Strange presence in my room last night

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Hi everybody!Last night I was trying to phase,but as soon as I close my eyes I could hear some sort of whisper and wind like sounds around in the room,like it was circling around me and  getting closer(other stuff in the room also gave strange noises like being moved.I turned on the light and saw nothing-so I decided to try again,but as soon as it got dark the noise came back weaker this time but!-something was applying pressure to my pillow as it began to give some noise and it began to get flatter(I could feel it because my head went down fast)So I slept with light on and dreamed horrible nightmare(2 people getting libs cut by train accident) so what could this be?something like entity or... :?
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it "Could be" but to be honest mate your guess is as good as ours  :|



when the body goes into sleep paralysis it gets heavy that could explain pillow heaviness? It could also be the chakra your trying to project out of as well. The presence you felt that can happen a lot when trying to project do you have any overwhelming fears?

Todays topic is about how to heal others while astral projecting!

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Quote from: Simo on May 09, 2011, 12:22:10
Hi everybody!Last night I was trying to phase,but as soon as I close my eyes I could hear some sort of whisper and wind like sounds around in the room,like it was circling around me and  getting closer(other stuff in the room also gave strange noises like being moved.I turned on the light and saw nothing-so I decided to try again,but as soon as it got dark the noise came back weaker this time but!-something was applying pressure to my pillow as it began to give some noise and it began to get flatter(I could feel it because my head went down fast)So I slept with light on and dreamed horrible nightmare(2 people getting libs cut by train accident) so what could this be?something like entity or... :?
This is known as astral noise, and not uncommon.  It's possible that you were having a 'dweller' experience, caused by energy body feedback.


Yeah agreeing with the people above. This could be the onset of sleep paralysis. Where noises can surface and sound real. What a previous poster referred to as Astral Noise.

I find that sometimes when I am in a relaxed state, I can really re-call what people sound like, and can almost hear them speaking in my head.  I think this is perhaps similar to what Robert Monroe would call Focus 3.   I wonder whether, going deeper can make these voices sound more real, and less controlled.   I've never heard voices myself, but I have heard strange bangs and last night I even heard the skype noise when someone sends you a message!  :?  I usually just do my best disregard them and carry on.  having said that, disregarding a random bang, is going to be easy than ignoring whispers!!

There are a lot of reports of the feeling of a presence during sleep paralysis.  The pressure could be the body feeling heavy as your conciousness is moving away from it.

Still its scarey and feels very real. And a presence in my room is the one thing that would scare the crap outta me!


Well thats great answers but can my head get so heavy to compress my pillow's volume in a second?It was like the pillow is a balloon that has been popped and losing its air fast.As for the bangs I hear them every time when i attempt projection,but those sounds,they were moving around  :lol:
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Quote from: Simo on May 12, 2011, 06:37:44
Well thats great answers but can my head get so heavy to compress my pillow's volume in a second?
There doesn't have to be anything doing that.  Research 'confabulation'.


Quote from: CFTraveler on May 12, 2011, 14:23:37
There doesn't have to be anything doing that.  Research 'confabulation'.

I don't think it's false memory or imagination as it was appearing and disappearing as I tuned the light on and off,but I think it's possible that my fears may play a part in this and my subconscious is playing tricks at me :D
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Quote from: Simo on May 12, 2011, 15:57:57
I don't think it's false memory or imagination as it was appearing and disappearing as I tuned the light on and off,but I think it's possible that my fears may play a part in this and my subconscious is playing tricks at me :D
After looking at the Wiki explanation of 'confabulation', I realize the definition doesn't really convey what I was trying to say- I've seen the word used the way I meant it, but not as a 'false memory', more like, our brains tend to take stimulus (be it a sound or a feeling) and then create a 'picture' to go with it, that makes sense to the person.  This is not pathological, but normal for someone who is in the hypnagogic or hypnopompic state.
So it's not that your mind made it up, but that it provided an image from what you actually perceived (whatever that is).  Does that make sense to you?


Quote from: CFTraveler on May 12, 2011, 16:40:05
After looking at the Wiki explanation of 'confabulation', I realize the definition doesn't really convey what I was trying to say- I've seen the word used the way I meant it, but not as a 'false memory', more like, our brains tend to take stimulus (be it a sound or a feeling) and then create a 'picture' to go with it, that makes sense to the person.  This is not pathological, but normal for someone who is in the hypnagogic or hypnopompic state.
So it's not that your mind made it up, but that it provided an image from what you actually perceived (whatever that is).  Does that make sense to you?

