Changing beliefs with projecting

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Hans Solo

Hello everyone-

 I need experienced projectors for an experiment I am conducting, and the more feedback we get the more understanding of projecting we can learn. Anyway, I hate writing so without further ado, here it is:

1.  I would like you to think of a limiting belief, phobia, disorder, or fear that you have and write it down on a piece of paper.  This will be your intent.

2.  When you project I would like you to call out to see a representation of your intent.  For instance lets say that you have never been able to lose weight.  You would project and say something along the lines of "I will see a representation of unhealthy food", or "I will see a representation of over eating"

If the representation is that of an overweight person, direct all your mental energy to shape that person to have the figure you want.  

If you did a fear of spiders then utterly destroy your representation of your fear.  Use your own judgment for the best course of action.  

This may take a couple of projections to "solve"

3.  See if any changes occur in physical reality

4. Post your responses in this thread.

Thank you for any input and energy you can apply to this task.  We often think of projecting as an "ends", but what if it can be used as a means for change.

Han Solo
"Man, I just sprinted a mile and my heart chakra is going crazy!"

"Women only want me for my Focus 4"


If i get a chance during a projection I certainly will do this.  I will keep you posted.
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.