My First Experience

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I was walking around downstairs in my house for some reason, and i stopped and said "im dreaming" and became lucid. Being so excited this being my first time i got that whole ecstasy feeling of when you realize your dreaming, you know the rush of excitement. The first thing i wanted to do was to fly so i walked through my door and jumped off my porch and definitely flew into the air. I can recall trying the superman technique and swimming, i was getting a lot better at controlling it but still coming to a rest on a ground before trying again. One of the things i can remember i was looking at the moon and i had intentions to try and make it sunny outside, so i closed my eyes and tried to picture it being sunny, i opened my eyes and nothing happened. I figured it was lack of focus, so mindlessly i flew to the bottom of my street where there is a 3 way intersection. I was still flying and having  great time just laughing at the fact that im actually aware in this state, but as i was practicing i noticed 3 figures appeared below me. At first I didnt say anything to them but they were talking quite loudly and i was able to overhear them, they were commenting on my flying skills. As they continued to talk i came to a rest on the ground and asked them "what are you all talking about" one of the girl figures responded with "are you having fun?, its a lot more fun on state 3". after she had that i had a state of confusion and woke up.

Some of you that are reading this may have been to my last thread, this experience happend before i even made an account on this site. having another lucid experience like this one above is what made me have to figure out what is going on thus leading me to here!


be awesome.


Seriously thats pretty cool. I wonder if the girl was just in your mind or someone on the astral.
Im reading into lucid dreaming right now and its tough!

good luck



Quote from: Firmitas on November 02, 2010, 16:28:32
Seriously thats pretty cool. I wonder if the girl was just in your mind or someone on the astral.
Im reading into lucid dreaming right now and its tough!

good luck


Yea that's what I'm wounding.


I feel like it very well could have been. The only difference between a lucid dream and OBE is your level of focus.



Thus being, i was on the RTZ though right?


Thats what it seems like to me. It just depends on your level of focus though. If you believed you were lucid dreaming then thats what you were doing. The second you realize anything else, thats where you'll be.

These mostly being the ideas i've read about from Xanth's posts. Check them out!



Quote from: Firmitas on November 04, 2010, 14:49:55
Thats what it seems like to me. It just depends on your level of focus though. If you believed you were lucid dreaming then thats what you were doing. The second you realize anything else, thats where you'll be.

These mostly being the ideas i've read about from Xanth's posts. Check them out!


Any specific threads i should go to?


Yea both those sites are very informative, its just ive seem to talk to so many people and everyone has their own point in what their saying when i ask if LD and AP are the same.


Quote from: NickisDank on November 04, 2010, 15:47:18
Yea both those sites are very informative, its just ive seem to talk to so many people and everyone has their own point in what their saying when i ask if LD and AP are the same.
Think of it this way...

Ask a group of people their perception on this physical reality and you'll probably get a wide range of replies.
Everything along the spectrum of how much they love being alive right down the list to they wish they were not existing here.  LoL

It's really no surprise to me that there are many different opinions on the non-physical.
At the end of the day, just worry about having the experiences.  :)
Don't bother with defining them until you need to.


Quote from: Xanth on November 04, 2010, 15:51:31
Think of it this way...

Ask a group of people their perception on this physical reality and you'll probably get a wide range of replies.
Everything along the spectrum of how much they love being alive right down the list to they wish they were not existing here.  LoL

It's really no surprise to me that there are many different opinions on the non-physical.
At the end of the day, just worry about having the experiences.  :)
Don't bother with defining them until you need to.

It just feels like i need to, i havent had another experience in about a week. So i hope something happens this week that will make things clear.


Quote from: NickisDank on November 04, 2010, 17:01:06
It just feels like i need to,
That's perfectly fine too.  :)

Quotei havent had another experience in about a week. So i hope something happens this week that will make things clear.
You will have one again eventually, no sense worrying about it though.  :)


So ive been thinking.. the next time i have a LD i should go to my room and see if my body is there?


Quote from: NickisDank on November 05, 2010, 17:54:07
So ive been thinking.. the next time i have a LD i should go to my room and see if my body is there?
My lucid dreams, 99 times out of 100, take place in an area that is not anywhere close to my body.
But if you do find yourself in such a location, yes, definitely give that a try!  :)

I did project into my bedroom once back a few years ago... and I remember seeing an imprint of my body in my bed, but that's pretty much it.


Quote from: Xanth on November 05, 2010, 18:02:25
My lucid dreams, 99 times out of 100, take place in an area that is not anywhere close to my body.
But if you do find yourself in such a location, yes, definitely give that a try!  :)

I did project into my bedroom once back a few years ago... and I remember seeing an imprint of my body in my bed, but that's pretty much it.

i mean once i become lucid, i could just imagine being outside of my house and end up there right?


That's the general idea.
It seems to be easier said than done though.  :)


What does it mean if you don't see your body and only see it's imprint? It seems that alot of people see there body but then there are others that don't. Is there a reason for this? :?


Some people say it's because you're not ready to see it.
I say that's a load of bull... I think you don't see it because, well, you don't need to see it.


I dont get why it would be hard to go try and see if your body if you become lucid, or projected yourself? Or are you just saying this only pertains to becoming lucid. Because when you astral project don't you always see your body below or the marks in your be where your body is lying

I got this response from the author of the book Lucid Dreaming : A Gateway To The Inner Self.

"An to your question of whether lucid dreaming and OBEs seem different states of awareness, I feel the answer is "yes." Even though they both contain "awareness of non-physical surroundings," they differ neurologically and phenomenolgically. For an example, think of your "awareness" when driving down the street in a normal state versus when you drive down the street legally drunk. When drunk, your reaction time differs, your perception differs and your relation to reality differs (even though you are awake and aware). So too lucid dreams and OBEs differ, though they both occur in an altered state of awareness. Submitted By: Robert Waggoner"

what do you all say about this?


I wonder what he means by 'neurologically'.  Years ago I remember reading an article (don't remember where or anything) in which regular dreaming and OBE were differentiated by an MRI scan- the dreaming brain and the self-reported OBE brain had different parts of it that were lit up.
However, I wonder if such testing of lucid dreaming vs. self-reported OBE has been done?
