weird obe yesterday

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Several times over the years I will be asleep when I feel someone bumping my bed and calling my name.  Irritated, I would look at the foot of my bed and a bright white figure stood there.  It resmebled J.  I'd tell him to leave me alone and that I was tired and I'd ignore him until he left.  Sometimes I'd hear my name a couple more times and a couple more bumps but it stopped.  Then, I'd dream of J right after when I fell asleep again.

Do you have any friends that are into AP?    

If your focus your life on hate, anger, and regret, it is only your fault for what you get.



i had a confusing obe experience while sleeping/being awake yesterday.

so at first i found myself detached to my body and i suppose floating above it, it seemed like i was half in half out of myself, it was very odd. there was a white spirit at the foot of my bed, but she/he was wearing a white robe type of thing and his/her face was covered in gray, so i couldn't make out who or what it was. my regular self was tossing and turning and attempting to turn in the direction of this person and wake up, but it didn't happen.

then i had a dream involving some people from high school i haven't really thought of in awhile, the dream part i can handle in interpreting, but i suppose not really in terms of that in which it took place in.  what was odd was that the dream wasn't a lucid one, but it was in the middle of this obe.

before i woke up i was just hanging around the area of my bed, waiting for the alarm clock to go off. when it did i jumped back in. hah.

i have only one other clearly recognizable obe experience prior to this, but it was when i was attempting to start energy work, and it only lasted for around five seconds before i was placed back in my body.  and i didn't see any "spirits" while it occured.

so i really don't know what to make of it.