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I see faeries

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hello everyone. i am 17 years old and have bipolar disorder.

i believe in faeries, and over this last summer while outside i began to mentally ask the faeries if i could see them. this went on for about two weeks. one day i looked into the sky and above and around the trees i could see the faeries. they looked like bubbles of their own light. they flew around like bugs, but were slightly slower, of their own velocity basically. as time went on, i could see them more and more, hundreds at a time. i started to see legs and wings. i could even see them indoors around certain people.

after a few months of excitement, i found evidence to prove that i am hallucinating. i was in a car on the highway, looking ahead at the street. i could see a few faeries, and they were moving along with the car. i adjusted the direction of my focus to another area of the street, and the faeries moved along with the area of my focus. it was as if there is an invisible movie screen, and the same faeries were on it where ever i looked.

this was quite disconcerting, especially because im bipolar and some bipolar people are known to have hallucinations.

i thought back to some things i learned. faeries exist in the astral dimension. the astral plane is the thought plane, and if these faeries i see are in my mind, would they be considered real? do they have a consciousness of their own? but because of the movie screen effect, it would seem that they revolve around me for some reason. so if they are real could other people see the same faeries i see?

about four days ago i told my psychiatrist about the faeries. i told them how real they seemed and how there was depth involved. he understood and went on about how (i dont remember what he was saying exactly) some things in my brain are tangled, in contrast to their orderliness in a normal person's brain. he prescribed me to ablify, and im gradually increasing the dosage so i havent gotten any proof to see if the faeries are real or not.

i am requesting that if anyone here sees faeries, please tell me exactly what they look like and what their habits are and if you think i am am just seeing things or not.

thank you for your time


Appreciate your difficulties and hope that life is manageable and comfortable for you.

Unfortunately the average psychiatrist has yet to catch up on metaphysical and esoteric understanding. I am sure there are some forward thinking clinical psychologists and medical professionals here, and they might be able to bring something along to this discussion to help you out!

Many of us (myself included), would admit to having experienced or perceived aspects of life that exists beyond what we might regard a physical reality.

Whether faeries are figments of the imagination and exist in our minds or not, I simply do not know for sure! I have been aware of things in meditation and during normal waking consciousness that might in some circles be described as fey like. But then mind seems to add form to perception! In other words one person's angel is another's elf! But then some would say that everything is mind! On the other hand if non-physical beings demonstrate that they have intelligence and are able to prove this by bringing evidence to bare on the matter, then might one not sit up and pay attention or at least seek to find answers to the conundrum!      

Unfortunately you appear to be in a catch 22 situation where I assume anytime you cry wolf – it seems that your peer group and council echo only abject disbelief!

There are people here who can and will bring you reassurance, but will also be able to guide you gently with respect to developing a clearer understanding of non-physical life as well!

You are very welcome to these forums and I hope you will make some good friends here.

Best wishes,

Stephen  :)


Quote from: EOL007Whether faeries are figments of the imagination and exist in our minds or not, I simply do not know for sure!
Which case do you think is more likely? People have seen fairies for centuries, yet there is no evidence around...


Bubbles of their own light?
These are not fairies, and not a hallucination. This is only an optical illusion, I've seen such orbs/points of light many times when watching the sky. And I think that there's no such thing as hallucinations, they are only a bad interpretations of reality/visions. From what I've heard many spiritual experiences look like hallucinations.


Hey Cornopus don't worry - almost everyone (including me) sees these so called "floaters".
I'm surprised you haven't noticed any "faeries" before you were 17.

Don't tell your doctor about seeing faeries - he may think that you are mentally sick.  :wink:  :)

I can't even imagine what would happen if i told a psychiatrist all the truth about me visiting different dimensions, leaving my body while still alive and creating/changing our physical reality with my will/thoughts.  :shock:

Commoners believe - winners KNOW !


What's the name for bipolar disorder in Polish? I want to seek info on this in my medical textbook...


Quote from: CaCoDeMoNWhat's the name for bipolar disorder in Polish? I want to seek info on this in my medical textbook...

Commoners believe - winners KNOW !

