Have any of you had a NDE?

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Have any of you had a NDE? And if so, how did it compare to your regular OBEs, if you've also had those.


I had an interesting and peculiar NDE when I was in my 20's. I was very depressed at the time and ran away from home. I was just lost out there on my own and one night I stole and swallowed 200 sleeping pills. I had gone to the forest to do it and it was sunset. At one point I stopped being able to move and I felt so heavy and sleepy. I lay down on the ground and waited for the end.

About 20 minutes into it is when it started getting very strange. Just as I was about to loose awareness is when I heard footsteps coming toward me in the dark. I could hear them distinctly... someone was coming. And then I lost consciousness.

The next thing I know I am laying on my back in the forest and it is pitch dark. I had no control of my physical body but my body was moving by itself. I was like a passenger inside my head. I saw myself jump up off the ground like superman and start running through the woods. I still to this day don't understand how my physical body could do that. I was like a wild man jumping and running through the woods. Some part of me was in control but it was not my day-to-day self. It wasn't my astral body or a dream state because I was awake.

After awhile I lost awareness again and the next thing I know it's morning and I am coming back to my real self... except I am walking. It was like waking up and finding yourself walking. It was very strange. I looked around and I was about 10 miles away from the forest - in a Walmart parking lot. I didn't know what to do so I went into Walmart and asked if I could sit in the cafeteria for awhile. I was so tired. The employees knew something was wrong with me and were really upset because I could tell my physical body wasn't totally solid. It was really disturbing to the employees. It was about 5 am so hardly anyone was there. They gave me some food in some grocery bags and asked me to leave.

I wandered around the area for the next 2 weeks sleeping in abandoned houses until I remembered my Mom's telephone number. I made a collect call and she wired me some money and ...I went Home.
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Never had a NDE. Don't really want one either.  Haha


To the OP,

This is a good question. I'm not sure if there is a difference except for our level of awareness and, to what degree we identify with our physical host body.

... (???)

What do you think?

I've had an OBE in 2008 unlike any other. Three dreams over the course of two consecutive nights which ended in me waking up paralyzed in bed thinking I was watching myself experience a heart attack. Is that an NDE? I don't know. . .

And I've had OBE's while meditating, going back to sleep, or daydreaming. Some OBE's are more visual or auditory than others. Some, there is no astral body- others, there is a astral body.

Why all these differences?


I had a 'kind of' NDE during surgery. Not so sure since the surgeon later on when asked by me never told me if I was in danger of losing my life but he had a strange evasive reaction indeed. It was a routine operation though.
The OBE/NDE was twofold, the first scene was a blissful experience where I also saw the surgery and me on the table for a short moment and read the surgeon's thoughts. The other one was later in the wake-up room where I looked through the wall when s.o. else was on the table being operated on before I then woke up myself. I have a more detailed description of the entire experience in my journal/blog and can link it here if you like.


I had a medical event in my 20s where arthro CT scan dye caused a terrible reaction which can end in two ways: your body either overcomes the invading dye reaction/anaphylaxis rather quickly or it ends in very serious anaphylactic reaction that can lead to shock and possibly death.

When the dye was administered by IV I immediately knew something wasn't right as I felt I was drifting away. I soon physically became unconscious, but internally I was completely conscious. I had a feeling of peace, but I felt like I was falling backwards into blackness for a good distance. I did feel a separation of sorts. I had full waking awareness, but I was helpless to control anything. What felt like many minutes later I woke up to an entire room filled with doctors and nurse staff scrambling around me.

The doctors were very tight lipped about what happened, but the nurses later told me more details and indicated that it was a close call and that my muscles in my body all clenched tight making me very ridged. The nurses told me to completely avoid dye in any future test. I told the nurse what I experienced as she was interested in the story. She said she was not surprised of my account based on what she saw. This was the first time I experienced the full waking awareness state, and was just the beginning as other events followed with indirect projections and lucid dreaming.

While this medical induced occurrence does not fit the traditional model of NDE, I do wonder if it may have helped facilitate future lucid/projection events.


Absolutely, events like this can "lift the veil" and open the person to more psychic experiences and unfolding abilities.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I am happy your survived and were able to tell your story here! Sending you love and wishes for peace.

Quote from: shineling on November 06, 2023, 21:06:13I had an interesting and peculiar NDE when I was in my 20's. I was very depressed at the time and ran away from home. I was just lost out there on my own and one night I stole and swallowed 200 sleeping pills. I had gone to the forest to do it and it was sunset. At one point I stopped being able to move and I felt so heavy and sleepy. I lay down on the ground and waited for the end.

About 20 minutes into it is when it started getting very strange. Just as I was about to loose awareness is when I heard footsteps coming toward me in the dark. I could hear them distinctly... someone was coming. And then I lost consciousness.

The next thing I know I am laying on my back in the forest and it is pitch dark. I had no control of my physical body but my body was moving by itself. I was like a passenger inside my head. I saw myself jump up off the ground like superman and start running through the woods. I still to this day don't understand how my physical body could do that. I was like a wild man jumping and running through the woods. Some part of me was in control but it was not my day-to-day self. It wasn't my astral body or a dream state because I was awake.

After awhile I lost awareness again and the next thing I know it's morning and I am coming back to my real self... except I am walking. It was like waking up and finding yourself walking. It was very strange. I looked around and I was about 10 miles away from the forest - in a Walmart parking lot. I didn't know what to do so I went into Walmart and asked if I could sit in the cafeteria for awhile. I was so tired. The employees knew something was wrong with me and were really upset because I could tell my physical body wasn't totally solid. It was really disturbing to the employees. It was about 5 am so hardly anyone was there. They gave me some food in some grocery bags and asked me to leave.

I wandered around the area for the next 2 weeks sleeping in abandoned houses until I remembered my Mom's telephone number. I made a collect call and she wired me some money and ...I went Home.
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Quote from: orian on November 06, 2023, 08:27:01Have any of you had a NDE? And if so, how did it compare to your regular OBEs, if you've also had those.

To my knowledge I have never had to almost die in order to have an OBE.

This said, I often do enter a state of kumbhaka ( breath cessation ) when I go out of body. Fascinating phenomenon. Anyone else?

Has you ever experienced this when going out?