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melting hands

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The way once recognizes a lucisddream is by thinking "hey, I'm dreaming" and intentionally doing something that is impossible in the real world.
The fact that you thought to see if your hand melt is a string indication that the dream was a lucid dream and perhaps even a projection. Keep doing what you've been  doing to get this far and you're ok.

2cents & L&L


Originally posted by Frère

Also I was surprised that they were looking just like my real hands... is that a way to recofnise lucid dream from OBE when your hands look real?

In my projection experiences, whenever I have looked at my hands, they have always appeared as real as they are typing this response.  Only when I stare at them do they start to melt.  However, I try not to do that too much.  Not because of any danger, but simply because when they melt, I get a numb feeling where my fingers used to be, and it's kind of trippy!
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


In one dream, my hands were huge, like hands of a 50 years old experienced carpenter....

In another dream, when I looked at my hands, I noticed that my finger nails were rather long, and I realised that the same day I had cut them, that's how I figured out I was dreaming and became lucid in that dream...

In, yet, another lucid dream, I try to "pass through" the wall, and I put my hand forward but could not ....

My hands never melted however.... at most the dream melted and I either got to the "dark place" or woke up....


If they looked whispy and melted like ice under a blowtorch, then it was legit. If not, it was a mind trick but makes no dang difference.


I'm french: what means whispy? what means legit?
and please try to develop "legit" because I don't see what it means even if I assume it means legitimate.


I would understand whispy as translucid; and legit would mean "real".
There's one theory about the melting hands or in fact any part of your body...  Your subconscious created a body for you, but your conscious knows that you have no body.  So the later tends to erase what the former created...
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


well as I already said: they were skin colored, but yes melted like wax under a tortch... so I guess it was not a projection.... as I stated firstly however


man id freak out if that happend to me!


man id freak out if that happend to me!

Why?  You have no "real" body in the astral.  You are just a point of consciousness.  Give it a try, chop your hands with a butcher knife... Hum, maybe not both hands since, after choping the first hand, it might be difficult to chop the other one! [:P][;)]

Question:  When you go through a wall; is the wall disapearing to let your body go through or is your body disapearing to let yourself go through...?

Reminds me of one time I saw myself in a mirror and I could only see my clothes and my hairs...  That was weird!  [:D]
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


Nagual I guess the wall and body just overlap


When I go through a wall, the wall just breaks...

And my hands they dont melt, they get bigger and bigger...

Anyhow its funny in the astral you can decide to have the body you want, you can decide to look like the Hulk for example...


I have wonderered if these things are 'real'or invented by the mind. When i go through a wall i am able to feel it and now when i dream about projecting those sensations appear in the dream also. So maybe dreams of projecting are real projections, maybe with less awareness and control.
In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.


I had a lucid dream this morning, and had the reflex of looking at my hands, I thought let's see them melt, and they melted.

Was it *because* I was intending to see them melt that they melted?

Also I was surprised that they were looking just like my real hands... is that a way to recofnise lucid dream from OBE when your hands look real?