Needing some Insight!

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Hi Hun

I have experienced someone/spirt/guide? pull me out, or should I say help me out in the past..and I have also had the very powerful sexual energy..
I dont have much time at the mo to go into it, but the energy you feel could be from the opening of the Kundalini (base Chakra) the energy released is centered there and travels up the back and down the front and can feel very sexual ..but its natural!!
I have a link here for you that might help you a little.. as for the premonitions, well thats another matter.. it sounds to me that you have aquired a special gift that needs to be tamed and learnt.. I will try to get back to you later.. Others here should be able to help you too XX

Love 'n' Light

Never does Nature say one thing and Wisdom another


I really feel for you.  These gifts are pretty heavy, if you dont know how to take them.  I cant help you, but keep searching for guidance and expect it to be given to you.  Dont be shy to ask for help (prayer).

And keep raising energy so you dont get too depleted.  And make yourself as spiritually strong as possible so that nobody can take advantage of you.

Good luck.

Dreams of Desires

Thank you for the sight Mulldoon, I appreciate it! I have written Alfred as I have in the past about other problems that I've seem to have, he has helped me out a great deal, I'm hoping now that he can answer these questions.

These gifts(?) that I seem to have are weighing me down it seems like, only brining more problems into my life. I agree with you Tia, these gifts do seem to be heavy on my part if I do not know how to take them.

Thank you for your caring thoughts!!

Blessed Be..

Astral Travel has been described throughout history as a powerful aid to magickal workings.....  


I have not experienced anything like you have gone through but I can say this, point of view is everything. If you look at these gifts as something positive you will be able to handle them a lot better. Certain things use to get me down but I got tired of these things bringing me down so I decided to change my view on them. Now they actually bring me joy all because I see them in a positive, uplifting way.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.

Dreams of Desires


I wanted to share with all who reads my entry on what has been happening to me through out the years that I have been astral projecting, maybe some can relate. I have been astral projecting at the age of 6, through out the years obviously I've gotten a better grip on my projections. My projections have ALWAYS came to me *if that makes sense*, I have only induce my projections a couple of times. One of my questions would be why does this happen? I also LD almost every single night, which has been fun for me in the past, but again, latley it's the same with my OBE's..

I have had many good journeys through out time and also very bad journeys. Lately I can not seem to control any of them, *it's always sexual* someone or something seems to have control of my situation when I project, if that's making sense to any of you. Can another force you to project when you are sleeping or very weak when you are awake? Some say you can not be harmed in the Astral World sort of speak, but I would have to disagree with them. I have awakened with bruises and marks that I can not explain. I am a very silent sleeper so I know it is not I who is harming myself. This person or entity is someone *a soul* that I feel I have known life times ago, he has brought me to my akashic records a couple of times wanting to show me who I was in past lives and how him and I met. Although I feel I have known him from long ago, I also feel him as a treat. The day that I project or have very LD's I wake up very out of it and very weak, I have know energy what's so ever!  

I have gone through a lot of trauma through out my life time, I am still to this day having/trying  to deal with it and always will, the problem is, is that I feel it's making me a weaker person and out of control. When I am weak I feel more negative energy around me. When I close my eyes and start dreaming I start dreaming of bad things that WILL happen in the real world. I have dreamt about September 11th, I was one of the passengers on one of those planes that day *not knowing which one*.. I also dreamt of a plane going down somewhere back east near NY in a surburban area *I was a witness on the ground watching the plane go down*.. Both came true.. I had also dreamt of someone in our family having some kind of cancer.. The next morning as the day was flying by I was getting a bad vibe on my loves mother, I told him something is wrong with her. Sure enough she was diagnose with lung cancer and uterus cancer. Yesterday I felt a bad premonition that someone close to me *family* will soon die, and I'm not liking the feeling it will not go away.. This always happens to me ever since I could remember. There is much more but I don't want to write to long of an entry...

I would love to hear anyone who is going through what I'm going through or has advise. Thank you for taking the time to listen!!

Blessed Be!

Astral Travel has been described throughout history as a powerful aid to magickal workings.....