.  I may have just been formless consciousness projecting around but habitually felt like I had a body.  Or I could have had some kind of non-physical body that I just didn't think to take notice of.  I was pretty excited to be projecting since I hadn't done it in so long and paying attention to my body didn't cross my mind.  But I can put it in my mind for next time and see what happens.
be awesome.


The algorithm involves techniques of how to extend the experience at least to 3-4 minutes, with a maximum of 15 min. And meditation is the worst thing to do because that's relaxing and relaxing just ends the experience faster.


Relax to get there.
Once there you gotta stay very active.
Very true.
Stay busy stay longer!
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Good to see ya back in the astral groove of things.

I have always felt that once you project and understand the lay of the land, projection carries a much heavier weight to it. An understanding of the inner workings of all boundary experiences until the final one. It's not a thing to come back to because it never really left you in the first place. You just focused on other things. <Insert your personal choice of focus level pun here>  :-P  It's a lifelong endeavor, not a seasonal one.



Quote from: reinis133 on July 19, 2012, 01:43:52
The algorithm involves techniques of how to extend the experience at least to 3-4 minutes, with a maximum of 15 min. And meditation is the worst thing to do because that's relaxing and relaxing just ends the experience faster.

Meditation aside from my projection practice is how I intend to strengthen my focusing ability, nothing more.  Just spending time focusing my mind on what I want to focus on.

But I'll still look at this algorithm you speak of. 

Thank you Contenteo and Szaxx.
I'm glad to be practicing again.  I had stopped doing anything metaphysical for two years.  No meditation, no tarot (pathworking), no runes (pathworking also), no energy work, no candles, I wasn't even working with or wearing my crystals, which anyone who knows me would be dumbfounded by that because I love my crystals, I always wear at least a couple and have them set up all around my house in different grids and formations for energy purposes.  But over the past two weeks I've started working with the tarot and my crystals along with my projection practice again.  I moved to a new house out in the country (like where I grew up) and finally got out of the city and I just felt more at ease for the first time in a long time.  I got sober and just had the urge to start all my practices again.
be awesome.


Just came back from two more successful projections.

I have a good memory of them, but I don't want to rewrite them here.  If you care to read about the experiences you can read it in my journal.
be awesome.


Congratulations Personalreality


Once you get out for your first time the previous attempts become easier.


Quote from: 8bit on July 25, 2012, 13:40:41
Once you get out for your first time the previous attempts become easier.

That seems to be the case.  I found decent success two years ago when I really worked at it regularly and was projecting at least a couple times a week.  When I started again recently, the first time I just fell asleep, but the second attempt and every attempt since has been successful.  Granted I've had to take a little time off because I've been busy with some stuff right now, but as soon as I'm done with all that I'll be right back to it.  I just need to get my focus up.
be awesome.