Has anyone ever AP'd on an airplane?

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There was a topic about APing wile driving. The people kept driving saftley and APing.

So with that in mind you could AP wile flying with out any problems. The only thing is, the other people talking and what not. Try first class.


Well, other people talking...that would only happen if it was during the day or something. If you really want to save money just try it next time your on a long flight that runs through midnight or so...everyone gets tired around then, so they should all be sleeping. Hey, you might even see them projecting around the plane as well, just like Robert Bruce sees his children naturally projecting while they sleep - but they probably won't remember it.

Hell, I'm going to Japan some time this year, I'd better get used to projection before then eh? Cool idea!

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


I can't find the thread about APs while driving. That sounds a little hard to believe, do you remember the thread name?

I'm subscribed to this thread so if you AP on a plane at any time in the future please post back here!
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HI cube,

It was documented and told by Charles Lindbergh the guy thata flew across the Atlantic Ocean to Paris said that he AP'd during his flight across the ocean.

He said that he saw his plane flying and he was following it. But the difference here was that he was still controling the plane as he was out side the plane.

I hope this helps your motivation.

Frank (hypnotist)


Hello Frank,
Are you the Frank that people here are looking for?

Maybe that guy accidentally hypnotitised himself from the hum of the engines during the long featureless flight.

I've read that souls can leave the body before the body dies so that death is not such a traumantic experience. The interesting thing is that apparently people in the physical think the body is still ensouled because the body keeps mechanically acting, its brain still functioning like a computer and responding, and muscles are still moving accordingly.
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Sorry Cube,

Their looking for another Frank. Im suprised that no one is APing around to look for him.  All one has to do is leave the body and think of that person, or focus on his name and ask to find him.


I wondered about that myself. Maybe no one ever met him in person so they don't know enough to identify him.
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Originally posted by cube

I can't find the thread about APs while driving. That sounds a little hard to believe, do you remember the thread name?

I'm subscribed to this thread so if you AP on a plane at any time in the future please post back here!

Hey I found it in like 10 seconds. [:P]

The last reply is from Lasher, where is that ole timer gone?


I hate boring airplane rides so next time I'm going to try to project and fly around outside the plane and check out the insides of the engines.

It will be interesting to see if I have to concentrate to keep up with the plane, or if since I will be starting out with the same astral velocity I'll just fly along as usual.

Has anyone here done something similar?
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