James S

Hi Cornopus,

I have seen and do continue to see faeries, mostly through my minds eye, but sometimes with eyes open, or I see the physical effects they have on plants - moving leaves & flowers, etc.

Fairies (spell it how you wish - its all the same) are the angels of nature. They are a spirit being of a density somewhere between that of most spirits, and the physical world. They are the caretakers of nature, and it is in natural areas, especially around bunches of flowers, that you will mostly see them if you can see them. They can also vary in size from being only a few centimeters in height, to full human size.

Fairies are just one of many types of nature spirits around our world.

If you are interested in learning more about them, look for books written by Dr. Doreen Virtue. Yes she is a doctor - a psychologist, who embraced her gifts as a spiritual clairvoyant. She has some wonderful insights on both fairies and angels. She has a web site -

Kind regards,


First of all, you need to reconfigure your understanding of your being "bipolar" and see what metaphysical/energetic issues might also explain your bipolar "behaviors". I too am "bipolar" with ADD and OCD tendencies, am 19 years old...and I too, see the EXACT same things. I have come to realize recently that I am an empath, which explains ALOT. It is not a hallucination dear boy, and do not tell your metaphysically challenged psychiatrist ANYTHING about them. I LOVE fairies, and I too see them as orbish balls of firefly like light, flitting around outdoors. I don't see actual "beings" so to speak, but who's to say I won't one day. My bf also sees these orbs of light, I have also hears them described as "energy globules" in a book or two I've read. Other than that, everything James said. And on that note, I'll leave you with this...alot of what the physical world sees as mental disorder, is due to metaphysical experiences. They don't understand. We do. Don't let "them" define your reality.


I bought this from Amazon several months back, The Fairy Faith:

It was a fascinating look at one man's journey to find lost childhood fey. He used to see them, and then they left, and he wondered if they had ever been real. It's a documentary that was fun to watch, albeit inconclusive. I myself believe in them, although i've never seen them.[/img]
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


With meditation, a calm mind, and connecting to the earth energies, I have seen elementals.  And yes, I've seen 'Faries'.  The last one I saw I was wide awake, standing in my backyard, in very deep meditation, barefoot.  More like a matter of phasing to a higher vibration and there it was, a lone fairy (confirmed via my higher-self).  It appeared to be tending flowers that weren't physically there.  It has always been there, I had never noticed before.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


My understanding is that elementals (salamanders, undines, etc) are related to faeries, but even more primal in nature. Faeries i think straddle the border between physical and spiritual, neither wholly one nor the other, whereas elementals cannot be experienced in the physical unless magically summoned there. Although repercussions of elementals do influence the physical, in electrical storms, in the wind and rain. There's still a lot i don't understand about their purposes, but much of it i think has to do with their own evolution, which oft-times is tied into human evolution as well. And sometimes they are on their own path, and don't influence humans much at all.
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


Purpose is easy.  Thought=reality.  That mean EVERYTHING in the physical has to have a thoughtform.  Just as humans have guides to get us going, so do the plant/animal/mineral kindoms.  Enter the realm of the Devics (Deva's).  Even your physical body has a Deva, ponder that.  Fairies work with plants, until they are mature enough to hold their own thoughtforms.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


Quote from: RastusPurpose is easy.  Thought=reality.  That mean EVERYTHING in the physical has to have a thoughtform.  Just as humans have guides to get us going, so do the plant/animal/mineral kindoms.  Enter the realm of the Devics (Deva's).  Even your physical body has a Deva, ponder that.  Fairies work with plants, until they are mature enough to hold their own thoughtforms.

Thanks Rastus, that helps. I never thought of plants as having thoughtforms. I wish someone would write a clear, concise book about this stuff, sort of a "summary of everything." Then again, that might make it too easy!
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


Healing with the Fairies by Doreen Virtue was pretty good. A little new age fru fru at times, but good if your heart is in the right place. I am a huge Doreen Virtue fan! Also since I have gotten my Faerie Oracle cards things seem to be clearer in regards to faerie intentions and messages. (The Brian Froud Fairies Oracle is beautiful and artistic and for anyone who truly loves our little friends) Hi Rastus, that's so wonderful to hear from you! I love fairies and elementals, in my heart they are often dearer than humans, as I am extremely in love with gaia and her life. I hope our young friend will understand his love to be the same and not allow his fears and judgments to block his experience.
BTW, the reading is going great.


