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if you can astral travel i see no reason why you shouldnt be able to meet.



Yes, it is possible. You can check the forum (on this site) about precognitions. I have experienced some precongnitive dreams. These are usually much more vivid than usual dreams and therefore I always remember them when I wake up in the morning. The vision of the future can come under different aspects: the vision might be very precise and straightforward, or the vision might be through signs and symbolism. If the dreams is precise and straight then just what you see is what will happen. Usually the time of the event is not given, but it might be given in some case very specifically (e.g. in April something will happen, someone will die, etc..). In my cases many of the precognitions are a day or two before the event. The day of the event might also be through symbolism. This leads us to the symbolism aspect. For example I dream of 4 pieces of raw meat (huge pieces) and these 4 pieces are identical. The meaning: 4 days will pass and someone will die (someone that you know for example). Raw meat represents the death (transition) of a person (into the other world). Symbolism is more difficult to understand and it takes many such dreams to learn from them what means what. So you simple dreams might be precognition (vision of the future) and you need to remember your dreams in the morning and pay attention to them and to what happen around you and find correlation between then to learn about symbolism.
The olde testement, as well as in the Old Egyptian religion (which have probably both the same origin) importance is given to dreams and the vision in the dreams and the precognition. THere are some example of symbolism too there - check it out! (e.g. the story of Joseph in Genesis - even if you are not religious, view the bible as a testimony of events).


Time is a concept of the physical world, it is meaningless in the afterlife and astral plane.  Past, present, and future all take place at once.  However there is no destiny, freewill ranes.  When looking into the future in the astral plane what you see are possible futures based on the decisions mankind is making at the moment.  If the choices that society makes change then the possible futures change as well.


Thanx!  Some time after i asked that question i had a success. I had a new experience. Asking to see the future child, i found myself in front of a building. When i entered inside, i saw many children (4-5 years old i think) crying, each of them in front of a different door. One of them was the child i was searching for. It was a boy [:D]! THen a few meters ahead appeared something like billboard, with months and days on it. But when i floated close to it in order to see the current date, something happened, i had to turn back into the physical.  
 After a few days i had a dream with the same boy sleeping in our home.
 Now i know it is possible.  [:)]


I prefer to create my futures with the "Laws of Attraction" and hold that thought in my upper " RAM " as in Microsoft Windows and never ..never  say I wish I could .....simply say "I am" all things and I have  the abilty to be all things and i Have it....but it has not arrived yet......and suddenly you will discove that by reinventing yourself and rethinking in a way that says I have is mine.....and will enjoy the monment it arrives....then you are the creator of your tomorrows. All things are in your hands...under your
control and be able to create life in a tapistry of fine silks and woven gold threads. For example......I never say I need money...LOL
I say... Iam Rich with Health...Happines and Wisdom...I have all things......and all things will come to me in the proper time.And you must believe this.....feel it in your  chakras.....for they are the doorbells that open those doors.

And yes....I have had enumerbale dreams that came true...and life saving dreams that saved my life.
" RJ "


particularly on the child, i have seen the same child in dreams many times, and at different ages. he is most definately cellular recognition. I can feel his peachy skin, smell him, feel the warmth when i hold him, his voice when he speaks is like music. It brings me joy immesurable for days every time it happens. will he be mine in this life? a past life? don't know yet, but i burst out into tears when i saw the painting "Grace" of a little angel, the artist is well known, but don't know it at the moment. this was him. i bought the painting and see him everyday, just like in my dream!

on the future, i was taken out my bedroom window by a boy named CIRLYN, he flew me around and showed me all kinds of things about these people, and within 3 years, it all happened just like in my flight with CIRLYN.



What if i ask for some A.Projectors in the forum to see my future?![:)] Would it be possible?

I´m asking just for curiosity, since i´m not interested in my future (i would not say the same about the future of the human race- that´s interesting).I have seen my future very precisely a few times.

I would like to ask (now it´s not kiding) to someone if he can see the future  related with the nations and human race for the next years. What do you see?

For sstonevenuss, i have no idea who is that Cirlyn. It seems like an angel name; maybe it´s an anagram. I checked very fast in "google" about that name and have only found a few topics with that name. One of them speaks about a child born in 1878.

Where did you see that child? In an OBE or a dream? If it was in a OBE, why don´t you try to find him again, and ask him about that?
I love you!


I believe that when we meet beings in the astral, they are reflcetions of ourselves. So to say you actually "met" the person wouold be untrue. To say that youmet a represantation of them would be more correct. But if we only can meet forms of ourself in the can we meet beings who arent like us? well, we all contain in us the ability for good and evil. And different beings in the astral reflect this. Our reflections can be Negs, Guardian Angels, and even, Demons.


What makes you believe that such beings are reflections of ourselves? Many people believe and is quite certain that at least some beings are indeed other entities (not reflections).

If they are just reflections,  OBEs are very solitary. How can we find other entitie other than a simple reflection? How is it possible that the reflection is teaching us, isn´t that strange?

And what to say about people that experimented astral sex with others? In that case they were making sex with themselves...astral[;)]

And there are people that met others entities with names and a place to live in the real world (i think i readed this somewhere). We must not forget some people that likes to make astral voyage in pairs. They see each other in a controlled (by a third person) OOBE. In that case they are not seeing any reflection.

This is just a simple opinion from someone that never AP (i started only at a few weeks ago trying my first OBE).
I love you!


kazbadan: cirlyn appeared after i had lit a candle, the candle burned itself out, then about 30 seconds later, relit by itself.  I asume at this point i went into a spontaneous obe and then this blonde blue eyed boy about 16 appeared to me and we flew out the window together. he took me around to different places and showed me important people i would meet. i  never saw him again. i will look up the story about the 1800's boy...interesting. thanx!


Really interesting stories! And how different people are in their view about the world and stuff...
I think that there are entitiesand reflections in the astral. It is known they both exist, but the spot is how to recognise who is what and what is who here [8)]
Once i astral projected and met a woman in my bedroom and i thought it was my sister. We began to talk about some things with no importance when i realized that She Is Not My Sister [B)]
The first thing i did, was to ask her who she is?
And the answer i got is amusing me every day i think about it ..
She said, that she is in fact a Child, living in my country, in a little village, she even told me the name of the village. She also said, that there is no meaning to search for her in the physical, cause she is too little at age and so.
She said, "I have some trobles with the different planes, and i think i'm lost."
Then ( i dont know why cause everything seemed to be allright ) thought there is something wrong in the whole situation about this woman. I asked her about her parents, who they are end what they do in the physical.
Then suddenly something pulled me back in direction to my body, and as i could see, she looked above my head, as if there was something standing behind and above me. Her face showed amusement.
I opened my eyes lying in my bed and of course there was no one in the room ...
After some days i remembered something. I have seen her before in my dreems, a lot of dreams. Also in some later projections, but i never asked her again, cause always there was smth occupying my attention.
I dont know.


Hm, i wonder something...
We are waiting here a child to be born [:D] and i thought about the opportunity to meet with he/she in the astral. Is it possible?!?


I know it's been a while...but Gracie will be here in jan!!!  Though the boy in my dreams was always a boy, I've had 3 girls in a row!! and this one is gracie...forgot all about this thread till now. Actually, the picture of the angel is a girl, but the boy in my dreams looks exactly like her. I never occured to me till now catching up with astral pulse that we picked thw name gracie... grace.hmmm  we'll see what she looks like!  I'LL POST THE PHOTOS IF THEY ARE THE SAME


Here's a future prediction that should be coming up soon that I would like to share:

On October 14 the United States will be visited by 'Alien UFOs'.  They will linger in the sky for a long time (possibly up to 72 hours), enough to be captured on video so that the entire world will no longer doubt their existence.

These aliens are helping us transition to the ascension, and are not harmful to humanity, but beneficial.


was just reviewing this section about incarnations being simultaneous, so by following Frank's theory, from focus 4 and merging with a "future" incarnation we could experience what appears to be ahead of us in terms of the linear.

Quote from: frankkepple is fair to say that at least some of our physical focuses who are experiencing our physical dimension may be engaged in several different time-frames simultaneously, so in this sense and in this sense only, we, from where we are sitting in this time-frame, may have other focuses who are currently engaged in physical lives in our historical past and perhaps we can offer ourselves glimpses of their lives, seeing how we are sharing the same physical system. However, they are still experiencing their lives at the same time as we are experiencing ours.


Quote from: Vice on September 16, 2008, 21:49:03
Here's a future prediction that should be coming up soon that I would like to share:

On October 14 the United States will be visited by 'Alien UFOs'.  They will linger in the sky for a long time (possibly up to 72 hours), enough to be captured on video so that the entire world will no longer doubt their existence.

These aliens are helping us transition to the ascension, and are not harmful to humanity, but beneficial.
I read this prediction on another site, ATS I think it was posted on a few weeks ago.

Let's not forget that the "We are here" scene happened way back in 1952 over Washington D.C. for three days and nights. It was massive news worldwide at the time, but as usual, those in power have made sure we forgot what happened back then. Do some research folks.

I've had many 'visions' of a time when this does occur, but, I have to say the perception of these beings coming here to help us through the ascension does not sit well with me at all. I was shown a variety of races coming here over the next 20 years and the ones we would like to help won't be here for a few more years yet. And, I've had a fair deal to do with a few races so far, both in the physical realms and the other realities, so I am aware of what some humans are up to in relation to attempting to create such a scenario in order for us to completely give our power away to our governemts and their string-pullers.

If they are the orange or redish glowing type ships, then you better head for the hills folks, and not be caught up in the 'WOW-Cool factor' of spaced-out new agers and looneys.... no offence meant.

As for assistance in our ascension... what a load! We 'ascend' as a natural part of our soul's intention for our experiences here. We have also ascended from many other worlds prior to volunteering for this one, so we need no assistance... we are already aware, powerful souls in no need of help to do what we have done so often before.

In and around this construction, our little speck of a world, in all it's supporting stages there are agendas at play. Some have humanities interests at heart, others have the opposite. Don't be fooled by nice words on a website, or apparently higher wisdom... you have all the answers within you already.. go in and have a look for yourself.

As for the higher wisdom we can read on a billion websites, channelled from helpful aliens, most of it is still about us being insignificant souls in the bigger pictures who need help... and I am here to tell you this is crapola. Stop believing and just experience for yourself, then you will know what is what and what is not.

Be well.