My first AP.... well if it qualifies

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This happend 2 weeks ago or so, don't know why I didnt post it earlier.

Alright.... I had kind of a hangover from the night before and was tired from getting to little sleep. So I decided to rest in the afternoon.
As soon as I was lying down in my bed (sideways) I felt extremly tired and soon drifted off to sleep. I might have thought that this sleepy stage was good for an AP but not sure about it anymore.
Anyways all of a sudden I see a wall with flowers (like those tapestry you can buy) on it. I also see my hands infront of me. At this point I am not really lucid yet but I start playing with the wall. The flower pedals come out to me, if I am in space, and I juggle them in my hands. Then a thought hits me: "whoa if I am hallucinating because I am almost asleep this is the most realistic thing I ever saw". At this point I become fully lucid and I wave my hand through the wall. It ripples like water and I know I can now just get up and I should be in the Astral. So I get up...... the position I get up from is the same I had in my bed.
However my room is different. Its dark, although it was in the afternoon. Then furniture etc. is different. I start to float towards my door and I open it... I remember thinking that the door is opening the wrong way (however thinking back it wasn't) and I look for the doorway on the wrong side. I find it after a short while but its to small for me and I have to duck to get through. Once I am through the door everything is different from my real house (I was in another room and not at my staircase) and there were three (I think it was three) puppies on the floor. I am a bit confused and I notice that the door is closing behind me.... I get the thought that this is not a good thing since I am already not in the proper Astral so I might loose my room completly once the door closes. The door does close, I reopen it, and find the room I started in again.   But now my cat is there (white persian). I am thinking... well if this is a real AP I can just drift right through walls and windows.... and so I fly through my closed window and upwards. However, also here I am somewhere else and not in my real neighbourhood. I fly upwards and look down to see that I am in a city and floating upwards beside a small highrise building. The building has urban chimneys and smoke comes out (think of 80s NY... they all had those smoking chimneys, the ones out of metal).
Next thing is that I want to go to a mall I know..... I am kinda there and I see someone running. Memory is fading on this. But the next thing I know is that I am waking up. However, this is not normall how you wake up from a dream where you open your eyes and are back in reality. For me everything just went kinda black and then I realise that I am staring at my closed eyelids.
After waking up from this completly I had problems with distinguishing reality from dreams and felt kinda guilty for some reason for 1 to 2 hours. I just had no more joy in things for that time and felt that I am out of place, like I wasn't supposed to be where I was.

So was that an AP?
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well yeah!!!!  :-D  All you newbies questioning yourself.  Seriously...... how much convincing do you need?  That was most definitely an RTZ projection, and a very classic style one at that.  The RTZ is a very strange and fluctuating place as you experienced.  Keep up the good work.
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.


I second that!  all that flying is a dead giveaway. I too find myself in different locations when I fly through my windows.   Cool huh? :-D 

WTG and good luck with future flights! 


Really cool. Fast queston, how can you open the door in an obe?


well you dont really need to.... kind of depends on the situation.  I have had experiences where I could easily float through everything I saw and also had experiences where I couldnt even get through anything.  Normally you just open the door with your astral hand.  Sometimes under the right circumstances you can just open it with your mind.
Profound Impatience makes the blind struggle in Stupidity.


Quote from: smooth on October 12, 2006, 22:45:47
Really cool. Fast queston, how can you open the door in an obe?

I opened it with my Astral hands..... I only realised after that I could have just floated through it.
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