Yeah now I get it thanks CFTraveler  :lol:  Silly me I was thinking about ghosts and similar stuff(who can blame me,too many movies) :lol:
Who am I is not important...My message is...


i think that presence in yourself.  in the borderland state, you are kind of split.  you still identify with your body, but you also feel like you're beyond your body.  i think the presence or the 'lurker' is really just your body perceiving your self-beyond-body.
be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on May 12, 2011, 18:02:51
i think that presence in yourself.  in the borderland state, you are kind of split.  you still identify with your body, but you also feel like you're beyond your body.  i think the presence or the 'lurker' is really just your body perceiving your self-beyond-body.
Never thought of this!Thanks Personalreality! :-)
Who am I is not important...My message is...


Well Simo, I have those very sensations except in my case they arise spontaneously & without any effort on my part.  The feeling that there's a presence in the room can be very unsettling! Usually I would turn over to make it stop - but then I read that these could be the start of an OBE... so here I am on this forum. The sights and sounds that happen seem real enough, and the tactile stuff ("pressure") even more so! So whether your head is actually pushing the pillow down or not would be very hard to tell.

My first experiences were like hallucinations, but with mostly ordinary content. (i.e. my husband / daughter / brother walking into the room.) Often there was an unreal overlay (I could see them although it was dark, or it would be a person who was in reality 4,000 miles away). I'd feel something walking on the bed or pulling the covers. Also the feeling of a presence in the room which is very hard to shake! Then sounds and feelings became more prevalent. The roaring or whooshing noise seems to be very common.

People say it's just a dream but I'm not in dreamland, folks. I check the clock to be sure. I'm right there in my bed - it's other things that change. And I CAN move - I just don't want to, usually. I'm afraid the 'thing' will see me.

But what I want to do now is transform these into projections. I have had the "vibrations" a few times (and once there was a powerful, violent shaking that made me think we were having an earthquake!). I guess what's holding me back is the sense that a beast is about to pounce, which keeps me at the edge.

Well I don't know if I answered your question but I can't wait to find out more!


Alright man. I know how this can be scary. I'm very new to astral projection and have only had 3 intentional experiences. and several unintentional before i knew what it was. All 3 times I've astral projected on purpose I heard a voice.
Scariest one: I was trying to project. I got the loud ringing and vibrations when separation was possible. I heard a deep scary voice say "Do exactly as i say" before I opened my eyes and was in paralysis for about 3 minutes. it was terrifying.
last week I heard a child voice say "what happens when you fall asleep" right before loud ringing and vibrations over whelmed me. I had a very successful astral travel that day
Today I heard moaning and laughing (sex noises) for some odd reason when these vibrations started. I had a successful travel this morning following that experience Dont be scared. you can be curious and nervous but YOU CANT GET HURT. Just try to separate next time you hear noises and voices..


If I don't consciously lift out then I sink and it feels like the bed/pillow has dropped out from under me so I think that is the compression you felt.

The voices/sounds/vibrations totally stopped for me after the first year or two of projecting so I bet they will for you too. In the meantime, have fun and marvel at what your brain comes up with.


Who am I is not important...My message is...


Quote from: Simo on May 09, 2011, 12:22:10
Hi everybody!Last night I was trying to phase,but as soon as I close my eyes I could hear some sort of whisper and wind like sounds around in the room,like it was circling around me and  getting closer(other stuff in the room also gave strange noises like being moved.I turned on the light and saw nothing-so I decided to try again,but as soon as it got dark the noise came back weaker this time but!-something was applying pressure to my pillow as it began to give some noise and it began to get flatter(I could feel it because my head went down fast)So I slept with light on and dreamed horrible nightmare(2 people getting libs cut by train accident) so what could this be?something like entity or... :?

You were scared n uneasy -so it manifested into a nightmare.

Just a fear scenario, when you realize there's nothing to fear, this wont happen.

You had the nightmare and your still perfectly fine, ..right? So when something like this happens again dont get scared and it wont turn ugly on ya.


I guess you're right!No more Presences like this lately  :lol:
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