Knowlege isn't Wisdom.  If you tell someone they are a being of light energy hiding in duality in a shell of flesh to experience life and help a civilization ascend in a universal experiment, would they believe you?  But if after some struggling someone had some of the pieces, and you metaphorically reached over and added another piece that caused a large part of the puzzle to become clear, would they then value the knowledge more?  Kowledge tends to be more usefull when it's sought, instead of having it thrust upon them.  Everyone walks their own path, so some knowledge isn't needed until later, and some is already known, but hidden within.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


I wouldn't have believed that ten years ago; i do now, but it has taken years of questions and seeking before i reached satisfactory answers. There are still gaps and holes in my knowledge base, but we have lifetimes to fill in those gaps, thank God. My own understanding of esoteric tidbits has come in fits and starts, like a huge cosmic jigsaw puzzle, that is truly larger than anything i've ever imagined. Fun to put together though, if not a little frustrating.
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


i prefer talking with plants themselves, not mentioning minerals
check out their dreams, undescribable, especially minerals
oh, this isn't talk as humans understand it, it's through heart
indeed fae are all over them, haven't noticed them before, not that i looked  :?  maybe that is the reason why we turn our flat into jungle  8), sanctuary  :roll:
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


What are their thoughts like, daem0n? I've read some about them from Bill Mistele, but i like to hear other's experiences. As a wizard, he has extensive experience with ageless elementals, but i don't recall reading as much about his fey encounters.
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


flowing ...
like nature itself .... they are everywhere life, joy, is, they return when there is enough love, unconditional one ...
appreciate ...  bless, return home
tune in, i enclose the feeling, they wish so ..

okay, it sounds more like devas than fae
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing



thank you for you insight. i am so glad that i have found other people who see what i see. i am also ADD and have extra problems with anxiety and depression. i love meeting other bipolar people and its great how you see yourself as an empath. while exploring my mind and inner self, i can feel a strange connection to the spirit and i have noted a level of genius or brilliance. i see great potential for clairvoyance, i just have yet to develop myself enough. i think that there is a great deal more to bipolar disorder, rather than simply a mental illness. it is evident in historical figures such as DaVinci and many artists and great thinkers.

i also have Healing With The Fairies by Doreen Virtue. i think that was one of the many sources that got me into the faerie world. i am also a fan of Brian Froud. i have three books by him.

ive been on Ablify for about a week now, and the faeries have yet to disappear. i cannot understand though, how when im in a car and i look ahead, the faeries move along with the car and when i change the direction i am looking, the follow along with it.

its interesting how i mainly see these sort of blobs of light with wings and legs vividly, but i cannot see any other kinds or species of astral beings as clearly. i have occasionally seen small balls of very bright white light, and sometimes i see a vague blurry outline of different things running across my floor, and sometimes very large shapes. but these things dont occur as frequently.

i appreciate everyones thoughts, thank you


have you tried feeling them ?
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing



i have felt faeries land on my arm. i cant see them as vividly as i see them when they are in the sky, but there is a visual disturbance in the area where i feel them on my arm.

i remember one time, i when laying on my bed, and i felt something jump on me. it was about the size of a gnome. i only saw a vague movement, but i saw my shirt move down as if the creature's feet stomped on me.

also, ive tried being healed by the faeries. i was laying on my back on a park bench. there were hundreds of them lowering down onto me and i felt energy inside me beating and being recharged.

on other occasions ive left out butter on a plate for them, but i never saw anything around it.


check out brian froud's : good faieries/ bad faeries book. its full of fun and whimsy


foget about superstitions, like leaving something for them, they are not from this plane and don't need food (now, when i have become expert on faries, huh  :? )
i think that you can convince yourself that you see them in some situations, because you are used to them, with usual people it's just the opposite :D
so just accept what you see and don't try to judge it (like, oh, another farie), because mind will dutifully fill in missing parts, just observe and don't jump to conclusions, you will get better in time
good luck
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing